My live update thread!


Well-Known Member
You barely go to MK!:shrug::fork::lol:

Honestly, when it comes to the Studios, I feel I have explored it enough. There's nothing "new" there for me. Nothing that makes me want to turn that corner, and stay awake at night thinking about it before my trip. Nothing that gives me that "THIS IS WALT DISNEY WORLD" feeling, save for GMR and ST.

Is it nice, yes. Is it worth 80 bucks a day...? No.

And as for DAK, you know I want to go back there, and that I have great interest for it. You also know the circumstances that kept me from going there this past summer, so why discuss them as if it's my fault?:rolleyes::wave:

I go to Kingdom all the time. I'm going TOMORROW for pete's sake. And for the record, I only complain about upkeep at Kingdom.

Seriously, I don't blame you...It's just you need to stop bad mouthing it left and right if you don't go. I mean, Test Mr. Explored Enough: can you tell me A: where to find Annette Funicello, B: What two different attractions feature The Mighty Microscope, C: Where you can find a Teslia Coil from EPCOT, and D: Where Eddie Valiant's Private Detective office from Who Framed Roger Rabbit is?

That's just easy stuff. And if you ask me, none of the parks at WDW are worth $80 so I don't blame you there....Just like I said though. As a friend? As a trusted adivisor? The next time you wanna' say a "Yo' Studios" joke...Just DON'T. Words hurt Theme Parks too.
:lol: :shrug:

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
I go to Kingdom all the time. I'm going TOMORROW for pete's sake. And for the record, I only complain about upkeep at Kingdom.

Seriously, I don't blame you...It's just you need to stop bad mouthing it left and right if you don't go. I mean, Test Mr. Explored Enough: can you tell me A: where to find Annette Funicello, B: What two different attractions feature The Mighty Microscope, C: Where you can find a Teslia Coil from EPCOT, and D: Where Eddie Valiant's Private Detective office from Who Framed Roger Rabbit is?

That's just easy stuff. And if you ask me, none of the parks at WDW are worth $80 so I don't blame you there....Just like I said though. As a friend? As a trusted adivisor? The next time you wanna' say a "Yo' Studios" joke...Just DON'T. Words hurt Theme Parks too.
:lol: :shrug:

:lol: Have fun, tomorrow! Going for anything in particular?

I admit it! I don't know that stuff. I know some basic park history, but there's a reason I'm EPCOT Explorer. I never said I was a expert for all of WDW. In fact, my strong points are EPCOT, and MK. DAK is moving up in the ranks, seeing I desperately want to go back...and DHS is last. Again, I admit it.:shrug: It's nice, but it doesn't really do that much for me. That's obviously not your opinion and how you feel about the park.

Does that make me or you any less of a Disney fan? Nope.:shrug: Does it take away my right to say I don't like the park and "talk trash" about it? No, again. I'm sorry if my comments are offending you or the park...but it's my prerogative. Hopefully my comments, and others (I am not the only one, who makes these comments, Travis!) are noted by SOMEONE at TDO in due time, and they are fixed.

*whew*...Now...Why are you EpcotServo!? You need a re-name, my friend! :lol: StudiosServo has a ring to it...:lol::wave:

And above all...Let me say this now. I have the utmost respect for you, you know that. ;)


Well-Known Member
You barely go to MK!:shrug::fork::lol:

Honestly, when it comes to the Studios, I feel I have explored it enough. There's nothing "new" there for me. Nothing that makes me want to turn that corner, and stay awake at night thinking about it before my trip. Nothing that gives me that "THIS IS WALT DISNEY WORLD" feeling, save for GMR and ST.

Is it nice, yes. Is it worth 80 bucks a day...? No.

And as for DAK, you know I want to go back there, and that I have great interest for it. You also know the circumstances that kept me from going there this past summer, so why discuss them as if it's my fault?:rolleyes::wave:

:lol: Agreed on both parks. Tot and EE may be fun but they don't warrant visiting the park alone for. Unlike MK and Epcot which can take a week to take it all in.


Well-Known Member
*whew*...Now...Why are you EpcotServo!? You need a re-name, my friend! :lol: StudiosServo has a ring to it...:lol::wave:

And above all...Let me say this now. I have the utmost respect for you, you know that. ;)

I'm EpcotServo because unlike SOME PEOPLE I don't play favorites with my WDW parks.
:lol: :p

Anyways, why I tell you to stop is because I know you'd love this stuff if you were to actually get the time/tour to Explore this stuff like you've had for Epcot and Kingdom.

