I think Disney should redo the MuppetVision 3-D movie, more AA, digital projection, updated effects, etc.... Maybe if they wanted to added a Muppets attraction in the Animation area, to show how the do the puppets (like how they show how they animate).
I've always thought they should change the Great Movie Ride to highlight the old, classic Disney motion pictures (such as Absent Minded Professor, 20,000 Leagues, Summer Magic, Happiest Millionaire, Bedknobs & Broomsticks, etc...). I think this would reintroduce the classic movies to new generations, while appealing to some of Disney's "older" generations. They could design it with decent AAs and effects. I can just see an old Model T flying across a stage and an army of ghost Knights charging (of course, you could keep the Mary Poppins section).
Since Mickey's Hat appears to be staying for good, I would take down and completly redo the exterior of the building. I would pull the entrance back away from the Hat and model it after the El Capitan Theatre. The hand prints could be moved and added to the real hand prints infront of the Beauty and the Beast Auditorium.
Well, just my $0.02...