Monorail Accident


New Member
My condolences to his family and friends. Thank God the trains were basically empty, or there could have been a much larger tragedy.

Why does Disney allow a 21-year-old to operate a monorail? The WDW bus drivers have to have a CDL, a physical exam, and many years of driving experience I assume. What are the requirements for a monorail driver? Whatever they are, I think Disney dropped the ball and I hope they are sued for millions by his family.

You're absolutely right!!! Sue disney NOW!!!! GET MONEY GET MONEY GET MONEY...

oh wait, thats right... maybe they might be logical and grieve for their son first?

He was properly trained, something or someone went wrong... Was it him? No one knows.... But we will in time.


Well-Known Member
Horrible and sad news indeed... Not news I wanted to wake up to this morning.. Prayers out to the family and friends of the monorail pilot who lost his life...

I am glad the mods decided not to post the video... I find it very disturbing... Knowing there is a deceased pilot right ther in front of guests, and people knocking on the cabin door trying to get a response is saddening.. However, it is nice to see that some people care enough to try to help out... Those people who looked like they were trying to assist those on the monorail could have just stood there in a state of shock.. Glad they had the fortitude to be able to help.. I know I probably would have stood there shocked more than anything... And, also, let me point out about this site: I was banned this afternoon for a week from another Disney fan site for requesting the video be taken down, especially since that site does not allow us to post videos of our vacations.. Yet, they will post video of this mangled monorail with a deceased cast member... I think I will be avoiding that site for now on..

It isn't the internet that is the problem, it is the people who use it.. :)

It is ok... Just understand that some people here knew the pilot...

Condumdrum, free speech only does go so far... A moderator or a web site owner can limit what they want on their site... and in this case, they do not want the video posted.. And I agree... Like I said above, I requested the video be removed from another site since we cannot post our videos of our GOOD times at Disney, but they can go and post a video of an accident that mangled a monorail train, that allows the viewer to hear a child or maybe several children screaming and crying in the background, and one that shows the cockpit of this mangled monorail in which a person was just killed... Double standard on that other site??? No, not LP by the way....
The fact that there were children onboard who experienced this is heartbreaking to me. They might need years of therapy for this.

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
My condolences to his family and friends. Thank God the trains were basically empty, or there could have been a much larger tragedy.

Why does Disney allow a 21-year-old to operate a monorail? The WDW bus drivers have to have a CDL, a physical exam, and many years of driving experience I assume. What are the requirements for a monorail driver? Whatever they are, I think Disney dropped the ball and I hope they are sued for millions by his family.

Age has nothing to do with this... it could have happened to a 42 year old monorail pilot too...

The Conundrum

New Member
Condumdrum, free speech only does go so far... A moderator or a web site owner can limit what they want on their site... and in this case, they do not want the video posted.. And I agree... Like I said above, I requested the video be removed from another site since we cannot post our videos of our GOOD times at Disney, but they can go and post a video of an accident that mangled a monorail train, that allows the viewer to hear a child or maybe several children screaming and crying in the background, and one that shows the cockpit of this mangled monorail in which a person was just killed... Double standard on that other site??? No, not LP by the way....

I understand where you are coming from but you have to understand everyone has a GOOD time at Disney they can't have 100s of videos clogging up the site. Since this is such an out of the blue tragedy people are concerned and want to know what happened since this kind of thing isn't supposed to happen at Disney. Also, and please don't take this the wrong way, can we please stop trying to bring the kids screaming into this. For all we know the little girl was hungry/tired/or any other thing and was possibly oblivious to what was going on.

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
The fact that there were children onboard who experienced this is heartbreaking to me. They might need years of therapy for this.

Heck, an adult may need some therapy as well... Especially if they witnessed anything at all... Let us now forget the CMs who were on duty that night... This has a ripple effect... Many people will be devastated by this...


Well-Known Member
I think Disney dropped the ball and I hope they are sued for millions by his family.

This is exactly what is wrong with people today, the formal investigation is still pending and people are already talking about lawsuits.
Please wait until all the details of this crash are released and then if it is warranted you can start talking about taking legal action against the guilty party.
People are sue happy these days, it's almost funny ... almost.

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
I understand where you are coming from but you have to understand everyone has a GOOD time at Disney they can't have 100s of videos clogging up the site. Since this is such an out of the blue tragedy people are concerned and want to know what happened since this kind of thing isn't supposed to happen at Disney. Also, and please don't take this the wrong way, can we please stop trying to bring the kids screaming into this. For all we know the little girl was hungry/tired/or any other thing and was possibly oblivious to what was going on.

That time of the night she probab;y was tired.. But she was standing there looking right AT that monorail... And as for the videos on the other site, he doesn't allow actual videos OR links to sites where we can host our videos, but he posts a horrific video like this?? Double standard if I ever saw one..


Premium Member
My condolences to his family and friends. Thank God the trains were basically empty, or there could have been a much larger tragedy.

Why does Disney allow a 21-year-old to operate a monorail? The WDW bus drivers have to have a CDL, a physical exam, and many years of driving experience I assume. I assume the boat captains must also have many years of experience and proper training. The same goes for the train engineers.

What are the requirements for a monorail driver? Whatever they are, I think Disney is negligent and I hope they are sued for millions by his family.

We have 21 year old aviation pilots. There is no reason at all why a 21 year old can't be highly proficient at what they do. Your jump to assume Disney is negligent is crazy when you have absolutely no idea of the facts.


