New Package offer


New Member
Those #s came from CRO.

I didn't really think it would be a better deal for me but it sure seems to be!Almost seems too good to be true!


Well-Known Member
PixiePower said:
Those #s came from CRO.

I didn't really think it would be a better deal for me but it sure seems to be!Almost seems too good to be true!

I know!

I was in a similar boat. However, 1) I am the only AP holder in the party, and 2) we had two rooms to begin with. So we booked the other three people a ticket/room package, got free dining for them, and I'm just keeping my AP-discounted room.

I hadn't thought about the buy-one-day-ticket thing to book me on a package as well until I read it here. I looked into it, and while it WOULD save a bit, it wasn't going to be worth the hassle because I would have to pay for the ticket ($60) and loose my room rate (another $140). So while we would probably come out further ahead, I've already planned dining and using 4 credits for a TS meal for us would be overkill anyway. We're planning on using 3 and buying an additional entree at a couple of TS because there is no way we'd be able to finish all that food if we used 4 (and we are big eaters).

Then again, Belle's idea of applying it to a new AP next year has me thinking...LOL.

Ah, the joys of Disney planning.



New Member
My DH won't even let me talk to him about planning anymore. He says it is all too much for him to think about!

I was thinking the one day tix would be trash but as I read more it looks like I can save them to put towards APs next summer. That would be great. I am even further ahead then I planned to be.

Too much food was a concern for me as well. But if I am spending the same for the plan and getting more food and tix that I can put towards NEXt years APs....guess it doesn't matter if we don't use it all and my girls can go to a bunch of character meals!

How can this be? I was so happy with my AP disct and DDE disct. Now Disney goes and does this to me! Too much thinking...I need a drink!


Well-Known Member
PixiePower said:
My DH won't even let me talk to him about planning anymore. He says it is all too much for him to think about!

I was thinking the one day tix would be trash but as I read more it looks like I can save them to put towards APs next summer. That would be great. I am even further ahead then I planned to be.

Too much food was a concern for me as well. But if I am spending the same for the plan and getting more food and tix that I can put towards NEXt years APs....guess it doesn't matter if we don't use it all and my girls can go to a bunch of character meals!

How can this be? I was so happy with my AP disct and DDE disct. Now Disney goes and does this to me! Too much thinking...I need a drink!
Malibu Bay Breeze for me please!!! Belle


Active Member
PixiePower said:
My DH won't even let me talk to him about planning anymore. He says it is all too much for him to think about!

I was thinking the one day tix would be trash but as I read more it looks like I can save them to put towards APs next summer. That would be great. I am even further ahead then I planned to be.

Too much food was a concern for me as well. But if I am spending the same for the plan and getting more food and tix that I can put towards NEXt years APs....guess it doesn't matter if we don't use it all and my girls can go to a bunch of character meals!

How can this be? I was so happy with my AP disct and DDE disct. Now Disney goes and does this to me! Too much thinking...I need a drink!

God, ain't that the truth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When I booked my upcoming vacation, I planned on going using an AP and DDE (haven't gotten either yet) because I will be going back in 10 months for two whole weeks (i.e. when I'm a full-fledged bottom feeder - a.k.a. a lawyer - instead of a mere wannabe).

But I also booked a package as a surprise to a person (who may read the boards, so I'm being vague). I now have not one but TWO Excel spreadsheets to try and figure out which way allows me to come out ahead. So far, all it has done is make my brain hurt! :hammer:

In the end, I still think I'll stick with the AP/DDE combo because it allows the DH and I to have more flexibility with our meals... But I hope I won't be kicking myself in the end!!!


Well-Known Member
lawyergirl77 said:
God, ain't that the truth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When I booked my upcoming vacation, I planned on going using an AP and DDE (haven't gotten either yet) because I will be going back in 10 months for two whole weeks (i.e. when I'm a full-fledged bottom feeder - a.k.a. a lawyer - instead of a mere wannabe).

But I also booked a package as a surprise to a person (who may read the boards, so I'm being vague). I now have not one but TWO Excel spreadsheets to try and figure out which way allows me to come out ahead. So far, all it has done is make my brain hurt! :hammer:

In the end, I still think I'll stick with the AP/DDE combo because it allows the DH and I to have more flexibility with our meals... But I hope I won't be kicking myself in the end!!!

LOL I have two LCD monitors, and on one of them I've got my excel spreadsheet (one file, but tons of tabs, LOL) up pretty much 24/7. I feel the pain.

It is a tough call. I'll still be using my DDE a bunch this trip - for instance, since I discovered the wonders of The Plaza at MK with the DDE (you can get better food, at a sit-down, for fast food prices with the 20%) and I'm going to book two lunches there. Would be a total waste to use any TS credits there, since the total bill with the DDE is going to be less than the "value" of one TS credit used elsewhere.

