Ha! Only 34 minutes of today left here - enjoy what you have left of it. You`re sure to get more out of it than I am. I`m rambling more than normal. Can you tell I`m tired? :lol:
I *guess* there are people who see todays attractions to be not as grand as those of the past, or not as A+ each time as they think they used to be. Quoting an oft-used example, for example, Imagination. How the first was a grand, classic attraction in the traditional Disney sense, and the floow ups wern`t. The rest is out of the scope of the OP I guess, but it`s been mentioned a hundered times.
Then we have the original ideas of an even longer ride, on two floors, with another large turntable as a finale and a direct exit into the Imageworks. Great! More ride! More effects! More AAs! Alas, it wasn`t to be, it would have been nice, but what we got was also nice.
Then you have version 2. Poor AAs. Cheap sets. Ride shortened by 40%. Loose story. A feeling of being cheated.
Version 3. Better. Still too short, still not appreciated as much as the first - in it`s hey day or otherwise depending on your opinion.
Now say we have more rumours of a version 4. Excitement. Will it be as good as version one was in the eyes of those who loved version one? Could it be better? It could be if it was 40% longer. Had great sets. Lots of music. Lots of AAs.
I think of an analogy very close to my home (literally) - you have a public transport system. It`s light rail. It`s very good, but only covers 3 of the 6 routes shown on the map. The other 3 are `coming in the future`. You wait and wait. Then finally, the other 3 routes are announced. But they are only 25% the length the map promised. The other 75% could have been built, could have been great, but won`t now be built.
And at the end of the day, there are people who see past ideas from a past time as far superior to ideas of today. You and I have both said it - todays climate is a world of business. Of money. Of shareholders. Of people less inclined to build huge, expensive E Tickets every other year. It used to happen, but for the reasons I mention dosn`t - can`t - happen anymore. And because of that they see todays attractions as a mere shadow of what they could have been, or what could have been built instead in that space, that show building, that plot of land. As they were 10, 15, 20 years ago.
17 minutes left of today now. My magic`s going to be in sleeping like a log. I hope this made sense?
Quick addition, regarding concepts never built that arn`t liked. Off the top of my head; thank god E.P.C.O.T. wasn`t built. Imagine a whole, real, city looking like Tomorrowland circa 1986. We tried something similar in the UK in the 70`s. They were called deck access estates. Flats in the sky. Neighborhoods of the future. Not exactly E.P.C.O.T. I grant, but a similar example of a brand new way of living. They have all been pulled down now.