Lee said:
Well.....it ain't built yet...and the details may be a bit off...and the light may not be all green....
First, let me state that I have no friends in Imagineering, no connections with Disney or any Execs. I simply paid my money and had lunch with an Imagineer. A very knowledgeable, enthusiastic and fun gentleman. He, like those here with connections, could not and would not comment specifically on a lot of our questions. However when he could he did say "NO."
He had had spent a lot of time in MGM so a lot of questions did center on that park. When we got close with a question and he would say "I can't comment on any details if that were in the works" or something similar and would get this look on his face as if to say you are right, but I can't tell you. Now before you trash me for my interpretation, you had to be there and get a sense of his personality. All of us at the lunch came out with the same perceptions of his answers.
MGM - by my interpretation will be getting a Monsters attraction.
MGM- Indiana Jones (stunt show) will not be going away. It is still a big draw and it would not make sense to get rid of it (he was fairly sure and specific on this)
Also, as for all the bashing of people posting rumors. I post very little and try only to when I have something relevant. But, working in management in a huge company I have to say that it seems fairly ignorant (as in a lack of knowledge) to believe that anyone with inside knowledge is going to have a 100% track record. So many factors come into play with large companies that a multiple of things could jeopardize a great idea that may have already been "green lit", funded or even started. My company and my specific group were tasked with a massive PC upgrade for 1st quarter 2006. Everything was green lit, resources scheduled, other projects sidelined. Yet, delays have ensued and as of February 1st no pcs are scheduled. I have been on projects where we have completely developed programs and tested them only to have the plug pulled for either company politics, unexpected budgetary expenses or some other reason.
I enjoy reading the rumors. I have put together my own short list of people that I have observed as being knowledgeable and correct a significant amount of time. I have no expectation that they will be correct 100% of the time; just like as much as I enjoyed my conversation with the imagineer I have no certainty that over a period of time better ideas could come up, funding could be increased or decreased etc.
just my 2 cents.