You know what else would grind my gears?
When I preplan a FP and walk up to see the line is only 15 minutes for Splash Mountain (for whatever reason)...
Now, I've burned one of my FPs...
Oh, yeah, I can hop on my phone and change it!
<fiddles on phone and grabs Space Mountain>
Wait, there are no more FPs available because the other 30 - 50k guests at MK that day booked them all up?
Oh, and it rained for 2 hours this afternoon due to a tropical storm, so hard that Big Thunder (another one of my FPs) was shut down.
Now, all the people with a 20 minute window for their pre-reserved FPs are straight out of Disney starts giving them "use anytime" FPs as Guest Service, and when the rain stops, they all show back up.
is Disney thinking?