News New security measures


Le Meh
Premium Member
Hows it bizarre? They do this to try and instill fear to make westerners(people and businesses) change how they do business. If you change how you react to world events you let them win. Londoners had the best reaction after the bombs they complained the bus and tube weren't on time and ignored the events. That is how you react to people trying to instill fear you don't change... otherwise you have lost.

Do you really think Disney is doing anything other than being paranoid?
Disney is reacting because if they don't and something happens they will get sued. Plain and simple.


Well-Known Member
With all the parks increasing security at the same time in the same way signals to me that there was a specific and credible threat.

I would be more concerned over 2nd tier parks specifically Cedar Point. With 4 busses of jihadis, it would be an ugly scene that law enforcement response options would be very limited.


Resident Curmudgeon
3D printing is really an emerging technology. There are currently metal 3D printers the plastic ones are just cheaper and more common. I would expect the availability and capabilities of 3D printers to exponentially increase over the next several years just like any other new technology.

Plastic will never be a suitable material for firearms most plastics shatter under high pressure, A common industrial 'accident' is a company cheaping out and using PVC plastic pipes to distribute compressed air instead of black iron or copper lines, Eventually the PVC shatters like a grenade causing injury to those in proximity. I will not even go in a shop with plastic air piping. (and no OSHA does not allow use of plastic piping for compressed air)

As to 3D printing a weapon in metal that process is known as 'direct metal sintering' but there is nothing magic the same G-code which can 3D print a gun works just as well on a CNC milling machine. Possibly better as any machinable material can be used.


Resident Curmudgeon
Well my info is as of the most recent changes... As I'm here right now.

Just walking out of mk and there are three k9 vehicles parked in the bus loop

The Dogs are probably the best security addition Disney has done, Plus to the the hardcore jihadi dogs are 'haram' ie unclean and forbidden so the reaction to the dog will be much different than the average non-jihadi who is disappointed that they cannot pet the 'nice doggie'.

The CSC goons - not disney's best idea a DHS VIPR team would have been more appropriate.


Well-Known Member
Plastic will never be a suitable material for firearms most plastics shatter under high pressure, A common industrial 'accident' is a company cheaping out and using PVC plastic pipes to distribute compressed air instead of black iron or copper lines, Eventually the PVC shatters like a grenade causing injury to those in proximity. I will not even go in a shop with plastic air piping. (and no OSHA does not allow use of plastic piping for compressed air)

As to 3D printing a weapon in metal that process is known as 'direct metal sintering' but there is nothing magic the same G-code which can 3D print a gun works just as well on a CNC milling machine. Possibly better as any machinable material can be used.
Yeah I was thinking of the laser sintering machines. Ultimately I think some sort of hybrid metal/plastic gun will emerge as the best of both. To be fair though the plastic ones do work just fine. Obviously they are a little dangerous but more often than not these mass shooting that happen end in suicide or death for the perpetrator anyways.


Well-Known Member
Not too bad this morning at MK getting in, just a very a thorough bag check.

As said earlier, the K9's aren't a new thing. Ive seen them out several times over the past few years, but not every visit.


Well-Known Member
Disney is reacting because if they don't and something happens they will get sued. Plain and simple.

Reacting because something might happen is paranoia. If something were to happen they could not be sued. Just like the London Transport Company wasn't sued after the 7/7 attacks.


Well-Known Member
I've never seen a k9 team in the park or really near the entrance to a park. I've only seen them at Disney spring's and on the roads. Granted, I'm not focused on them at the gates!

They blend in well. Theyve been around for years and years. Usually they are very discrete about sweeping monorails/boats. Not so much lately, I've seen them everywhere.

Also, I saw four teams at the Star Wars premiere and I'd estimate the dogs swept by my spot every 10-15 minutes.


Well-Known Member
Reacting because something might happen is paranoia. If something were to happen they could not be sued. Just like the London Transport Company wasn't sued after the 7/7 attacks.
I agree with this, however I think legal liability is probably one of the farthest things from Disney's mind in this scenario. So it's really irrelevant if they could or couldn't defend a lawsuits resulting from something like that. The big thing they're worried about is PR. I think we all agree there was some sort of recommendation from the government to spur this action. They appear to be doing the bare minimum, I think this shows they know they can't really do what's needed to absolutely ensure someone doesn't bring a weapon to the park without severely impacting their operation. I think this is simply to avoid a potential headline like this: "Disney ignored warnings from government prior to deadly terrorist attacks".


Well-Known Member
They blend in well. Theyve been around for years and years. Usually they are very discrete about sweeping monorails/boats. Not so much lately, I've seen them everywhere.

Also, I saw four teams at the Star Wars premiere and I'd estimate the dogs swept by my spot every 10-15 minutes.
Really if you see them just standing around they're not really doing their job. They sweep an area or vehicle and move on. If you see them it should be rare and quick, the more ground they cover the more effective they are.


Well-Known Member
I have been friends with the Disney K9 Unit for about ten years now. They have been around for a very long time. Their teams standing by the turnstiles is really nothing new. They will also stand near the monorail checking people as they exit. As I have said before, I have trained with them and I am confident in their abilties.
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Well-Known Member
Disney is reacting because if they don't and something happens they will get sued. Plain and simple.
So? They could also be sued for not having hot cheese available. Law suits being filed do t mean anything. And given that Department of Homeland Security can't stop anything using these same methods why should we expect Disney to be able to do so? These measures have nothing to do with safety, just Disney's view that theme parks are the entertainment of idiots.


Premium Member
If they got any info say from DHS that there was a plan to hit theme parks and they did nothing, they most certainly could be held liable. And if you think there are no credible threats as our POTUS likes to report then return your head to the sand.

Terrorism, act of war, and God are pretty much universal "no liability" outs...
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Well-Known Member
I just bought these at the POTC in October too.


Well-Known Member
Has it been confirmed that adults can't wear costumes on MNSSHP nights?
I wouldn't expect anything really official until it gets closer to that time of year. If they decide to allow it they will likely make sure the information is out there before tickets go on sale, if they decide not to they will probably provide an update a few days before the first party night so as not to deter ticket sales.


Well-Known Member
As others have said, I really don't think this is about lawsuits. If something were to happen in Disney's parks, it would make post-9/11 look minor as how it affected the industry. Even if there isn't a credible threat, Disney is wise to protect the parks and likewise the entire Disney brand. I'd like to think they have the safety of their guests in mind as well, but either way they can't sit back and watch something happen, there's too much at stake.

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