New HitchHiking Ghosts Coming to WDW


Well-Known Member
I like it, based just on the video.
I'll probably run up to check it out in person next week, so I'll reserve final judgment until then, but for now....:D

Also...I'm told there are some further tweaks coming further down the road.

When you say tweaks, you talking about the image-capture I mentioned?

And going again, just to see this?!?! Am I thinking Fanboi Day Tripping?


Well-Known Member
When you say tweaks, you talking about the image-capture I mentioned?

And going again, just to see this?!?! Am I thinking Fanboi Day Tripping?

I have also heard rumors of an image capture and the ghosts "following you home". That would be a neat added bonus.

The Duck

Well-Known Member
Now don't close your eyes and don't try to hide, for a silly spook may sit by your side. Shrouded in a daft disguise. They pretend to terrorize. Grim grinning ghosts, come out to socialize! Brings new meaning to the song, doesn't it? :D LOVE IT!!!


Well-Known Member
Looks amazing! Very jealous out here in SoCal where we still don't even have the new stretching room audio fx! Hard to imagine anyone can talk trash about this addition. Yes it's a little cartoony, but so is the entire final 1/3 of the HM.

Props to Disney for actually doing something somewhat groundbreaking here. I say somewhat because you can do this sort of thing online/in video games/etc, but the fact that they are doing it in real-time during a ride is super impressive.


Born Modest. Wore Off.
Premium Member
Its an amazing effect, seriously wait till you see it in person, and dont worry, its not a huge change for holidays so dont be surprised for halloween and xmas ghosts :D

CONGRATS WDI, you really hit this one out of the park

PS I Love Vindication

Your original post about this was dead on, Rum Pirate. Many thanks for the information, and I look forward to seeing this in person.

Anybody else wanna bet that we'll be able to buy pictures of our heads switched with the ghosts, etc?


Well-Known Member
Inside the Magic has posted the new mirror effect with the Hitchiking ghosts and they now interact with you. It looks great!


Well-Known Member
It does look amazing. I loved the head swaping between the ghost and the guest. Great technology and what an awesome upgrade.

Thank you Imagineering!


Active Member
I was on HM yesterday but was unprepared for the new HHG. I hadn't been on the forums much and only knew about the new queue and a possible tweaking of the HHG. When I saw them, I was totally unprepared for it. All I can say is "Wow!" My kids, who've ridden it dozens of times, were thrilled. We were with family from out-of-state and they were blown away by it, too. This is the kind of "plussing" that I can get behind.


Active Member
I love how everyone on here is so positive about this and on Discussion Kingdom they are about ready to stab who did it....

I love this addition! Most amazing thing imagineering has done since World of Color! (and the upcoming Ursula figurine I love me some tentacles :3 )


And that answer would be: they aren't changing anything.

I haven't had a chance to read back to through all of the comments but I wanted to congratulate Rum Pirate for showing us that some rumors have truth to them and that we all need to be a little slower in attacking any mention of changes that haven't been 'cleared' by certain members.

The changes are fantastic!


Well-Known Member
I haven't had a chance to read back to through all of the comments but I wanted to congratulate Rum Pirate for showing us that some rumors have truth to them and that we all need to be a little slower in attacking any mention of changes that haven't been 'cleared' by certain members.

The changes are fantastic!

So Raven was wrong in being so adamant that nothing was going to be changed and this is something new? I'm just wondering because I don't wanna get my kids all excited about something that's not new. It looks new, btw.

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
So Raven was wrong in being so adamant that nothing was going to be changed and this is something new?
"Adamant" is a bit of a stretch, looking back over the thread. The guy made a single one-sentence post shooting down the rumor, then followed it up with a few more saying he'd look into it. I don't think he's even posted in here since.

It sounds like his initial reaction was mistaken, and he quickly backed off it. No need to make this a personal thing. :shrug:
My apologies if this has already been brought up, but I haven't read the entire thread.

I noticed a few people are questioning why money was spent upgrading HM when other rides desperately need attention. I would guess it has something to do with the upcoming Haunted Mansion movie they announced this summer. If the movie is anywhere near as successful as the POTC movies, I'd imagine they'd rather have an updated flashy ride ready to go, rather than closing for refurb after the movie is released.

Just a thought...

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