Nana Adores MJ


New Member
So tomorrow I leave for my brother's wedding (its about two hours away). I just finished my speech... so I think... Thought maybe I'd post it here, and see what people who have actually attended weddings (I've never once been to one...) thought of it. Might be too long... maybe not... maybe too many jokes... Just thought I'd try and get some insight... any thoughts would be appreciated :)

I’d like to thank you all for coming today and helping us to celebrate. Let me start off just by saying that we have in front of us today a genuinely good hearted and hard working man. A loving son, a caring friend, and especially, as I can say first-hand; an admirable brother. However, today isn’t about me… its about Jonny and Courtney.

I’m actually a little surprised to see Jonny wearing a suit though. The last time we were all (the family) dressed this nicely together we were going to Christmas Eve Mass… and well Jonny figured he’d shave his head, throw in an earring, wearing the baggiest Jeans you could find on the streets of LA… topped off with an opened Jean shirt and a WA baseball jersey of a ghost’s hand gripping a baseball… So my speech is actually prepared for Eminem’s wedding… I figure that’s who we were toasting here…

No, in all honestly, I couldn’t be any more proud nor any happier for my bigger brother. He’s been much more than a brother to me; he’s been a friend, a role model, and someone I could always rely on. Anytime I ever need any kind of help, or any kind of guidance; he was there. Whether it had been about sports, school, girls, or work… he never once let me down. He has had such a tremendous impact on my life. Everything he did growing up I did as well, everything. I don’t know what that shows more; what a role model he was… or just flat-out lazy parenting. I mean; he played soccer, baseball, and basketball growing up… as did I. Jonny went to Holy Cross basketball camp, so did I. He was a varsity basketball captain… I played at a time when the team actually was talented… Jonny attended Bentley College; I applied when they only accepted smart students… but no matter what Jonny did, I did it too

The real reason I did everything Jonny did was because he was and always will be my biggest role model; it wasn’t Larry Bird or Michael Jordan, it wasn’t Bill Gates or Michael Dell… it wasn’t even Hugh Hefner… it was Jonny… and I’ll always look up to him and go to him when I need help, he never has and I can count him never to let me down. Thanks Jonny.

Now, I’ve been trying for weeks to figure out the perfect way to welcome Courtney into our family… but that’s impossible. Courtney’s been a member of this family for several years now, and I know today isn’t going to make any difference with the way I view her; she’s been nothing less than a sister to me. Anytime my sister would be watching a scary movie that I was too young too watch… Courtney was always right there with Jenn convincing me I’d be okay. Then, later that night around 2 a.m. when my sister would run in my room with some halloween mask on trying to get me to wet the bed… Courntey was always right there with a mask of her own on… never thinking "maybe this is too mean to do to a 6 year old kid." I think Courtney and I grew our own special bond though the day we tried to ride the small slide at Blizzard Beach in Disney; but we got in the wrong line and ended up on the 180 ft water slide that goes straight down… We both were too scared to do it, but too stubborn to get out of line and look like chickens… so we went ahead and did it anyways, helping one another to overcome the fear of a horrific death at the hands of this terrifying waterslide… She was there for me that day just like any older sister would have been. Isn’t that what big sisters are for? To be there… causing all of the scariest moments of your life and most traumatizing.

I know I speak for myself, as well as my parents, and my sister… that any holiday from the past… how long have you guys been dating, 30 years? So the past 30 years would have been incomplete if Courtney wasn’t there to celebrate it with us… so instead of celebrating Courtney joining our family; I’d rather raise my glass, wish you both the absolute best, tell you both how thankful I am for everything you both have done for me and for always being the for me… here’s to many happy years of marriage to Jonny and Courtney!

I might cut out the part about me and my brother's fiancee doing Summit Plummit... but I wanted to have something to reflect on...


Well-Known Member
Oh no not again, please!!!! :lol:

Nibbs, congrats on WDW trip next year! :sohappy:
ok...maybe I'll spare you mercy. :lol: :lookaroun

And I'm not entirely positive about the trip in Sept...but it's looking more and more promising. But he basically said it would be ok. So that's good news!


New Member
So tomorrow I leave for my brother's wedding (its about two hours away). I just finished my speech... so I think... Thought maybe I'd post it here, and see what people who have actually attended weddings (I've never once been to one...) thought of it. Might be too long... maybe not... maybe too many jokes... Just thought I'd try and get some insight... any thoughts would be appreciated :)

I’d like to thank you all for coming today and helping us to celebrate. Let me start off just by saying that we have in front of us today a genuinely good hearted and hard working man. A loving son, a caring friend, and especially, as I can say first-hand; an admirable brother. However, today isn’t about me… its about Jonny and Courtney.

