My Little Mouseketeer's First Visit to the World (9/23 - 10/3)

Hello all…

First, a little background and a few caveats.

My girlie, Anastasia, looooves her Mickey. She’s been raised with the Mouse since she’s been born. Her first words were “Me-mou!” (or “Mickey Mouse!” for those of you who need a toddler-to-adult translation). At home she can spot a Mickey from 100 paces and go running to point it out to you. She only watches one show on TV every day, and that’s the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. It’s safe to say the girl’s obsessed.

So we brought her home for 10 nights…

The caveats:

This is going to be nothing like my prior trip reports… I’m so thick with Mommy-brain that I barely remember what we did this morning, let alone what we did the first few days we were here, and in exactly what order. This will be mostly pictures of my little one with her beloved characters. Not much artsy photography, because it’s hard to snap away when you’re trying to keep your little one from launching herself headfirst into one perilous situation after another. Just some cute pics for you, a little explanation to go with them.

I hope you enjoy!


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Day 1:

This day was a loooong and tiring day for us. Up at the crack of dawn, and I had to wake up the girl up early too. We hit a lot of traffic on the way to the airport...

At the airport, Anastasia was just wide-eyed. Everything was so new and different looking to her. She just sat in her stroller taking it all in.


I asked about how full our flight was, and luckily it was only half full! So we got to use our carseat for her after all! And we didn’t have to shell out an extra $200 for a seat for her. Woohoo!

She slept part of the way there:


After we landed, we picked up our rental car and headed "home."

Of course, our rooms weren’t ready yet, so we then went over to Downtown Disney to eat some lunch and pick up our park tickets. From there we went shopping for some essential groceries, then dropped them off at our villa.

Then it was off to Epcot! Nevermind that it was now close to 5 PM at this time, and we wouldn’t have much time there… but we still wanted to go.

We took Anastasia on her first ride – Figment. I tried to take a pic, but it was too dark. She loved it, and wasn’t scared at all. Just wide-eyed and taking it all in. Even the blast of air and sudden darkness didn’t bother her, like I was afraid it might.

From there we headed to the Seas, and she loved that ride too. She toddled around in the pavilion for a while, but had a meltdown when DH wouldn’t let her climb up the escalator. At that point it was time to leave.

So off to bed for us, and a restful night sleep as we prepared for her first day at the MK!


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Day 2:

Anastasia woke up in good spirits this morning, and after a good breakfast, we headed off to the Magic Kingdom. She loved the tram ride, loved the monorail, and loved all the hustle and bustle of the crowds who were waiting. I kept watching her to see if she’d recognize the opening song.. I think she did, but there was so much to look at! She just seemed so dazed and overwhelmed by it all..

When the park opened, we made a beeline for It’s a Small World, since we had thought that would be a nice tame ride to start her off on.


It wasn’t open yet for some reason, and after waiting with the CM who was blowing bubbles for a bit, we headed across the way to Peter Pan. She loved it. Then back to Small World. She REALLY loved it. She kept tapping DH's hands to the song, and looking around with this look of awe in her eyes. SO much to see and process! This is quite a change of pace for her – she had already seen more in that short half hour than we see all week at home!

From there DH stood in line at Dumbo for us, while I scooted over to see Ariel… which I had never done before. It was cute, but Anastasia had no idea who she was, not that I expected her to.

"Oooh! You're shiny!"

Then it was off to pass the little one over the ropes and ride Dumbo. That was also a hit.


Then we headed over to Toontown to see the big Mouse himself. We got there shortly after the area opened and made a beeline for the Judge’s tent.


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By this point Anastasia was starting to get overwhelmed and cranky. She didn’t want to stand in line any more and was starting to melt down. But she held in until we got passed into the little room with her two favorite Mice. Oh my goodness…. The moment when she realized who was in the room with her??? One of the best moments of my entire life, I kid you not. I was so emotional watching her eyes light up, and she started to point at Mickey and wave and make all of her happy noises.

But there was a problem.

Even though we were in the room with Mickey, there were still people ahead of us in line to meet him… and she wanted to get down and see Mickey NOW. How do you explain to a toddler that they have to wait in line to see their hero?? But he’s right THERE! She had a small meltdown when we had to pick her up and keep her from bolting across the room to get to Mickey… DH turned her around and tried to keep her interested in the sides of the tent and the pictures on the wall until it was our turn.

