Ismael Flores
Well-Known Member
Received BLD2017-04866 WALT DISNEY WORLD CO 1415 S DISNEYLAND DR SP4 Disneyland - Pinocchio SP-4 Parking Lot - Demolition: 704 s.ft existing tram refueling station (B occupancy), parking lot pole lights, cap utilities.
Funny they just built that,
I was really hoping that the new parking structure addition was going to be built just like the original 1990’s resort plan. At that time they had the parking structure goingnorth to South at the back of the property. This would have left the property area closer east for future hotel or other development with the parking structure hidden behind it.
Would be nice if we could see how much of Pinocchio lot will be used for this addition.
Also how much land will be left for large vehicles like all the buses for grad nights and large motor homes.