More complaints filed against Disney characters


New Member
Originally posted by DisneyJukebox
It is fine for you people to love all things Disney, but your reactions are bordering on cult-like.
Personally my initial reaction is based on my annoyance and frustration at the growing numbers of frivolous, greed induced lawsuits. The legal system should be used to bring criminals to justice not as a personal ATM for anyone with a crazy idea and their scumbag lawyers. One person has come up with the idea of tying to sue Disney on a trumped up charge and now lots of others are jumping on the bandwagon. It’s pathetic that they are mainly picking on Tigger – again following sheep like – as if the same performer is always portraying Tigger.

Added to the fact that inside those suits you can not feel anything.


New Member
Originally posted by barnum42
Personally my initial reaction is based on my annoyance and frustration at the growing numbers of frivolous, greed induced lawsuits. The legal system should be used to bring criminals to justice not as a personal ATM for anyone with a crazy idea and their scumbag lawyers. One person has come up with the idea of tying to sue Disney on a trumped up charge and now lots of others are jumping on the bandwagon. It’s pathetic that they are mainly picking on Tigger – again following sheep like – as if the same performer is always portraying Tigger.

Added to the fact that inside those suits you can not feel anything.

Noone is suing disney! These are CRIMINAL charges!


New Member
Originally posted by taholden
Noone is suing disney! These are CRIMINAL charges!

As a current civil trial lawyer and former prosecutor - - a criminal conviction is the first step towards a civil suit. That is their goal. Don't kid yourself about it. When I was a prosecutor i had so many cases where the "victim" would adamantly pursue a criminal charge and I would have his/her civil attorney constantly calling me, putting pressure on me. Why? Something known as collateral estoppel. In many cases, once you have a criminal conviction, you can go into civil court and liability is already established due to the criminal conviction. Makes it that much easier b.c. that person can no longer dispute liability b.c. they either admitted their guilty or were found guilty in criminal court. In this instance, it will be disney who will be sued in civil court along with "tigger", as "tigger" is a disney employee. Tigger if found guilty, will not be able to dispute the civil suit. In turn, there is an argument that although disney was not part of the criminal matter, tigger is their employee acting in the course and scope of his duties at the time of the incident, and his conviction should prevent disney from arguing they are not negligent. Prob. won't work, but it will be one argument availble to the plaintiff.

That said, I dealt with a lot of sexual abuse victims. And yes it's true some people wait to report abuse. I tend to give some credence to the first family that spoke out as they apparently reported the incident to disney while they were still on vacation. But for ex. this Rivera person in the article. Her story is highly suspect. I represent a woman who was raped in an elevator. She avoids elevators at all costs and won't ride in them alone when she does. She literally shakes with fear. But Ms. Rivera has no problems with characters, just tigger and returned to the park a few times and never made a complaint.

What is really scary about all this is that these people who have now climbed out of the wood work could potentially damage the reputation of many innocent people. Often times the police will make an arrest on an accusation alone without corroborating evidence. I took a pic with Tigger a few years ago, i cuold turn around now and say tigger touched me. And chances are it isn't even the same guy who may have touched this family. Scary stuff.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by barnum42
Personally my initial reaction is based on my annoyance and frustration at the growing numbers of frivolous, greed induced lawsuits. The legal system should be used to bring criminals to justice not as a personal ATM for anyone with a crazy idea and their scumbag lawyers. One person has come up with the idea of tying to sue Disney on a trumped up charge and now lots of others are jumping on the bandwagon. It’s pathetic that they are mainly picking on Tigger – again following sheep like – as if the same performer is always portraying Tigger.

Added to the fact that inside those suits you can not feel anything.
I agree. People are jumping on the bandwagon here. As a full grown, adult woman, I can tell you that if I was touched inapprpriately I would have not been quiet about it. I would have ranted and raved until I got someone's attention and knowing me it would have been the highest ranking person I could find!! I can understand a child possibly not saying anything, but what was wrong with the mother??? C'mon people. I Am not buying this. Do I deny that incidents could have not at all. Do I think this particular claim has any validity to it? no, none. And of course it is a criminal case. In most cases like this the criminal case MUST precede the Civil ( aka money) case. If Disney decides to settle the criminal case or loses, the chance for a win on the civil side becomes better and the award will be a higher dollar figure!!! just my two cents.....Belle


Account Suspended
So let me get this straight:

A woman has the intelligence, along with her husband, to plan, pay for, and navigate their way to Disney World for a vacation.
Able to care for their child into her teens, keep jobs, pay bills, etc. etc. But it took her 8 days to figure out that she AND her daughter had been groped? And you want me to believe this right?

