Why are we counting attractions or net gains like that is a bar of success? A spinner being replaced with massive attractions are not the same thing. I think doing a little critical thinking here would go along way with this topic. Capacity, scope, and quality of ride should be what we are really talking about, not ride count.
It’s like opening up gifts on Christmas morning. Do you want 15 pairs of socks, or a PlayStation?
Agreed. But where has something like that happened?
Fast and fallon are bombs, but are either being fixed and replaced WHILE expansion is happening and has been happening for fifteen years.
Quality will always be a bit subjective even though there are definite attractions that do not please enough.
I dislike Rockit from a theme perspective, but for most people, it is not "socks." It has been a thrill ride that served many a major thrill ride's life expectancy even with its outrageous cost of issues and legal problems.
If you want to do that Christmas Day analogy:
We got socks in the stockings, but we are also getting a Next GEN PlayStation bundle (EPIC)
Same family member is getting our cousins in Texas are also getting a PlayStation, even if not a bundle (kid focused smaller park)
Even if we don't love all the socks (Fallon and Fast)
Universal has been more successful at this in the last fifteen years.
Even with the meh ride replacements.
There were additions that were dirt or nothing before.
There are not many examples of that other than Tron and Rat after stagnation with WDW's 22 square miles and far more resources including budget.
If you are truly fine and genuine with throwing out that barometer completely (there is a balance in all things though) where ride or attraction count does is no matter and quality, and scope is most important...
then EPIC will be certainly superior to any of WDW's parks right now WHILE being an entire addition.
You also admit that is a focus if Universal is planning to replace Fast and Rockit in the near future. They could just leave the ride count.
Would you say EPCOT's overhaul or lack there were worth the drought and quality and scope? How about Tron where nothing happened for over a decade in that land minus shuttering an attraction? Critical thinking going a long way here indeed.