Which part do you disagree with? The idea that the FP+ rules increases the number of guests who can get a FP for any particular ride or the fact that the company stated that they expected a small percentage of guests to take advantage of FP prereservations? The first is simple math and the second is on the record.
Perhaps you are just dropping back to throwing insults rather than having an actual discussion. I suspect that that is the real answer.
First, capacity of an attraction DOES matter. It's been stated over and over by people with more inside information than I (and certainly you) that the FP to standby ratio is similar (if not exact) between attractions. Therefore, the number of FP's given out is almost ENTIRELY defined by capacity of the attraction. And you knew exactly the point he was trying to make... You were deflecting. You know as well as I do that there aren't as many PPF FP's given out in a day than Soarin'. That's not because there's a lower ratio at PPF... It's because of limited capacity as a result of the ride system.
You then state:
"That being said, the rules that are being put in place does considerably stretch the number of guests that will be able to obtain FPs for any given attraction."
That's misleading. That statement might apply in a vaccuum... In a MK that currently had no system in place. But that's not the case. There's already a FP system in place, and when changed to the new system, will restrict you in ways the currect system does not. With the new system, there will be no way (based on all that we know) for you to hold as many FP's in a day as before. You might respond and say that your glass is half full where mine is half empty... When looking at it from a "daily crowd" point of view, you're right... More individual people in that crowd will have a chance to get a PPF FP. But I don't look at it from a "daily crowd" point of view. I look at it from a personal point of view, because it's MY park experience that's being effected. And without question, this new system is going to negatively effect my family's day when touring the park. That's not a "maybe". That's for certain.
Then you argue the point he may want a Soarin' FP at 8:30 (even though you knew what his point was). You skip by that point and say that "someone else might". Again, your argument is in support of what's "good for the group", and you're ignoring his complaint about how it will effect his family. That's one less FP for his family for the day. That's all he cares about. That's all I care about. We care about OUR park experiences, and how they're going to be negatively impacted by the system changes.
These system changes will negatively impact our days at the parks by giving TDO the ability to reward whoever they like with whatever they like and whenever they like... And if it comes at the expense of your family or mine, it won't matter.
And you'll never even know it. You'll never even know how FP capacity is effected by TDO giving a little here to one group, or a little there to another. The only thing you'll notice is that even though you woke up early at the 60 day mark to get your TSMM FP's online (which I think is an insane thing to have to do in the first place), you were already restricted on dates and times you had to choose from. Hmmm... Wonder why? You'll never know.
Then you deflect AGAIN about reported participation numbers and spin to make it sound like they're probably happy with the numbers because they don't expect many to pre-book. REALLY??? Come on. They have HUGE motivation to get as many people to use this system as humanly possible, for a NUMBER of reasons. To think they're all just sitting back with a nice cool lemonade saying "hey, if they use it, great! If not, that's cool too!" is utterly and completely laughable. When this thing goes live, if the numbers stay like they are, I would bet the farm that anyone that is staying on property that doesn't pre-book FP's will automatically get some assigned at the 30 or 45 day mark before their trip... Meaning if those people don't willingly do it, they'll get them force fed down their throats. Why?? Because if I receive an e-mail telling me that I've already got times booked for rides each day for my upcoming trip, I'm more inclined to enter the park to use those slots on those days because if I don't I'll feel like I'm losing something. And that e-mail telling me about my computer assigned times will be accompanied by detailed instructions on how to add dining reservations too.
When I tour the park with my family, I'm concerned with my family's day. I'm not concerned about what everyone else is doing and why and how and how much. I would assume, based on your stance here, that you must be the opposite and spend your day making sure everyone is having as good a time as you. Mighty cavalier of you, especially seeing as how you're apparently willing to give up your seat on attractions (literally) for others... Even if those "others" did nothing more than get a room at the Poly while you got yours at ASM.