Monorail Peach will be added to the fleet at Walt Disney World this fall


Well-Known Member
They could just have a decal made and stick it on, way easier and hard to screw it up.

Precisely!! But they would have to not only print off 48 of them, but every 4 would have to be a different color, and they would have to match pretty darn well... They would only be 5inx5in wouldn't they??


Well-Known Member
I also noticed that the window vents on car 1 are grey (like the rest of the fleet), however the rest of the train, at least cars 2-5 have black window vents. I personally like the black vents, but not if it makes for inconsistencies.

I was told that this is an entirely new train - but my understanding was that it was only partially new with parts being used from the two damaged trains.


Well-Known Member
I was told that this is an entirely new train - but my understanding was that it was only partially new with parts being used from the two damaged trains.

Cars 2-5 are from Purple, Car 6 is from Pink and Car 1 is from Purple, but the cabs on 1/6 are completely rebuilt from new.

Cars 1/6 of Peach were at one point out of Monorail Shop and in Central Shop, and that's probably when they painted the vents on 2-5 black, just like they did on Teal, and stripped them of their Purple stripe. They must have forgotten they did the vents when they reconnected Cars 1/6. I hope they paint them black, it looks much better.


Well-Known Member
Cars 2-5 are from Purple, Car 6 is from Pink and Car 1 is from Purple, but the cabs on 1/6 are completely rebuilt from new.

Cars 1/6 of Peach were at one point out of Monorail Shop and in Central Shop, and that's probably when they painted the vents on 2-5 black, just like they did on Teal, and stripped them of their Purple stripe. They must have forgotten they did the vents when they reconnected Cars 1/6. I hope they paint them black, it looks much better.

Hey Peachy, do you have any access to getting a mid-day picture of Peach?? I wonder what it looks like in BROAD daylight...


Well-Known Member
Hey Peachy, do you have any access to getting a mid-day picture of Peach?? I wonder what it looks like in BROAD daylight...

I'll get one tomorrow if I can.. it's rainy here right now and I'm afraid that wouldn't do much good for a picture...


Well-Known Member
I'll get one tomorrow if I can.. it's rainy here right now and I'm afraid that wouldn't do much good for a picture...

Okay. Hey, I thought of something earlier... I know it doesn't snow much there, but is it even possible for these trains to run in snow??


Well-Known Member
I would like to see PEACH in full light and length though, maybe it looks yellow or orange because of the lighting... We all need to look at it this way though, AT LEAST IT'S JOINING ITS FAMILY!! Not only that, but since they have been running 11 trains for 2 years now, maybe they will take one train down per week and run the remaining 11... It would give the other 11 trains the maintenance they need... In my mind, a week per train, would only take 3 months to 'refurbish' (for lack of better word) all of the trains!!

However, congrats to WDW for finally getting back up to 12 trains!! :sohappy:

Wasn't it the cabs that took the train so long to come out? I know WDW had to fabricate the cabs themselves...
Regardless of what a train color looks like in different lights, each train is supposed to look distinct in any light. I could try to explain it, but it's hard to put into words that could be understood by the layman.

Yes the cabs needed to be fabricated. From what I heard it was done off site because WDW didn't want to take something on that delt with structural integrity.

I was told that this is an entirely new train - but my understanding was that it was only partially new with parts being used from the two damaged trains.
No train is new, only the cabs on Peach.

Cars 2-5 are from Purple, Car 6 is from Pink and Car 1 is from Purple, but the cabs on 1/6 are completely rebuilt from new.

Cars 1/6 of Peach were at one point out of Monorail Shop and in Central Shop, and that's probably when they painted the vents on 2-5 black, just like they did on Teal, and stripped them of their Purple stripe. They must have forgotten they did the vents when they reconnected Cars 1/6. I hope they paint them black, it looks much better.
Probably, because they painted cars 2-5 just over a year ago while they were just sitting around.

Okay. Hey, I thought of something earlier... I know it doesn't snow much there, but is it even possible for these trains to run in snow??
In theory, yes. No idea how a train would behave on a slippery surface. Might get some interesting indications because they weren't designed for a slippery other words the speed the computer might expect the train to go doesn't match the actual speed. (to the non layman: tachometer discrepancies all day long!) Plus the trains don't like the cold as it is.



New Member
Regardless of what a train color looks like in different lights, each train is supposed to look distinct in any light. I could try to explain it, but it's hard to put into words that could be understood by the layman.

Yes the cabs needed to be fabricated. From what I heard it was done off site because WDW didn't want to take something on that delt with structural integrity.
No train is new, only the cabs on Peach.