Hmmmm, let's see I'm thinking NO!!!!!

First of all, anyone accused is innocent until proven guilty. Or have we all forgotten about O.J.? And need I say Michael Jackson?

Both of whom I personally believe are guilty, but were/are still entitled to be regarded as innocent until proven guilty. And deserving of their day in court.

Secondly, even if you believe this person, to say nothing of the leeches coming out of the woodwork for their check, the blame should lie soley on the person IN the character suit. NOT DISNEY!!! It's called personal integrity and responsibility.

I think most of us here are intelligent enough to see what this is really about and where it's going. I don't deny that it's possible, but rather that there shouldn't be a rush to judgement here either. There isn't nearly the evidence to support the so-called victim, other than perhaps the accompanying photo that was taken. If it shows "CLEARLY" that there was wrongdoing, then the CM should be dismissed immediately. So let me ask the question: If this goes to court, what does the "victim" want? Cause all she should want is for the offender to be punished to the full extent of the law. So, NO MONEY should change hands at any point in this matter. The only checks written should be to the attorneys (hmm see a pattern here?), for the defense/prosecution of this case.

(just a side note here: does anyone have a problem with laws governing PERSONAL behavior here?)


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by dox
What is really scary about all this is that these people who have now climbed out of the wood work could potentially damage the reputation of many innocent people.
Very true, and it also damages the credibility of any legitimate victim.

Often times the police will make an arrest on an accusation alone without corroborating evidence.
So if a stranger groped your groin, and there were no witnesses, there would be nothing you could do.

Originally posted by wannabeBelle
As a full grown, adult woman, I can tell you that if I was touched inapprpriately I would have not been quiet about it.
You probably would, Belle. But, not every one is you. Different people can react differently.

Originally posted by HennieBogan1966
First of all, anyone accused is innocent until proven guilty. Or have we all forgotten about O.J.?
I sure haven't. He was found guilty in a civil trial in a wrongful death suit. But that's because the judge in the civil action wasn't a wuss who allowed the courtroom to become a circus.


New Member
Originally posted by wannabeBelle
I agree. People are jumping on the bandwagon here. As a full grown, adult woman, I can tell you that if I was touched inapprpriately I would have not been quiet about it. I would have ranted and raved until I got someone's attention and knowing me it would have been the highest ranking person I could find!! I can understand a child possibly not saying anything, but what was wrong with the mother??? C'mon people. I Am not buying this.

If I ranted and raved everytime someone touched me inappropriately, I'd look like a raving lunatics. As a woman, I think it comes with the territory for a**h**** to try to cope a feel once in awhile.

Example to go along with your post, my friend and I were at a function one time with our daughters (7 at the time). It was very crowded where we were standing. As we watched the girls on a kids inflatable 'ride', a guy walked by and touched me, it happened and he was gone. I turned to my friend and said "I think that guy just grabbed my butt" She said "Me too" We rolled our eyes and said "what a jerk" But moved on with our lives. Now if my 7 year old daughter had come to me later and said "A man touched me" Oh h*ll no, it would be on.

But you have to remember, we are talking about children here. They might not necessarily run to their parents and report anything right away. Sure, we'd like to think children would but after working in social work for 5+ years, immediate reporting of anything RARELY happens. Heck, I was pregnant for 3 months before I told my mother and 6 months before I told my father. I would never dreamed have telling them "Hey my science teacher rubs my shoulders and it makes me feel uncomfortable". You just learn to deal and move on.

I don't really care about someone touching me (minor groping) but mess with my child and you're going to get hurt. Plus I did not want to have to raise a fess around my daughter (when the dirty old man groped friend and I) and ruin a day.

I find it odd people are focusing on the mother not saying anything at first...honestly, I find it completely normal reaction. Just my two cents.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by dox
As a current civil trial lawyer and former prosecutor - - a criminal conviction is the first step towards a civil suit. That is their goal. Don't kid yourself about it. When I was a prosecutor i had so many cases where the "victim" would adamantly pursue a criminal charge and I would have his/her civil attorney constantly calling me, putting pressure on me. Why? Something known as collateral estoppel. In many cases, once you have a criminal conviction, you can go into civil court and liability is already established due to the criminal conviction. Makes it that much easier b.c. that person can no longer dispute liability b.c. they either admitted their guilty or were found guilty in criminal court. In this instance, it will be disney who will be sued in civil court along with "tigger", as "tigger" is a disney employee. Tigger if found guilty, will not be able to dispute the civil suit. In turn, there is an argument that although disney was not part of the criminal matter, tigger is their employee acting in the course and scope of his duties at the time of the incident, and his conviction should prevent disney from arguing they are not negligent. Prob. won't work, but it will be one argument availble to the plaintiff.

