Monorail and Decals

How would you like to see the monorail

  • How it looks currently with the ballon decals

    Votes: 2 2.5%
  • No decals covering the windows

    Votes: 61 76.3%
  • Either or, doesn't matter

    Votes: 17 21.3%

  • Total voters


Original Poster
Am I the only one that prefers the way the monorail looked with no decals on it? It seemed to go through fazes through the years and I always hope they will revert back to the "clean" look without having decals cover the whole thing. To me it looks like a city bus, or a big advertisement(tron, which i actually don't have much of a problem with) It also makes it harder to see out the windows when the balloons are covering more than half of the window. Just wanted to see what others thought. I'll leave you with a pic (not mine) of what it looked like


nice, clean, and sleek looking, huh?


Well-Known Member
I prefer the no decals look. I will say, tho, that the decals have the possibility of unexpected fun like this gem on one of the buses with the "magical" appearance of "ears" where you wouldn't usually look for them:



Well-Known Member
I prefer no decals, they don't need them.

That said, it would be nice if they were dressed up during festive periods.


Well-Known Member
Add me to the No Decals column

I prefer the no decals look, plus I really don't like being advertised at when I am doing something I paid pretty good money for.


Well-Known Member
well, right now there are no decals on the Monorails. As long as you don't get your britches in a knot over the incredibly cool looking Tron Monorail, now's a good time for Monorails.


Active Member
I don't like the decals on the windows. I love enjoying the views while riding, and the decals are annoying and distracting. However, I do think the tronorail is pretty cool, and I would not mind if they continued doing something like that...having ONE special monorail that is decorated to promote something.


Well-Known Member
I don't like the decals on the windows. I love enjoying the views while riding, and the decals are annoying and distracting. However, I do think the tronorail is pretty cool, and I would not mind if they continued doing something like that...having ONE special monorail that is decorated to promote something.

That's a good perspective and I totally agree. It's not so bad if it's just one here and there...not all of them all at the same time.


Active Member
I don't like the decals on the windows. I love enjoying the views while riding, and the decals are annoying and distracting. However, I do think the tronorail is pretty cool, and I would not mind if they continued doing something like that...having ONE special monorail that is decorated to promote something.

I agree with this too. Having only one monorail promoting Disney films is okay, just leave all the others with the classic WDW look.


Well-Known Member
Not to de-rail (ha-ha) the subject but does anyone have a link to the pic of the Tron-o-rail? I used the search function but came up blank or am I missing something?


Original Poster
well, right now there are no decals on the Monorails. As long as you don't get your britches in a knot over the incredibly cool looking Tron Monorail, now's a good time for Monorails.

wait, really? I rode the monorail about a week about and there were balloons all over the window...I'll have to check this out. Thanks.

To the person that asked about the tron-o-rail pix, just do a google search...

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