Probably, because they painted cars 2-5 just over a year ago while they were just sitting around.

In theory, yes. No idea how a train would behave on a slippery surface. Might get some interesting indications because they weren't designed for a slippery other words the speed the computer might expect the train to go doesn't match the actual speed. (to the non layman: tachometer discrepancies all day long!) Plus the trains don't like the cold as it is.


Yes they contracted outside to make the cabs. The delay was not actually making the cabs but the original molds used to build the cabs were in such bad condition they had to re-build the molds before actually manufacturing the cabs.


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately I think this is true. I have heard from a source that the beam is as much if not more of a problem than the actual trains. But there's no doubt this will help with train maintenance. The beam is a serious problem from what I'm being told. There are hundreds or even thousands of chips and holes in the monorail beam that need to be patched and if they are not they destroy the tires on the trains very quickly. I was told "it's not a dangerous situation, but from a maintenance standpoint it's a disaster".

while all of the above is true, it should be noted that most of the issues are on the epcot spur, not the MK/Resort lines...

The beamway on the Epcot spur was not made in the same way as the epcot line... Disney made the epcot line beamway here in central florida in 80-82.. While most of the original MK/Resot beamway was manufactured in washington.

Moreover, don't get your hopes up of the new maintenance spur ever being more than that.. The concrete on that portion is form-poured right there.. it's not prestressed, and cannot handle the load of constant train use.. It it were to ever be considered for an expansion, the new spur beam would have to be re-done using the prestressed beamway..


Well-Known Member

I'll just be nice and answer this simply: yes.

In theory, yes. No idea how a train would behave on a slippery surface. Might get some interesting indications because they weren't designed for a slippery other words the speed the computer might expect the train to go doesn't match the actual speed. (to the non layman: tachometer discrepancies all day long!) Plus the trains don't like the cold as it is.


Kamikaze, it was merely a curious question on my part.

Monorail_Red, thanks for the opinion. I do understand what you mean. I just wasn't sure how WDW would A) handle the snow, and B) how the trains would act. I didn't know if it was possible to but snowplows on them...


Well-Known Member
Regardless of what a train color looks like in different lights, each train is supposed to look distinct in any light. I could try to explain it, but it's hard to put into words that could be understood by the layman.

Yes the cabs needed to be fabricated. From what I heard it was done off site because WDW didn't want to take something on that delt with structural integrity.

No train is new, only the cabs on Peach.

Probably, because they painted cars 2-5 just over a year ago while they were just sitting around.

In theory, yes. No idea how a train would behave on a slippery surface. Might get some interesting indications because they weren't designed for a slippery other words the speed the computer might expect the train to go doesn't match the actual speed. (to the non layman: tachometer discrepancies all day long!) Plus the trains don't like the cold as it is.


I would also assume some traction-motor overspeeds, which could send the train to Shop. If a wheel slipped and the motor sped up too fast (it's happened to me coming out of Contemp on resorts and going into braking at the bottom of the hill) that would give it a Propulsion/TM Overspeed.


Well-Known Member
I would also assume some traction-motor overspeeds, which could send the train to Shop. If a wheel slipped and the motor sped up too fast (it's happened to me coming out of Contemp on resorts and going into braking at the bottom of the hill) that would give it a Propulsion/TM Overspeed.

How often do/did you drive??


Well-Known Member
Is it me...or does it NOT look like Monorail Peach...but more like Monorail School Bus?

Honestly, to me it does look Peach, just a lighter shade... I remember watching something on TV, OH! It was ER, and their 'PEACH' scrubs were the same color as Monorail Peach's stripe. You can not compare it to Japan's though, like a family member pointed out to me, Japan's looks more like a 'BLUSH' rather than a Peach...


Well-Known Member
Basically every day. I've had almost every indication you can have in a train (not bragging, just bad luck I suppose.)

Not trying to get off subject, but what is it like to drive? I plan to come for the college program either next spring or fall, and look to be a pilot while I am there...


Well-Known Member
I would also assume some traction-motor overspeeds, which could send the train to Shop. If a wheel slipped and the motor sped up too fast (it's happened to me coming out of Contemp on resorts and going into braking at the bottom of the hill) that would give it a Propulsion/TM Overspeed.
TM Overspeeds too...those were fun...almost forgot about them. In any event, cab op reset then normal visual!! :D

I plan to come for the college program either next spring or fall, and look to be a pilot while I am there...
I'm not trying to burst your bubble, but at the same time don't get your hopes up either. From what I heard, all the CPs for Monorails this fall were pulled and relocated to different areas. One of which was a friend of mine who did the CP Fall 2009 - Spring 2010.


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