OOH, OOH, a tengent! I have one, too!
I was going over some of the posts on this great thread, and started thinking about some of the comments about people willing to pay more for a monorail expansion, or for a seperate ticket, etc. While many of us who have posted here, and many who have only read the posts, have strong feelings about the magic of the monorail at WDW, I was trying to think (see signature) of a way to get an idea about how many of the general population would really care if the monorail was expanded at a great cost.
So-o-o-o-o-o-o, I went back to the math.
This thread is titled "Monorail Expansion". You would think that anyone who is interested in the monorail would be drawn to this thread. People who are REALLY interested in this topic, would be likely to post a reply. There are currently 3,972 registered members of WDWMAGIC.COM. Out of those 3,972, so far 56 members have posted a reply (hold your comments - I have a life - it didn't take me as long as you think to count the replies). That's only 1.4%.
Maybe, just maybe, we can use this to keep things in perspective. This is a WDW fan site. Yet only 1.4% felt compelled enough to make a post about the monorail. While I'm not saying this is a true representation of the general public and the percentage who care about the magic of the monorail, I do feel that the an expansion would not significantly effect on-property numbers. Having been involved in public service for a long time, I think Tyler's comments and observations about what the majority of visitor's expect of WDW's transportation is pretty accurate: they want convenience, low price/if not free, more convenience, and something their brain can (hopefully) comprehend.
Tyler, when you get around to reading this again, with a PRT, would that involve an elevated roadway/track, or would that be done on grade? Are you thinking of an automated system, where cars merge on and off a master road, and speeds are adjusted by computer? Would the cars be self-powered or run off an electrical rail or overhead wire? Just asking 'cause I don't know alot about PRT's, or what concepts have been presented.