I’m actually a little surprised to see Jonny wearing a suit though. The last time we were all (the family) dressed this nicely together we were going to Christmas Eve Mass… and well Jonny figured he’d shave his head, throw in an earring, wearing the baggiest Jeans you could find on the streets of LA… topped off with an opened Jean shirt and a WA baseball jersey of a ghost’s hand gripping a baseball… So my speech is actually prepared for Eminem’s wedding… I figure that’s who we were toasting here…

No, in all honestly, I couldn’t be any more proud nor any happier for my bigger brother. He’s been much more than a brother to me; he’s been a friend, a role model, and someone I could always rely on. Anytime I ever need any kind of help, or any kind of guidance; he was there. Whether it had been about sports, school, girls, or work… he never once let me down. He has had such a tremendous impact on my life. Everything he did growing up I did as well, everything. I don’t know what that shows more; what a role model he was… or just flat-out lazy parenting. I mean; he played soccer, baseball, and basketball growing up… as did I. Jonny went to Holy Cross basketball camp, so did I. He was a varsity basketball captain… I played at a time when the team actually was talented… Jonny attended Bentley College; I applied when they only accepted smart students… but no matter what Jonny did, I did it too

The real reason I did everything Jonny did was because he was and always will be my biggest role model; it wasn’t Larry Bird or Michael Jordan, it wasn’t Bill Gates or Michael Dell… it wasn’t even Hugh Hefner… it was Jonny… and I’ll always look up to him and go to him when I need help, he never has and I can count him never to let me down. Thanks Jonny.

Now, I’ve been trying for weeks to figure out the perfect way to welcome Courtney into our family… but that’s impossible. Courtney’s been a member of this family for several years now, and I know today isn’t going to make any difference with the way I view her; she’s been nothing less than a sister to me. Anytime my sister would be watching a scary movie that I was too young too watch… Courtney was always right there with Jenn convincing me I’d be okay. Then, later that night around 2 a.m. when my sister would run in my room with some halloween mask on trying to get me to wet the bed… Courntey was always right there with a mask of her own on… never thinking "maybe this is too mean to do to a 6 year old kid." I think Courtney and I grew our own special bond though the day we tried to ride the small slide at Blizzard Beach in Disney; but we got in the wrong line and ended up on the 180 ft water slide that goes straight down… We both were too scared to do it, but too stubborn to get out of line and look like chickens… so we went ahead and did it anyways, helping one another to overcome the fear of a horrific death at the hands of this terrifying waterslide… She was there for me that day just like any older sister would have been. Isn’t that what big sisters are for? To be there… causing all of the scariest moments of your life and most traumatizing.

I know I speak for myself, as well as my parents, and my sister… that any holiday from the past… how long have you guys been dating, 30 years? So the past 30 years would have been incomplete if Courtney wasn’t there to celebrate it with us… so instead of celebrating Courtney joining our family; I’d rather raise my glass, wish you both the absolute best, tell you both how thankful I am for everything you both have done for me and for always being the for me… here’s to many happy years of marriage to Jonny and Courtney!

I might cut out the part about me and my brother's fiancee doing Summit Plummit... but I wanted to have something to reflect on...

Hey Joe, personally i like the summit story - if you really want an opinion.. i'd say leave out the whole christmas mass, eminem thing - other than that it sounds like the perfect speach from a loving little brother... full of competition and full of love... good for you - have fun at the wedding! :)


New Member
Hey Joe, personally i like the summit story - if you really want an opinion.. i'd say leave out the whole christmas mass, eminem thing - other than that it sounds like the perfect speach from a loving little brother... full of competition and full of love... good for you - have fun at the wedding! :)

:) Thank you! And thank you Nibbs and Dot too!!!

See, the eminem thing... its a HUGE inside joke... my brother is the most conservative and intraverted person you'd ever meet. All he does is golf and work. He's very straight edge... just... the EXACT opposite of a thug-like image... but his Senior year of high school, for some reason... he got huge into rap... and like, would just blast rap music, then he shaved his head, got an earring, and oh my god... that christmas morning when he came downstairs... he looked like a fool, we were all soooo dressed up, and he looked like a thug. My dad LOST it at him... and my brother wasn't allowed to come to church with us... we left him at home... its really just such a funny story these days...

I understand if you didn't know the inside joke, or my brother... it'd seem kinda foolish...

thanks for you guys' input!!! I'll let you know monday how it went!


Well-Known Member
Hey Joe, personally i like the summit story - if you really want an opinion.. i'd say leave out the whole christmas mass, eminem thing - other than that it sounds like the perfect speach from a loving little brother... full of competition and full of love... good for you - have fun at the wedding! :)
Jess...I'd have to agree. I was going to say the same thing. And I've been to a lot of weddings and heard a LOT of speeches.


Well-Known Member
Good evening everyone. I just got finished with work, shower, and dinner. I was with Pooh at Pooh's Playground today. The funny thing is that we only had Pooh today. There was no Tigger with him. So it was easy. And then it started to rain around 1, so they moved Pooh over to Toontown. They didn't need me and the other attendant there, so we were allowed to ER (if we wanted to). So I took the ER, since I was feeling very tired, and only had 1 day off in about 2 1/2 weeks. And when I got home, had dinner (easy Mac). So here I am now.


New Member
Good evening all.

The first Cross Country race is tomorrow. I'm pretty stoked, but nervous at the same time. I'm not exactly in shape yet.

Tonight I'm just chillin' around home. Reading a bit. I checked out Cosmos from the school library today. That's three books that I'm reading at once now :lol:

The Cheetah Girls 2 (laugh all you want) premiers tonight on the Disney Channel. So I want to see that too.

That doesn't leave this thread.


Well-Known Member
Good evening all.

The first Cross Country race is tomorrow. I'm pretty stoked, but nervous at the same time. I'm not exactly in shape yet.

Tonight I'm just chillin' around home. Reading a bit. I checked out Cosmos from the school library today. That's three books that I'm reading at once now :lol:

The Cheetah Girls 2 (laugh all you want) premiers tonight on the Disney Channel. So I want to see that too.

That doesn't leave this thread.

Hi Luke! :wave:
The Cheetah Girls 2? :lookaroun

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