I think the final deciding factor for me was that once the new AP rates come out for the rest of October I'm planning on extending my trip past the rest of my party. I'm going to be playing tour guide this trip to people who have never been to WDW, and my last trip I did the same. This will be my last visit on my current AP, and I'm going to take a few extra days after to be in solo-heaven.

It's funny, because I keep planning the sit-downs and trying to maximize the value, but then I's FREE, LOL. I am having a terrible time keeping out of the mindset that we paid $35pp/pd to get the dining plan, hehe.

In the end, we are ending up with 42 free meals for an extra $140. That's not enough for the entire group all week, but combined with the DDE card our total dining bill is going to be less than $300 for the week - compared to the $1000 we were planning on, PLUS we will be eating more sit-downs than we would have originally.

Oh much to think about!



Well-Known Member
my thoughts on this?? Either way you are in Disneyworld!!! Choose an option and go for it says I!!! The DDE program is great and I have been using it successfully for a few trips now. Eat where you want, what you want, how you want and get 20% off. The MYW meal plan is also a good deal, but is more limiting!! You have to keep track of the one sit down, one counterservice, and one snack per night of your stay. If I didnt have a bunch of people doing the meal plan, I think I most likely would have just gone with the AP/DDE option. As we have one member of the group staying with me, and all people in the same room must have the same package I went for it!!! Either way you are in the happiest place on Earth and you will enjoy yourself!!! Belle


New Member
Belle- I agree with you! That is why I didn't look into the dining plan at first. I was happy with the military disct and it was only going to be a long weekend trip in Oct. Now it is 9 nights! It is a wash for me on the $$ so I may as well try it and I can still use DDE when /if needed.

AEfx- I had to look up The Plaza on allears. I have never even seen it! Where on Main St? Their menu looks yummy-my little one would be thrilled to get grilled cheese at MK. And you are right...with DDE it is the same cost as some CS places...just have to get the kids away from Pecos Bills!But if the taco place is open -we are there for lunch! :slurp:

I havn't gone the spreadsheet route...just a pile of notes my kids know not to touch! Looks like the BEST way to go is to utilize all available discounts and ENJOY!


Well-Known Member
I just booked a vacation during the last week of September. That's my birthday week. I'm trying to find other friends/family to go with us so we have more folks to watch our 1 year old.

I just called up 407-W-Disney and booked the trip through Disney directly. Why do some people prefer to use Kingdom Konsultants? What's the advantage?


New Member
DME said:
I just booked a vacation during the last week of September. That's my birthday week.

Why do some people prefer to use Kingdom Konsultants? What's the advantage?

Hey! That's my B-Day week too!

As far as Pam goes, she is extremely nice and very helpful and she gets it done like that! For me it saves me time and headache of calling down to WDW and being on hold forever. This coming October will be my first vacation that I have used Pam to set up and so far she has taken care of everything and from what I have read on these threads she is always looking out for her clients! The day I heard about this new Free Dining Plan option I called her and with a few emails and another phone call (and checking with my wife) we were lined up. Plus it helps out her business as well!


New Member
OT but could someone tell me how the dining plan works please? I know the meals/points thing ...
my question is do they put the points on one card for entire room, does each person in room get their own points on their own card or does each room key have access to total amount of points available?

I have been looking but can't find the answer anywhere...

Thank you!


New Member
From what I have read all the meals are pooled onto one account. So I guess those people who have charging privleges on their room key have access to the use of those meals. Your ticket receipt you get back should have the remaining total of CS, TS and Snacks. If you do split up and each group uses their card you just need to make sure you compare reciepts especially if you are close to the end of your CS, TS and snack!

Hope this helps!


Well-Known Member
My understanding is that the points are pooled and can be used by any member of the group with a card that was tied into that pacage.
As far as using Pam's services, she is just the ultimate in ease for me. I cant call long distance from work but I know if I put in my order with her, it will be done as soon as possible!!! She will also look for the best possible discounted rates for her clients. Disney has the offers but they cant access them unless you specifically ask for them. Pam can make suggestions as to what plans are available for your group. Also if you book a package with Pam, she will set up your itinerary for you and help plan out your days at the World. Disney doesnt do that generally unless you are staying at the Concierge level!!! Im sure there are many more reasons to use Pam's services, and as I think of them Ill return to post more!!! Belle


New Member
Thats what I was thinking ...reason I asked is that I have read that for CS you can use the kids points for adult meals or save kid TS for adult but I couldn't figure out how to do it if each persons ponts were on their own room key. That would be nice if they were only on DH and my room key. My girls usually split 1 adult CS meal..they don't like the kids meals usually. That would be a nice advantage and save some points for other things. If anyone knows anything different please let me know!



