I am so glad the Time Racers concept never happened. My hatred for what they were planning to do to SSE knows no bounds in that regard. Epcot's Future World has already been mutilated almost beyond recognition and possibly beyond truly saving unless something truly miraculous happens with Disney's corporate leadership and creative team. We lost the wonderful Horizons, Imagination and World of Motion attractions already in favor of what's i'd readily and willingly argue to be garbage. Or at the very least objectively infinitely lesser experiences than what was there, a massive no-no for when you're trying to replace an attraction. Even Wonders of Life, despite not being as fantastic as some of the other pavilions, showed that Disney could still create fun heart-filled attractions with a limited budget (and we lost that too).
If you're going to go hacking away at a wonderful park like Epcot and replacing it's still-awesome classics (at least most of which I am convinced could have been plussed in a similar manner to SSE in '94 and still be amazing and futuristic today), you'd better ****damn well have a jaw droppingly amazing roster of fantastic new attractions planned that are superior in every way to what was there before. Otherwise don't you DARE touch it.
At least the majority of Spaceship Earth is still intact (even though they did their best to destroy the uplifting and epic ending from the '94 version). It was truly a blessing that apparently the structure couldn't support the concept they had in place. In most other situations i'd once again mock Disney's cheapness at shying away from spending money on necessary upgrades, but i'll make a rare exception here. At least there's still some heart to Epcot with what remains of Spaceship Earth.