Ive done alot of thinking on this issue over the past evening, and I I have to say I'm coming around to the other side on this.... one thing that really solidified it for me was that I forgot how much inter-resort shopping and dining we do as a family....we may not be at the parks every night, but we most certainly shop and dine at the other monorail resorts at night...we browse the shops.....we hang out at the other resorts, etc....
While we, as a family are not restricted from using the launches, as handicapped families are....the unintended consequence of this is that the launch system is going to get overworked/overloaded.
While I still feel that the monorail system needs a better rest, nightly, the fact that they aren't even going to run the resort loop to handle inter-resort traffic is at best, short sighted (as it will most certainly have a profoundly negative result on restaurant/shop revenue) and at worst, disastrous....as the other transportation systems are going to get far more heavily taxed.....will tdo finally wake up when a launch sinks out in bay lake?
I'm definitely not as comfortable about this situation as I was yesterday.....