News Monster Inc Land Coming to Disney's Hollywood Studios

Chip Chipperson

Well-Known Member
I also think this thread is starting to veer way too off topic from muppets and monsters. We should probably get back on that.

Back to that line of thinking, as the days continue without an announcement I fear for the muppets more and more. I really just want Monstropolis to be as grand as it possibly can be and I feel AC is really the only way to accomplish that. I’m sure the door coaster will be great in both areas.
Isn't there some D23 event taking place in Brazil soon? If so, maybe the lack of an announcement yet isn't because they're delayed the delivery of bad news, but rather because they are saving the good news for that event.


Well-Known Member
I do wish that there was a realistic way to “grandfather in” the muppets with a potential grand avenue redo. That whole area is a stinker who’s only saving grace is muppetvision. As long as muppets is safe, frankly I would’nt care if grand avenue is turfed. And as much as I dislike to think about, I would be ok if muppetvison left if we got a worthy attraction somewhere at wdw to suceeed it. I think Jim would’ve liked to see the muppets evolve (though I am not attempting to put words in a dead man’s mouth on purpose)
I also agree that Jim would have wanted Muppets to evolve. He wasn’t a guy who seemed to like stagnant installations. Not that muppets is bad, but after its very lengthy run I believe he would have updated. Very similar and ways I believe to Walt who I also don’t think would of hesitated to remove things from the park.

Again, as you said though not attempting to put words in both these people’s mouths. So it’s hard to know for sure.

If it’s muppet vision I feel like the most likely course of action is that they remove HOP and put Muppets there. Maybe they could put them somewhere else but I feel it could work there. Muppets should have a presence in WDW, I’m just not sure what that looks like if it’s Muppetvision and not AC. Removing HOP I believe would cause another firestorm of very political opinions. I don’t typically go in there but can understand the historical significance. I believe them keeping a patriotic show in that space though would help “soften” the blow.


Well-Known Member
Rowling's rage tweeting has not affected anyone's love for the attractions that Universal has built.... She chose Universal based on proposals by the two companies.... Clearly Disney lost because they were not going to do enough with them...and Universal ran with the ball. I am disappointed that Disney's proposal was not good enough to get the IP...but in the end glad to see it was better and more creatively managed by Universal.
In the grand picture of everything we are all better for HP having gone to Uni.


Well-Known Member
I also agree that Jim would have wanted Muppets to evolve. He wasn’t a guy who seemed to like stagnant installations. Not that muppets is bad, but after its very lengthy run I believe he would have updated. Very similar and ways I believe to Walt who I also don’t think would of hesitated to remove things from the park.

Again, as you said though not attempting to put words in both these people’s mouths. So it’s hard to know for sure.

If it’s muppet vision I feel like the most likely course of action is that they remove HOP and put Muppets there. Maybe they could put them somewhere else but I feel it could work there. Muppets should have a presence in WDW, I’m just not sure what that looks like if it’s Muppetvision and not AC. Removing HOP I believe would cause another firestorm of very political opinions. I don’t typically go in there but can understand the historical significance. I believe them keeping a patriotic show in that space though would help “soften” the blow.
I think a muppets American history show could be fun with the right team. A lot of fun gags that could be done. I do hope, if it happens, they keep the “not just a video” in theatre effects style show that is present within MV3D. I was kinda hoping a new muppets ride would be an actual dark ride, but it seems unlikely.


Well-Known Member
For real, hp land in every park lol. if disney put a toontown or star wars land in everypark everyone would complain. Plus with jk tweeting all her terrible nonsense it's better not being in a Disney Park imo.
Honestly Star wars could have probably fit in each park (as well as some of the current attractions/lands fit)

MK: Coruscant mini-land in Tomorrowland
EPCOT: Could have been built instead of Guardians, but with the Naboo people instead.
DHS: Give us classic Tatooine
AK: Endor in the style of Pandora


Well-Known Member
Rowling's "rage-tweeting" (in other words, her opinion) hasn't hurt her fortune and her IP one bit. Universal's Wizarding World has been enormously successful, so successful that it's being expanded upon in Epic Universe. And a new Harry Potter TV series is in development at HBO. And the Hogwarts Legacy game withstood the wrath of, um, some and became one of the top-selling video games of all time. So Rowling's doing JUUUUSSTTT fine. 😁

If anything, Rowling dodged a bullet by not letting her IP being dumbed-down into a Midway Mania shooter attraction (actual Disney plans, I believe). Universal respected her input (unlike Disney) and built a true wonderland. One that truly fulfills fan's expectations, unlike Galaxy's Edge. Bravo, Universal, for not bowing down to the mob and for not doing a cheap half-baked version of a worldwide publishing phenomenon. Universal gets all the wins.
On the first point, time will tell.

On the second, it seems we both consider Rowling’s decision to go with Universal for the best, so everyone’s a winner!


Well-Known Member
They played this game with GMR. They should have updated that and built MMRR on AC. They didn’t and the park got a new ride but didn’t improve capacity.

