And I think Disney does an EXCELLENT job maintaining WDW! I don't know how often you go, but when Im there Im not looking for burnt out lightbulbs or scratches on paint. Actually, if anything, Im usually annoyed by all the construction I see of them rehabbing stuff. I think if you are going that often and its gotten to a point where you aren't enjoying the parks enough that you have to notice a burnt out bulb, it might be time to stay away from WDW for awhile.
Well the last time I went to WDW was Sept 07 and I only go at max once a year, but it's impossible to notice broken lightbulbs (or Neon at MGM) without having been going to WDW on a weekly basis, right? I wouldnt complain if I knew somone would fix it or make sure that if it was burnt out it would only last a day tops, but that's not the case anymore.
Here's a fun example. I've only seen the Country Bear Jamboree twice in my life and yet the second time I went (Sep 06) it was painfully clear to me that something was wrong. The lights were dim, the audio was difficult to hear, the animatronics were jittery etc. Should I have not been concerned?
Should I just enjoy myself if The Carousel of Progress still mentions car phones and laserdiscs, or that the TTA is covered in bird ________, or that it's the same parade year aftre yea after year? Sine I went they fixed CBJ, but EE is not working like it was back then, nor is the nw Nemo ride. It's as if Disney can't be bothered to amke sure everythin works anymore. You say Disney does "an EXCELLENT job mianting WDW!" then why do we have a thread dedicated to finding out if a Yetti AA is working?
I'm thrilled HoP is getting amajor upgrade, but they stil have not replaced al the speakers or AAs in Pirates. Some things just smack you in the face as you walk by and you don't need to be going often to notice them.
If I were the only one complaining your comlpaining would be more justified, but I'm no the only one doing it. It's no longer jus the fan community too, it's everyone. A post was made not long ago detailing how a persn overheard regular guests complain about things the fans have been bithcing about for years, does that not say something?
And yes you can indeed love something and complain abou it at the same time. Especially if it's as complex and varied as WDW (which is why I still enjoy going, and I'm not the one payin for the trips either, If it were up to me I would only go to DLR, DLP, TDR etc). I can love the castle and complain about Stitch's Great Escape. Even people who are in love with it like you are can still complain about the bus system, or how hard it is to get a resevation at a certain place. It's a simple as that, and lots of people do it so get used to it.
I will continue to complain if I don't like somnehing so you can and whine all you want about me (and why are you attacking me and not others?) but it won't change my mind about what I ahve to say about something.