MSEP, MK Perimeter fireworks, heading to WDW this summer - Summer Nightastic


Active Member
Eh, I just don't see a straight "animal" nighttime show that exciting, as much as I love animals. And I seriously doubt audiences would either.

What would the projections be? Discovery channel footage.


They're bringing back "Making of Me"!:lol:
Come on add symba in there with malifacent as the dragon and things like that and it could be really good show.

Some people Just have no imagination(cue figment).


There is plenty of room in the water way between Dinoland & Asia for it, as well as a viewing area. No need for a stadium like F!.

No way, no how. There's not nearly enough room for viewing in that area. Not for a show like this where everyone in the park would be dying to see.


Well-Known Member
Eh, I just don't see a straight "animal" nighttime show that exciting, as much as I love animals. And I seriously doubt audiences would either.

What would the projections be? Discovery channel footage.


They're bringing back "Making of Me"!:lol:

For a nighttime show at DAK, the river makes the most sense. Though I would prefer an illuminated water parade to have something different than any other park, a show like WOC would work as well. (If they would ever turn Camp Minnie Mickie into a new section that allows you to walk all the way around to Africa, there would be plenty of viewing space for a parade).

If it's tied to the river, why not make the nighttime show centered around an under-represented category of animals in DAK - sea life. You could draw from The Little Mermaid, 20,000 Leagues, the Kracken from Pirates, even Willie the Singing whale.


New Member
No way, no how. There's not nearly enough room for viewing in that area. Not for a show like this where everyone in the park would be dying to see.


That's the Fantasmic seating overlayed in DAK. The pictures were taken at the same height in Google Earth. As you can see, it could be done, but some modifications would have to be made. The seating area sticks out a little on the left, and would intrude on the walkway by Theater in the Wild, but those little areas could be worked out.

The lagoon area is still large enough to hold a show such as WoC. In my opinion, this would be the perfect place for something like this. :)



That's the Fantasmic seating overlayed in DAK. The pictures were taken at the same height in Google Earth. As you can see, it could be done, but some modifications would have to be made. The seating area sticks out a little on the left, and would intrude on the walkway by Theater in the Wild, but those little areas could be worked out.

The lagoon area is still large enough to hold a show such as WoC. In my opinion, this would be the perfect place for something like this. :)

I just think that would be incredibly ugly, and take away from the beautiful view that is the Everest area, IMO.:shrug:


New Member
I just think that would be incredibly ugly, and take away from the beautiful view that is the Everest area, IMO.:shrug:

With a line of trees on the backside of the viewing area to block out Dinoland, it wouldn't look too bad. I don't think the seating area nor some form a platform in the water would tarnish the look of Everest.

I was checking out this area in November to see if it would actually be possible, and it would be. The lagoon area is very massive, especially in person. The seating area would have to take up some portion of the lagoon in order for it to fit. I do think as long as it's themed well it would look nice.


Well-Known Member
My concern with that idea would be the actual water when compared to the lagoon at DCA. I do not think the river at DAK has a poured concrete bottom that I think is needed for the show.

I still do not think WoC is the answer for DAK. :shrug:

Btw, this --->
is hideous. It would be horribly out of place, IMO.


Well-Known Member

That's the Fantasmic seating overlayed in DAK. The pictures were taken at the same height in Google Earth. As you can see, it could be done, but some modifications would have to be made. The seating area sticks out a little on the left, and would intrude on the walkway by Theater in the Wild, but those little areas could be worked out.

The lagoon area is still large enough to hold a show such as WoC. In my opinion, this would be the perfect place for something like this. :)

You just gave Joe Rohde a migraine. :lol:

I could see something like that being added to a Mysterious Island type land at the front of the park however.


Could WoC fit into the lake at AK? Yes. Area-wise there is room for the WoC stage and a seating area roughly the size of Fantasmic.

However here are two of the reasons this won't happen:
1- They have no desire to put a giant concrete seating/standing area into the Dinoland/Asia area.
2- They would have to drain the lake, line it with concrete in order to install the infrastructure for the show, then refill it. Then, build some sort of structures behind it for lighting, projectors, etc.

Never gonna happen.

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
I couldn't care less. It'll be an awesome show, bring it right over for ll I care.

The flawed mentality that has turned the Walt Disney World Parks into what they have become is cheapness and, even though I hate the word, "Walmating".

WoC wouldn't be that much of a stretch. There's animals in the show. It's good for me!
I don't get that. :shrug: Bring in a wholly "Fantasmic-esque" show is fine in a park dedicated to Nature, Animals and Adventure? WALL-E and Alice in Wonderland would clash with the surroundings.

Don't bring over a show just for the tech and the scope.

I've said it once, I'll say it again. Stitch and Monsters fit in Tomorrowland.

The attractions just suck. Look at Tokyo. They have an amazing, kick-butt Monsters attraction in their Tomorrowland, and nobody complains about it.
Because it's good quality. The theme still is a bit off, though.

Yea, over by CMM would make the most sense, but I'd hate to lose the potential BK pad.
It's dead. :lol:

It could be brought in if they were to build something. With a lot of water. And an island. :D


or! now this may seem like a crazy idea.

they could add something to DAK that is totally orignal and fits the theme of the park totally!

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
Anyway..MSEP! :D

Think we'll get the original Blue and White Retro color washes for the Castle during the parade? In the pre LED days, that was the only scheme. Love it. :D


I disagree.

We've been told we weren't getting the caldera, so that's out. Besides, it was going to be BK, in a sense.

But the Mountain...:D

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