"Let’s start with everyone’s favorite subject—food! We’ve learned that the Polynesian Island Tower will feature a brand-new restaurant. The concept art showcases a beautiful space with large wooden columns adorned with intricate carvings, reflecting traditional Polynesian motifs. The color palette consists of warm earth tones—browns, beiges, and hints of gold—that enhance the natural, serene environment. Surrounded by lush greenery, the space exudes an indoor-outdoor feel, perfect for a tropical dining experience. Based on what we’ve seen, we believe there will also be an outdoor lounge or patio seating area as part of the restaurant.
To the far left of the image, there’s a bar or lounge area that promises to be a fantastic addition to both the restaurant and the nearby pool. The second image reveals an overhead installation featuring large fish, possibly representing marine life native to tropical or Polynesian waters. The restaurant appears to draw heavily from Polynesian or tropical inspirations, focusing on natural materials and designs that celebrate local culture and environment without any noticeable Disney IP or other touches."