In fact, why I always seem peeved around here is because I like you guys but nobody trusts me when I say they'll love things. I get no trust I tell ya', no trust at all around here.

:lol: :brick::hammer:

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
:lol: Agreed on both parks. Tot and EE may be fun but they don't warrant visiting the park alone for. Unlike MK and Epcot which can take a week to take it all in.

Both? I like DAK.:D....I think EE warrants it, I was going to do that in a sense, until my plans fell through.:lookaroun:D:eek:

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
I'm EpcotServo because unlike SOME PEOPLE I don't play favorites with my WDW parks.
:lol: :p

Anyways, why I tell you to stop is because I know you'd love this stuff if you were to actually get the time/tour to Explore this stuff like you've had for Epcot and Kingdom.

In fact, why I always seem peeved around here is because I like you guys but nobody trusts me when I say they'll love things. I get no trust I tell ya', no trust at all around here.

How can you not play favorites!?:lookaroun:lol: It must be different for a local...again...:lol:

Maybe I would, but we will never know that!:shrug: If I were a local (I will be someday!) I am sure I would have a greater understanding and love for them, I am sure, but I also see myself ALWAYS being in EPCOT or MK.:shrug: Just where I gravitate to.

I trust you...! Watchmen....I was going to let you get me on EE, too....:lookaroun:lol:


Well-Known Member
:lol: Agreed on both parks. ToT and EE may be fun but they don't warrant visiting the park alone for. Unlike MK and Epcot which can take a week to take it all in.

I would pay entrance fee if I had to at Disney's Animal Kingdom purely for Finding Nemo the Musical and Festival of the Lion King.


Well-Known Member
I honestly would, the feeling I get from those shows are like the feelings I get from Illuinations: Reflections of Earth, I go all tingly inside and feel so happy as I watch them. To me that is more than worth the money.


New Member
Original Poster
At Fort Wilderness for the first time for the Segwey tour. I would not have thought Disney built this place because it's really trashy.


Well-Known Member

Would you care to explain it? Adding TSM and leaving the park is not a business plan. Yeah, ST2.0, you will say, but what else?

Now, maybe if MI were getting here....and the park had the Hat removed...and....and....

Hopefully it all happens and there is a VISABLE business plan..:shrug:

This is total fanboy talk. The park with three of the most popular rides? How is that not a good business plan?

It keeps drwaing people in, then there's not much need to add a bunch of stuff.

I agree it's not an exciting park for those of us that actually visit it :)animwink:), regularly but, the GP loves it.


New Member
Original Poster
At DAK and like always with this park it feels way hotter than the rest.

The centralized FP works great.

Very light crowds safarri only 20 min stand by.


New Member
Original Poster
Segway tour at Fortwilderness was great, they took us to the back entrance of RC.

Park hopped to DAK.

Park was empty
Saffari 5 minute wait.
EE 30 minute wait
Dino 5 minute wait, there was a malfunction at the end of the ride which made the ride 100% better. We stopped completly for 20 seconds before getting to the part where the Carnitor or what ever it's called comes right at you at the end. We sat there in pitch black for like 20 seconds and it sounded like he was circling us. Then we escaped at that last second the 20 seconds of non movement really added to the ride and what ever went wrong they should keep it that way!

The Yetti didn't appear to move at all maybe it's in C mode.

Grabbing a few Yuenglings at ESPN and then dinner at The Castle and MK tonight.


New Member
:eek::eek::eek: Sorry LOL! Glad to hear you enjoyed it. I have to say that while I always make it a must do each trip at least once, lately it has taken the role of giving me a partial nap for the day. Even more odd is that this nap occurs in the same general area of the show each time ;) I'd say the attraction ranks in my overall 'Top 3' in WDW!

Again, thanks for the updates! Isn't it great to not be in NJ LOL.

I agree with you JT but DHS seems to be lacking the charm it used to have. They need more than one ride in PS. AI and TSMM seem to be great additions. Narnia needs to he absourbed into PS. Star Tours 2 should help, but there are to many shows and not enough rides.

I started in Canada and I have drank myself to Norway.

As reported before there seems to be a new Rose and Crown shirt and Several new Norway merch.

I saw the American Adventure for the first time in over 10 years and it was spectaular.

Off for a Cervesa in Mexico a hop on GFT the to Mouse Gears to purchase some retro shirts.

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
This is total fanboy talk. The park with three of the most popular rides? How is that not a good business plan?

It keeps drwaing people in, then there's not much need to add a bunch of stuff.