New Member
Ways to save!

Yes, I have seen peolpes thoughts on using 2 CS and splitting 4 ways and using the other CS for another meal of maybe even breakfast, etc. I am sure Disney will rework the plan after too many people taking advantage of these kind of loop holes. Well, maybe not! This kind of idea probably only works with families that have little kids that do not eat alot!?


Well-Known Member
PixiePower said:
AEfx- I had to look up The Plaza on allears. I have never even seen it! Where on Main St? Their menu looks yummy-my little one would be thrilled to get grilled cheese at MK. And you are right...with DDE it is the same cost as some CS places...just have to get the kids away from Pecos Bills!But if the taco place is open -we are there for lunch!

LOL well it goes without saying that if El Pirate is open lunch is there, hehe. ;)

The Plaza is at the end of Main St. to the right - it faces the castle and is right in front of the water. I don't know how I used to miss it either!

It's a lovely place - quiet, simple yet elegant, but of course full of themepark goers so not "dressy".

The food is outstanding - and many kids will like that they condiments are in individual sized bottles (I have to admit I grabbed a few for souvineers, hehe). It's a nice change of pace for the MK, which is really lacking for non-buffet sit-downs.

I often schedule a late dinner there now for nights when we feel like eating lighter - it's always the sandwiches/salad fare, even up until closing. I also have never had trouble getting a PS there, even same day (though I wouldn't recomend that in a very busy season).

Definately give it a try! The Plaza rocks.



Well-Known Member
DME said:
I just called up 407-W-Disney and booked the trip through Disney directly. Why do some people prefer to use Kingdom Konsultants? What's the advantage?

Well, up until last week I would have said, "none" and done what you did.

However, Belle's constant...advice (NAGGING! LOL) about Pam really made me think, especially since I respect her opinion a great deal.

Last week I was stuck at work and was unable to spend 30mins/hour on the phone with CRO, and all it took was two emails with Pam to set up our entire trip.

I'll still do my PS's myself, but I have to say it was so much easier just booking through Pam - and if I need to make changes no worry about communicating with CRO and hoping they get it right. Pam seems to make SURE it's right. Plus, it was all FREE.

It's a personal decision, and you shouldn't let anyone change your mind either way, but when doing a package like this it really was a breeze. I'm also traveling with a special-needs child, and making those requests was easier as well.



Well-Known Member
PixiePower said:
Thats what I was thinking ...reason I asked is that I have read that for CS you can use the kids points for adult meals or save kid TS for adult but I couldn't figure out how to do it if each persons ponts were on their own room key.

You can REALLY take advantage of that with the TS meals.

According to, the credits don't differentiate between child and adult right now. So, in other words, if you have two adults and one child for 7 nights you will get 21 TS credits, period. Not 14 adult and 7 child. So, best thing to do is use the 21 TS for the adults and just pay for the kids meals.

This part of the deal really DOES seem too good to be true - and it wouldn't surprise me if they change it. But according to many at other Disney sites it works just like that. So, for the $10 you are paying for that child to be on the meal plan each day you can get adult meals instead and just pay for the kids. *IF* the kids *do* use the credits, then they have to pick from the kids menu.

So, if you work it, you can REALLY make out on this plan.

Then again, since it's FREE anyway, we are all making out...I keep forgetting that part, LOL.



Well-Known Member
AEfx said:
Well, up until last week I would have said, "none" and done what you did.

However, Belle's constant...advice (NAGGING! LOL) about Pam really made me think, especially since I respect her opinion a great deal.

Last week I was stuck at work and was unable to spend 30mins/hour on the phone with CRO, and all it took was two emails with Pam to set up our entire trip.

I'll still do my PS's myself, but I have to say it was so much easier just booking through Pam - and if I need to make changes no worry about communicating with CRO and hoping they get it right. Pam seems to make SURE it's right. Plus, it was all FREE.

It's a personal decision, and you shouldn't let anyone change your mind either way, but when doing a package like this it really was a breeze. I'm also traveling with a special-needs child, and making those requests was easier as well.

ahem.......Nagging??? that isnt at all true and you know it!!! The rest of the post is dead on though. I agree with AEfx though, it is a very personal decision and shouldnt be made lightly or quickly. It took me a while but ever since I have been using Pam's services I have been more than happy with the trips that I have had planned. I do still do my own PS for dinners and stuff but I know that the meat & potatoes part of my trip (the hotel stay, DME arrangements and air) are done and done correctly!!! Belle

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