Gotta step in and pitch hit for Stacey. I absolutely love her and get far too excited (to the point where my wife gives me dirty looks) when we walk into our wdw room and turn on the tv for the first time....she's perky, exciting, light, humerous, downright sexy at times. There's nothing false or disingenuous about her....
Contrast that with Samantha brown, who always comes off to me as phony, chalky, highbrow, pompous and snarky. Her 'excitement' always looks feigned and if the only reason she's evn smiling in front of the camera is because she's getting paid for it.
I can picture Samantha Brown throwing a massive Bill O'Reilly/Casey Casem style tantrum in between takes....much too easily. Stacey strikes me as someone who won't....
Think of it this way....if you won a day in the parks with the tv host of your choice, Stacey would actually be fun. brown would be painful.....