I agree it's not an exciting park for those of us that actually visit it :)animwink:), regularly but, the GP loves it.

You are right...It totally is!:wave: And is that a bad thing, nope!

The park works, and only works, for those who don't stop to appreciate the delicate back-story of a Disney park.(not saying you don't...) My perception of this park is that is is haphazard in theme, and in doesn't mesh.

I know Servo has his whole idea that it's like a city, or a working studio, but that's fabricated out of his immense knowledge and love for the park.

I sort of agree with that theory, but I think the park needs to be more cohesive and more unified than just a cluster "Entertainment themed rides and shows".

Honestly, I would love with we got a DCA treatment. New theme: Hollywood- Pure and simple.

New name: Walt Disney's Hollywood Studios.


And now I shall await my flaming.:wave::p


Well-Known Member
You are right...It totally is!:wave: And is that a bad thing, nope!

Sometimes, yes. You just can't argue a business plan as a fanboy. These parks are built to entertain and make money for the masses, not the fanboys. So, DHS works. It has three of the most popular rides on the property.

The park works, and only works, for those who don't stop to appreciate the delicate back-story of a Disney park.(not saying you don't...)

Which is the majority of people that flow through the gates. Unfortunately, they typically don't really care.

My perception of this park is that is is haphazard in theme, and in doesn't mesh.

I know Servo has his whole idea that it's like a city, or a working studio, but that's fabricated out of his immense knowledge and love for the park.

I sort of agree with that theory, but I think the park needs to be more cohesive and more unified than just a cluster "Entertainment themed rides and shows".

In total agreement. Even when it opened, I didn't get the whole feel of the park. It always seemed choppy.

Honestly, I would love with we got a DCA treatment. New theme: Hollywood- Pure and simple.

New name: Walt Disney's Hollywood Studios.

I much prefer DHS over DCA. DCA was...and is... a mess. You want to talk about messed up theming that doesn't flow. Yikes!

No flaming here. Just nice philisophical discussions. :lol:

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
Sometimes, yes. You just can't argue a business plan as a fanboy. These parks are built to entertain and make money for the masses, not the fanboys. So, DHS works. It has three of the most popular rides on the property.

Which is the majority of people that flow through the gates. Unfortunately, they typically don't really care.

In total agreement. Even when it opened, I didn't get the whole feel of the park. It always seemed choppy.

I much prefer DHS over DCA. DCA was...and is... a mess. You want to talk about messed up theming that doesn't flow. Yikes!

No flaming here. Just nice philisophical discussions. :lol:
Right....BUT...If people are going to come ANYway for the Disney name, logo, and precedence, shouldn't the thoughts of a Fanboy be well thought if seeing that they are the ones that look for the story and the detail? The come to Disney for different reasons.:wave:

DCA has always looked like a nice park to me, though.:shrug: Never been there, though...:eek:

DCA2.0, though...WOW. Even NICER park.:sohappy: Can't wait to go.


Well-Known Member
You are right...It totally is!:wave: And is that a bad thing, nope!

The park works, and only works, for those who don't stop to appreciate the delicate back-story of a Disney park.(not saying you don't...) My perception of this park is that is is haphazard in theme, and in doesn't mesh.

I know Servo has his whole idea that it's like a city, or a working studio, but that's fabricated out of his immense knowledge and love for the park.

I sort of agree with that theory, but I think the park needs to be more cohesive and more unified than just a cluster "Entertainment themed rides and shows".

Honestly, I would love with we got a DCA treatment. New theme: Hollywood- Pure and simple.

New name: Walt Disney's Hollywood Studios.


And now I shall await my flaming.:wave::p

Really need to reread what I wrote. "Hollywood" isn't a theme. The THEME of the park has to be something much more general to appeal to each and every human who visits. (Hence why "California" as a theme was disastrous, and unappealing to most.) The theme isn't and never will be an "Entertainment Variety" park. That's Universal. It doesn't take an "Expert" to know that Studios is about BEING Entertainment, and Entertaining the world. It's being part of an extremely base instinct to take center stage.

The theme of the park is extremely in focus, cohesive, and in place. As I've said before: If you're focusing on the idea of it as a just a Jungle, Studio, Community, or Kingdom: You're missing the ENTIRE POINT OF WHAT A REAL DISNEY THEME PARK IS.

And it's told to every new Studios Cast Member, not a concoction from head, thank you very much.


New Member
^ This will make you feel good, Servo:

I've already been "instructed" by my kids that the first park we will be attending on our next trip is DHS.

Thank you, TSM, Muppets, and Star Wars.

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