New Disneyland Parking Garage and Transportation Hub


Well-Known Member
I think you're right on...but that still has me wondering about the ramp on the bottom right possibly being another exit ramp.

From my post that you quoted: "This could be used in addition to the curved ramp to the south."

I think we're on the same page here.
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Curious Constance

Well-Known Member
By the way...
Why high-resolution? That should be obvious by now.
Why uncropped? Some reasons:

View attachment 158018
(Besides showing us where cars will make a left-hand turn into the new structure) we see that red, dashed line drop down out of the image. That means the project will effect Disney Way more to the east than it does to the west. But what are we missing?

View attachment 158019
The thing circled in orange appears to be the edge of a median. This will probably help divert eastbound traffic to the left of that exit ramp, while funneling right-hand turn traffic onto Clementine, but it would be nice to see for sure. (EDIT: Upon closer inspection, this is likely showing the actual center divider median. More on this later.) And there's that pesky red line again, extending out of frame to the right telling us there's more to the project than what we see.

View attachment 158020
Again with those disappearing red lines. Something's happening at the Arlo intersection/cul de sac, but we just don't know to what extent.

There are more examples, but you get the picture.

So, what house were you sorted into in wizarding school?


Well-Known Member
A poster over on micechat named Baloo reposted this info from another site. The info is from Darkbeer, who has been online in the Disney community since the late 1990's and Al Lutz's DIG site. Darkbeer kind of went AWOL for years back around 2010, but he's a very solid source when it comes to stuff like this.

Here's the post from Baloo reposting Darkbeer's post, which I'm reposting here. Got it?

"I was reading more from a poster called Darkbeer on another site and he mentioned he is involved in city activity and explains that even though things are not finalized that some of the proposals for this are as follows but not finalized.

-The city is considering removing the light and crosswalk directly in front of the existing Disneyland entrance.

- To prevent guests from jay walking they are also considering extending the fencing along the middle divider. This would extend from Manchester all the way down to Disney way.

- Another consideration is eliminating two of the four crosswalks at the intersection of Disney Way and Harbor. Guests coming from the south side of Harbor and Katella would be forced to cross Harbor towards the Anaheim Plaza Hotel and use the new gateway on Disney Way. This would eliminate the crosswalk that runs over the Disneyland resort driveway and the northern / east to west crosswalk in that corner. So basically you would cross Harbor then cross Disney Way and walk east to the new portal.

-To help enforce that they are also considering removing the sidewalk that runs along the western side of Harbor. So no more sidewalks next to Disneyland property.

-Guests coming from Fairfield Inn and Hojos would have three options. They either walk all the way south to Disney way and use the new gateway (longest option), walk east on Manchester and enter the new shuttle area into security zone or cross Harbor on Manchester walk south on Harbor and then enter a small security gate that will be built next to a shuttle stop. This shuttle stop will be used by shuttles bringing ADA guests from the new parking structure. This shuttle area will be located near where the taxi drop off is near the cast entrance area.

The city is supposedly working with Disney and the three companies that have approval to build the four star hotels on Disney way on enhancements in that area.

Also on same thread in this other site it was mentioned that the city is also looking into other possible skyway bridges for other areas around the resort that will hopefully reduce pedestrian traffic and help alleviate car traffic along Katella and Harbor"

TP2000 again, and this is all good news. I like that Anaheim is really rethinking the entire pedestrian experience on Harbor and Disney Way, and that nothing is off the table. Harbor Blvd. won't operate the same way once the Eastern Gateway is completed in 2018, and obviously Disney has plans for the East Esplanade, so now is the time to rethink the original 1997 master plan for those city streets.

To be honest, I never really took the HoJo's Facebook information at face value (a maintained Harbor Blvd. crosswalk at sidewalk level leading directly to a new Downtown Disney East and Disneyland's entrance), it sounded like a hotel manager's happy spin to keep people booking rooms at his hotel.
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Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
It really seems like this will change the game on Harbor in a big way.
This could be a good thing.
Those hotels lining the East side must be sweating right about now....if they are even aware of what might be coming.

There seems to be a real intended effort by Disney to finally drive a stake through that strip and try to kill it off....or at least diminish it somewhat.
I for one won't miss some elements of that area.

I like the proposal to remove that main pedestrian crossing directly across from the IHOP.
That has always been a crazy spot to cross...with the mobs of people and anxious traffic.



