lawyergirl77 said:
God, ain't that the truth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When I booked my upcoming vacation, I planned on going using an AP and DDE (haven't gotten either yet) because I will be going back in 10 months for two whole weeks (i.e. when I'm a full-fledged bottom feeder - a.k.a. a lawyer - instead of a mere wannabe).
But I also booked a package as a surprise to a person (who may read the boards, so I'm being vague). I now have not one but TWO Excel spreadsheets to try and figure out which way allows me to come out ahead. So far, all it has done is make my brain hurt! :hammer:
In the end, I still think I'll stick with the AP/DDE combo because it allows the DH and I to have more flexibility with our meals... But I hope I won't be kicking myself in the end!!!
LOL I have two LCD monitors, and on one of them I've got my excel spreadsheet (one file, but tons of tabs, LOL) up pretty much 24/7. I feel the pain.
It is a tough call. I'll still be using my DDE a bunch this trip - for instance, since I discovered the wonders of The Plaza at MK with the DDE (you can get better food, at a sit-down, for fast food prices with the 20%) and I'm going to book two lunches there. Would be a total waste to use any TS credits there, since the total bill with the DDE is going to be less than the "value" of one TS credit used elsewhere.
I think the final deciding factor for me was that once the new AP rates come out for the rest of October I'm planning on extending my trip past the rest of my party. I'm going to be playing tour guide this trip to people who have never been to WDW, and my last trip I did the same. This will be my last visit on my current AP, and I'm going to take a few extra days after to be in solo-heaven.
It's funny, because I keep planning the sit-downs and trying to maximize the value, but then I's FREE, LOL. I am having a terrible time keeping out of the mindset that we paid $35pp/pd to get the dining plan, hehe.
In the end, we are ending up with 42 free meals for an extra $140. That's not enough for the entire group all week, but combined with the DDE card our total dining bill is going to be less than $300 for the week - compared to the $1000 we were planning on, PLUS we will be eating more sit-downs than we would have originally.
Oh much to think about!