And when it was? I melted. She ran up to them and touched their noses, hands and clothes… she had the biggest smile on her face, and she ran to us as if to say “Do you see who it is??” I told Mickey and Minnie about how her first words were Mickey Mouse, and the story behind that. The entire line was going “Awww!” watching her intract with them, and I could tell the Mice were taken by her too. Mickey made a kissing noise in my ear as we left. I was so teary…

I hated to pry her away, but there were people waiting in line, and thankfully she left without a fight.

As if I wasn’t already emotional, as we were leaving, we got surprised with Year of a Million Dreams Fastpasses!! 3 of them! Sadly we couldn’t use any right then, because we had to leave the park for her morning nap… but it was sooo cool to have won something!

Here's how it went down:

The Moment right before she realized who was in the room with her:


"Here I come, Mickey!"


Meeting her Mice:


She couldn't stop smiling!! It was SO hard to get a picture since she wouldn't hold still... she was doing her happy dance and running back and forth between us and them.


Hugs for her Mice:


All of us:



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That was about all the excitement she could handle for the morning, so we headed back for her mid-day nap and a little rest for DH and I.

Once she got up around 3, we headed over to the WL to park, since we'd be eating there later, and took the boat over to the MK to meet up with Nibbs and WHF...



Then we met up with Nibbs and I got to meet the elusive WHF for the first time! We all rode the TTA together... then Nibbs and I went on Buzz together (using our two practically useless Dream Fastpasses...Oooh! We passed 15 people! But it was the principle behind the thing). I beat her soundly. Sorry Bitsy! :kiss:

Then we baby swapped on Space Mountain. Nibbs and WHF watched Anastasia while DH and I went on by ourselves... what a treat! Babysitting: a great method of family planning :D

Then after a quick posed picture just to prove we were all there together:


we headed back on the boat to the Trail's End Buffet.

Bitsy and I on the boat:



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After a yummy dinner we all headed back on the boat again to our car.

I snapped a few "artsy" pics on the way back:



We headed back to the Villa, where DH took Anastasia and Nibbs, WHF and I all headed off to the Adventurers Club.

It was just a little bit crowded:


But tons of fun. I was just starting to figure out the place, when we left. I'm sad that it was my first and last time. :(

All three of them have such great expressions:


Then I said my goodbyes to Nibbs and WHF (until someone else has a baby or wedding shower, I suppose :rolleyes:)...

So that's day 2.

Stay tuned for day 3!


Well-Known Member
OMG you're little Mouseketeer is so adorable! It looks like she's having an amazing time so far...and it seems like you're having quite a blast as well. :D
Awesome so far Bun! Major major goosebumps when you shared Anya's experience with Mickey and Minnie. Can't wait to read more!

And...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!:sohappy:


New Member
Wonderful report - your daughter is precious - tears came to my eyes during the Mickey/Minnie meeting!! Look forward to more on your trip. How old is your little one? We are leaving in 2 days to meet up with my grandsons (yes 2 of them) ages 2 years and the other one 6 months at the World. Are we crazy or what?? Cant wait to hear from you soon!:wave:


Well-Known Member
Bun said:
Then we met up with Nibbs and I got to meet the elusive WHF for the first time! We all rode the TTA together... then Nibbs and I went on Buzz together (using our two practically useless Dream Fastpasses...Oooh! We passed 15 people! But it was the principle behind the thing). I beat her soundly. Sorry Bitsy!

Then we baby swapped on Space Mountain. Nibbs and WHF watched Anastasia while DH and I went on by ourselves... what a treat! Babysitting: a great method of family planning


She did cream me at Buzz...but I've learned I'm much better at TSMM anyway. Now I just need to ride that with Bunny...maybe I can cream her then. :)

And babysitting...yes, a great method to family planning. I think those short few minutes though change WHF's outlook just a little on children though. Which kinda scares me. :lol: (Although, thankfully, not enough that he wants kids RIGHT NOW! Whew!)

Bun said:
I snapped a few "artsy" pics on the way back:

Artsy?! More like bird filled! :lol:

Bun said:
But tons of fun. I was just starting to figure out the place, when we left. I'm sad that it was my first and last time.

I'm sorry we left so soon. If you weren't feeling tired already, I could have stayed later. :) I'm glad I got to experience it with you though!!! :)


Great report. It reminds me of my trip last year when we took our 2yr old boy for his first trip. He was the exact same way about seeing mickey.


Well-Known Member
Great report Bunny! What a beautiful little girl :) All the pics are wonderful but the Mickey & Minnie ones had me sniffing a little. So sweet! There is nothing like seeing your little one meet the Mouse! Can't wait to read the rest!

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