Will they do the exact same thing again? If they spent a bit more money and made a new MV film while building Monsters over Launch Bay, the park would be in better position by 2028. For some reason, at DHS, they keep spending $100s of millions to just keep the park treading water while they look to actually expand MK. I don’t get it. They should want to get more people in the second-tier parks instead of trying to somehow get 25 million people into MK.
Like I said a few pages ago, I think DHS actually went backwards in terms of time spent there.

At this point I walk in, do Star Tours (because it's almost a walk on) and Muppets. Stand there and think "Do I want to spend an hour in line for ToT or RnRC" (no). Ignore Slinky and RotR because of their 1+ hour waits. Realize there's no more Citizens of Hollywood. Grab a blue milk and walk to Epcot. It's insane to me how they thought building a park with almost only E-tickets was a good idea when there's not enough to support them.


Well-Known Member

Mmm... Expansion plots.

I didn’t think that was still the plan. The rumor was it was rip ride rock it that was going. Either way, this does not bode well for muppets. Let’s hope the backlash at removing them has pushed the HOP replacement to a greater chance at reality.

Casper Gutman

Well-Known Member
On the first point, time will tell.

On the second, it seems we both consider Rowling’s decision to go with Universal for the best, so everyone’s a winner!
It can be complicated, but in general I think we have to be able to separate the creator from the creation, especially when we are several steps removed - a theme park land based on films based on a book the creator wrote.

Otherwise, we’re going to run into real problems with some of Walt Disney’s beliefs.

Casper Gutman

Well-Known Member
I didn’t think that was still the plan. The rumor was it was rip ride rock it that was going. Either way, this does not bode well for muppets. Let’s hope the backlash at removing them has pushed the HOP replacement to a greater chance at reality.
We’ve known Simpsons is going for quite some time.

Disney adding a Simpsons land would be nutty. It’s a horribly exhausted franchise, some of the voice actors can barely speak, it clashes with Disney’s overall vibe about as badly as an Aliens ride would, and anything they build will be compared to what Universal had.


Well-Known Member
We’ve known Simpsons is going for quite some time.

Disney adding a Simpsons land would be nutty. It’s a horribly exhausted franchise, some of the voice actors can barely speak, it clashes with Disney’s overall vibe about as badly as an Aliens ride would, and anything they build will be compared to what Universal had.
I like the simpons. I am biased towards this, because I’d like to see what Disney has up their sleeve for the simpons. It’s a merchandising GIANT, and a franchise Disney has been putting a lot of investment into making them “Disney”. They’re going to come to wdw in some form. It’s inevitable. If I’m honest, i for one welcome our donut loving yellow overlords. I dunno if it’s here yet. I think we’re all going a bit too far deep down the crazy hole here, with the lack of info.

Rich Brownn

Well-Known Member

There are plenty of non-IP Disney attractions that have gained truly legendary theme park attraction status.

Here's the reality. People know they want what they already understand. So if you ask them on a guest survey, they respond with what they know. And if you react accordingly, you give them what they know. Expectations set. Expectations met. IP. Easy.

But that doesn't mean they wouldn't want something else even more. They just don't KNOW it because the vast majority of us are not ultra-talented, creative people.

Ask people what they wanted in a "theme park" in 1950 and they would respond with what they knew. They would describe their favorites at the local amusement park. Very few would describe anything close to what Disneyland was. And certainly that follows through to the various attractions opened later. Pirates, Haunted, Matterhorn, etc. But that necessitated ANTICPATING the needs and wants of the public. Not so easy. Requires an understanding of what makes the public tick, and the talent and commitment to create things the public didn't even know they wanted.

Early Disney could have given the people what the people asked for. Would have probably been successful financially. Sure as heck would have been cheaper and less risky. But they chose a different path. Clearly it served them well. It's ironic that now, when Disney has resources available that early Disney could only dream of, Disney no longer has the talent or desire to continue on that path. Instead they choose to limit themselves.
"If I had asked my customers what they wanted, they would have said a faster horse." - Henry Ford

Rich Brownn

Well-Known Member
Rowling's rage tweeting has not affected anyone's love for the attractions that Universal has built.... She chose Universal based on proposals by the two companies.... Clearly Disney lost because they were not going to do enough with them...and Universal ran with the ball. I am disappointed that Disney's proposal was not good enough to get the IP...but in the end glad to see it was better and more creatively managed by Universal.
Disney lost her when she uttered the words "I get complete creative control".


Well-Known Member
That’s the killer. Muppets is a great attraction for the park in a dead section of the park. I feel like if it was in, say, echo lake where frozen is, or sunset where BATB is (not in a moving sense, more so if it was there from the start), muppets would 100% be in zero danger. It’s just the location that kills it.

But that doesn't make much sense to me. There's nothing about that location that makes it "good" for Monsters that some other place wouldn't. If the argument were that they were adding more Star Wars and wanted to use it for that, well I think we'd all understand if Muppets went away. But Monsters Inc in the Muppet footprint doesn't solve any problems and if anything is unnecessarily restricting on what they can do with the Monsters.
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