That said, I dealt with a lot of sexual abuse victims. And yes it's true some people wait to report abuse. I tend to give some credence to the first family that spoke out as they apparently reported the incident to disney while they were still on vacation. But for ex. this Rivera person in the article. Her story is highly suspect. I represent a woman who was raped in an elevator. She avoids elevators at all costs and won't ride in them alone when she does. She literally shakes with fear. But Ms. Rivera has no problems with characters, just tigger and returned to the park a few times and never made a complaint.

What is really scary about all this is that these people who have now climbed out of the wood work could potentially damage the reputation of many innocent people. Often times the police will make an arrest on an accusation alone without corroborating evidence. I took a pic with Tigger a few years ago, i cuold turn around now and say tigger touched me. And chances are it isn't even the same guy who may have touched this family. Scary stuff.
Thank you , Counselor!!! Belle


Well-Known Member
I am one of the first to speak up when someone has felt violated but I am very suspicious of people that are always looking for some form of "payback".
Now, that may not be the case here, but it seems like where ever you turn these days somebody is sueing someone or some company.
I worry that we are moving away from people being responsible for their own actions. As a business owner, I live with this every day and it's a scary thought. And insurance helps except that when you put a claim in or a suit is filed, the company sends out a notice they are dropping you.
It's a crazy world.


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
Originally posted by lamarvenoy
Hey Rob, It looks like a tigger before you get charged with a crime.:lol:

everyone I've spoken to in WDE told me I got out at a good time...

I feel bad for the Tigger performers that will be affected by this... hopefully they will find a new job or supplementary income faster than I did (ie- I have the STRANGEST feeling that Tigger character meets will start decreasing shortly)


Well-Known Member
Rob, I was thinking the same thing about Tigger. One of my former students is coming to Buffalo to do auditions for character parts in 2 weeks, I was going to ask her what her thoughts were. Sounds like you've heard it's getting worse before it gets better. I know some of my kids at the studio will want to audition - we are all WDW fans and I'm hoping if they make it, their experience will be a good one.

Irrawaddy Erik

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by mkt
everyone I've spoken to in WDE told me I got out at a good time...

I feel bad for the Tigger performers that will be affected by this... hopefully they will find a new job or supplementary income faster than I did (ie- I have the STRANGEST feeling that Tigger character meets will start decreasing shortly)
Another problem is that people will connect this with the Tigger character and not the actual person.....So in the long run Tigger will be the one affected. Like Rob said the meets and greets will prob start declining.


Naturally Grumpy
Fight Back Tigger

I guess I better consider changing my screen name before people start reading sexual innuendo into my posts...

I hope Disney, and the character CM's involved in this sue the complaintants for defamation of character :lookaroun

Yea, pun intended...but I do think they should countersue...may make these leeches think twice about trying to capitilize on either an unfortunate incident or a case of excess imagination.

We are so stupid these days. I coach baseball, softball, and soccer that my kids participate in and 1) I do it because the kids need the help and most parents just drop them off and leave like a free babysitting service. It is impossible to get help. 2) I am deathly afraid to touch a child, will never be with them 1 on 1 and will never give one a ride home (my wife and I have stayed for an hour and a half after a game when the kids parents forgot about her, and were out to dinner so couldn't be called.

Sorry for the zoning out...but I see the two issues as part of the same sickness.


Well-Known Member
The sooner these allegations are sorted out, the better. Personally, I think that there are too many people going to WDW to "get rich quick" by making up stories.
For G*ds sake - the characters are accompanied and meet and greet people in a public place - no one in their right mind would try something like this :mad:

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Perhaps some of these people should visit the Balkans and Rwanda then they could really understand the word violated. The hysteria surrounding this is just another sign of what a soft self centred litigious society the west has become. Its time we put things in perspective.

Perhaps I have become to cynical but my experiences over the last twenty odd years have made me question all sorts of stories like this, there’s always that nagging doubt thats its about power or money. As a dad of three girls, what about those who experience genuine assaults and indecent incidents, where does this constant muck throwing leave them? More and more people saying, well what’s in it for her?

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