Well-Known Member
It really seems like this will change the game on Harbor.
Those hotels lining the East side must be sweating right about now....if they are even aware of what might be coming.

I like the proposal to remove that main pedestrian crossing directly across from the IHOP.
That has always been a crazy spot to cross...with the mobs of people and anxious traffic.


In just the dozen or so times I've used that crosswalk to get to the Pizza Press after visiting the parks, I have seen several close calls. I will regret the day I open the OC Register and read someone was killed at that intersection, but I won't be surprised by it. Anaheim would be wise to shut that crosswalk down and get as many people up onto that skybridge as possible.

I also like that they appear to be considering a few more skybridges, likely further south on Harbor and/or over Katella. It's long overdue. It would also speed up and smooth out car traffic on Harbor and Katella, a win for everyone.

Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
It's a crazy spot to cross as there is just so much going on around you.
Vehicles all around you from every direction and not a lot of time to cross when a big crowd has gathered.
I rarely cross at that location as I tend to room on W. Katella Ave. when in town.
Avoid Harbor like the plague.

Once in a while I might make a venture over to Mimi's Cafe, but the crossing is always a nail biter.
Certainly wakes you up in the morning...gets the adrenaline and survival instincts flowing....

Removing it may well be for the best.


Deleted member 107043

I don't get why they won't have access to the bridge from the east side of Harbor. It seems so unnecessary to have tourists go all the way around the block just to cross an overpass.


Well-Known Member
I don't get why they won't have access to the bridge from the east side of Harbor. It seems so unnecessary to have tourists go all the way around the block just to cross an overpass.

They have to maintain the security perimeter. They are pushing the bag check tents out from the Esplanade to the Eastern Gateway complex.

You can't mesh in pedestrians who haven't cleared security into the pedestrians who have.


Well-Known Member
I still stand by my original thoughts, Disney is giving a big finger to the Harbor properties and knows that down the line,eventually, Mickey will own them and that whole space will be another large Disney Hotel.

Disney does not care about the guests staying in the cheap hotels on Harbor, they'll get to the parks one way or another to buy their churros... who Disney is caring aboutare the people staying at the new JW Marriott wanting to give THEM 'front gate' access. They'll buy more than churros in the parks...


Well-Known Member
A poster over on micechat named Baloo reposted this info from another site. The info is from Darkbeer, who has been online in the Disney community since the late 1990's and Al Lutz's DIG site. Darkbeer kind of went AWOL for years back around 2010, but he's a very solid source when it comes to stuff like this.

Here's the post from Baloo reposting Darkbeer's post, which I'm reposting here. Got it?

"I was reading more from a poster called Darkbeer on another site and he mentioned he is involved in city activity and explains that even though things are not finalized that some of the proposals for this are as follows but not finalized.

-The city is considering removing the light and crosswalk directly in front of the existing Disneyland entrance.

- To prevent guests from jay walking they are also considering extending the fencing along the middle divider. This would extend from Manchester all the way down to Disney way.

- Another consideration is eliminating two of the four crosswalks at the intersection of Disney Way and Harbor. Guests coming from the south side of Harbor and Katella would be forced to cross Harbor towards the Anaheim Plaza Hotel and use the new gateway on Disney Way. This would eliminate the crosswalk that runs over the Disneyland resort driveway and the northern / east to west crosswalk in that corner. So basically you would cross Harbor then cross Disney Way and walk east to the new portal.

-To help enforce that they are also considering removing the sidewalk that runs along the western side of Harbor. So no more sidewalks next to Disneyland property.

-Guests coming from Fairfield Inn and Hojos would have three options. They either walk all the way south to Disney way and use the new gateway (longest option), walk east on Manchester and enter the new shuttle area into security zone or cross Harbor on Manchester walk south on Harbor and then enter a small security gate that will be built next to a shuttle stop. This shuttle stop will be used by shuttles bringing ADA guests from the new parking structure. This shuttle area will be located near where the taxi drop off is near the cast entrance area.

The city is supposedly working with Disney and the three companies that have approval to build the four star hotels on Disney way on enhancements in that area.

Also on same thread in this other site it was mentioned that the city is also looking into other possible skyway bridges for other areas around the resort that will hopefully reduce pedestrian traffic and help alleviate car traffic along Katella and Harbor"

TP2000 again, and this is all good news. I like that Anaheim is really rethinking the entire pedestrian experience on Harbor and Disney Way, and that nothing is off the table. Harbor Blvd. won't operate the same way once the Eastern Gateway is completed in 2018, and obviously Disney has plans for the East Esplanade, so now is the time to rethink the original 1997 master plan for those city streets.

To be honest, I never really took the HoJo's Facebook information at face value (a maintained Harbor Blvd. crosswalk at sidewalk level leading directly to a new Downtown Disney East and Disneyland's entrance), it sounded like a hotel manager's happy spin to keep people booking rooms at his hotel.

Thanks for that info. We'll see how things shake out.

I agree with your later statement that skybridges (I guess Las Vegas style) would really improve traffic flow at Harbor & Katella.

Deleted member 107043

They have to maintain the security perimeter.

Which again raises the question of why the Resort's eastern security perimeter will go all the way across Harbor over to the new shuttle/parking area while the western perimeter stops just yards from the main gates to the parks and doesn't include any of the pedestrian or tram routes between the parks and Mickey and Friends garage.


Well-Known Member
I bet the Eastern security perimeter will change when that new hotel goes into the DtD parking lot and DtD gets changed around a tad in a couple years. When is the expected due date for that project? Does it coincide with all these shenanigans of the new parking structure/Star Wars land?


Well-Known Member
I bet the Eastern security perimeter will change when that new hotel goes into the DtD parking lot and DtD gets changed around a tad in a couple years. When is the expected due date for that project? Does it coincide with all these shenanigans of the new parking structure/Star Wars land?

Agreed. The Eastern Gateway is just the eastern half of the new Resort security strategy. Miceage has been saying a remake of Downtown Disney is in the works, and then Disney dropped the 4-star hotel bombshell earlier this summer. Those two things will combine to create a new entrance strategy and setup in the next few years.

In June Disney told the media that construction on the new hotel would start in 2018 and it would open in 2021.

I imagine the remodeled Downtown Disney and reworked security screening area would open before the hotel does.


Well-Known Member
MiceChat had this in their rumor update today:

By next spring the vertical construction on the new parking structure at the Eastern Gateway will be well under way. Planning documents filed by the city clearly show the office building occupied by the United States Customs and Immigration Services (USCIS) office still there once the project is complete by the fall of 2018. Disney secretly purchased that land back in 2013, but the lease for that federal government office runs until the year 2020 and Uncle Sam has rebuffed every attempt from Disney to coax them out of that long lease. So the USCIS building will remain in the middle of this complex until then. But once the lease ends in 2020 Disney will determine how to best use that space based on the first few years of operation of the Eastern Gateway complex.

The parking structure has been designed to be easily expanded to the north over the current USCIS land, adding a few thousand more parking spaces to the initial 7,800 spaces. Gone is the plan to incorporate a Streetcar line and maintenance facility in that space, with that Anaheim streetcar plan abandoned by the city and then officially killed off by county authorities earlier this summer.

But Disney’s planners also want to see what demand is like from the fleet of shuttle buses serving the Anaheim Resort District’s growing list of new hotels. There’s also a realization that more and more people are arriving to the Resort via Uber and other ride-share services, and there’s a thought that a large drop off area should be dedicated just to Uber drivers for the 2020’s and beyond. The ground floor of the USCIS area may be dedicated to two additional drop-off loops for shuttles and cars, with a couple thousand additional parking spaces added above in the expanded structure by 2022.


Well-Known Member
Time for today's recommended daily allowance of blur-gazing, revisiting this area:

In an attempt to somewhat illustrate the imagined changes to Disney Way, I layered a semi-transparent image from the "blueprint" over a Google Earth image. I did my best with the source material I had to line things up, but hopefully this helps.

The little sliver of median (circled in orange) from the small image is filled in as blue in the larger image. What this is awkwardly showing is that the relocated median will roughly be where the current northern curb is. You should be able to discern where the new corners will be verses their current location. At that intersection, they should be moving the northern edge of road north about 10 meters (33 feet?). Basically this should allow the curved ramp to touch down nicely on Disney way, without encroaching on the Residence Inn property, while keeping plenty of thru-lanes open.

Again, since this is using the cropped image, you'll have to use your imagination to extend some of the lines. (Or perhaps that's my next little project.)


Well-Known Member
Interesting that the new MC article talks about the re-routing of the Monorail, stating it will make make an immediate right as it leaves TL (parallel to inbound track) and then makes an S turn to catch up to the track by stage 17...seems that will be a very tight turn. Any chance they are getting rid of stage 17 to make that curve easier?
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