Well-Known Member
Actually, there is plenty evidence of that.

Unless there was a major difference in the height of the trains then, assuming one was stationary, the moving vehicle would have been the tend upward upon collision. Clearly Pink rode up and forced the rest of Purple down.


Well-Known Member
The bickering is pointless... That will only get this thread shut down

That's exactly what needs to happen. This thread has run its course until real news & info is available.
This is not a situation where a plane has crashed and there's no witnesses and no black box. We will know everything at some point!

The Conundrum

New Member
Heck, an adult may need some therapy as well... Especially if they witnessed anything at all... Let us now forget the CMs who were on duty that night... This has a ripple effect... Many people will be devastated by this...

Wow just wow

When I was a sophomore in high school, a kid hung himself and we learned about it the next day. Many of the students in class were friends with the kid and were very upset over his untimely passing. We were all deeply saddened but the whole class moved on nobody needed therapy or anything like that.

This is a very sad event no doubt but to say adults and children are going to need therapy for this is absurd and is almost as bad as the people saying the family should SUE SUE SUE


Well-Known Member
We have 21 year old aviation pilots. There is no reason at all why a 21 year old can't be highly proficient at what they do. Your jump to assume Disney is negligent is crazy when you have absolutely no idea of the facts.

Very well said wdwmagic. It is sad that a person whos name is, "I love Disney" is wanting Disney to be sued. Sad day.


Well-Known Member
My condolences to his family and friends. Thank God the trains were basically empty, or there could have been a much larger tragedy.

Why does Disney allow a 21-year-old to operate a monorail? The WDW bus drivers have to have a CDL, a physical exam, and many years of driving experience I assume. I assume the boat captains must also have many years of experience and proper training. The same goes for the train engineers.

What are the requirements for a monorail driver? Whatever they are, I think Disney is negligent and I hope they are sued for millions by his family.

I am sure Disney does train them very well but accidents happen. They can happen to the best of us. Why you would jump to the conclusion that it was Disney's fault and start the whole lawsuit thing is beyond me. The facts will come out in due time, but until then, have a little respect. It's a tragic situation for the family and for Disney.


New Member
While I don't care if the video link is posted here or not... I would definately like to diffuse the 'misinformation' out there about it.. It shows the trains, in the TTC, people walking around, trying to 'help' if possible..

One child is overheard calling her dad a few times in a row (all 3 of my daughters do that, and it makes me want to slap them :)........ There is no panic, no screaming, no crying..

Anyone saying different is glorying it's content.


Well-Known Member
My condolences to his family and friends. Thank God the trains were basically empty, or there could have been a much larger tragedy.

Why does Disney allow a 21-year-old to operate a monorail? The WDW bus drivers have to have a CDL, a physical exam, and many years of driving experience I assume. I assume the boat captains must also have many years of experience and proper training. The same goes for the train engineers.

What are the requirements for a monorail driver? Whatever they are, I think Disney is negligent and I hope they are sued for millions by his family.

Wow... Just Wow.... :hammer:


New Member
Wow just wow

When I was a sophomore in high school, a kid hung himself and we learned about it the next day. Many of the students in class were friends with the kid and were very upset over his untimely passing. We were all deeply saddened but the whole class moved on nobody needed therapy or anything like that.

This is a very sad event no doubt but to say adults and children are going to need therapy for this is absurd and is almost as bad as the people saying the family should SUE SUE SUE

I can't believe I am saying this.. But I agree with you... Sue disney? Maybe, if the company is found to be potentially negligent.. Sue them becaused they allowed their son to fufill a dream and drive monorails for disney at age 21? Good luck..

So, you are ok with 21 year olds drinking, getting married... driving a beer truck, driving a tank in iraq... but not a monorail? Get a clue (not you Connundrum)

The Conundrum

New Member
While I don't care if the video link is posted here or not... I would definately like to diffuse the 'misinformation' out there about it.. It shows the trains, in the TTC, people walking around, trying to 'help' if possible..

One child is overheard calling her dad a few times in a row (all 3 of my daughters do that, and it makes me want to slap them :)........ There is no panic, no screaming, no crying..

Anyone saying different is glorying it's content.

Thank you for saying that! People are blowing the footage way out of proportion. Children aren't going to start screaming just because they see the aftermath of 2 monorails collided.


Well-Known Member
We have 21 year old aviation pilots. There is no reason at all why a 21 year old can't be highly proficient at what they do. Your jump to assume Disney is negligent is crazy when you have absolutely no idea of the facts.
A *LOT* of this thread is crazy with no idea of the facts, Steve. :lol:

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
Wow just wow

When I was a sophomore in high school, a kid hung himself and we learned about it the next day. Many of the students in class were friends with the kid and were very upset over his untimely passing. We were all deeply saddened but the whole class moved on nobody needed therapy or anything like that.

This is a very sad event no doubt but to say adults and children are going to need therapy for this is absurd and is almost as bad as the people saying the family should SUE SUE SUE

You do understand that some people can move on faster and heal quicker than others, can't you?? And I never once mentioned SUE..


Well-Known Member
I assume the boat captains must also have many years of experience and proper training.

I was 23 years old and in the college program when I became a boat captain for Walt Disney Watercraft Transportation at Magic Kingdom in 2007

Previous boat piloting experience...0

Trained, evaluated and operating a boat on the Seven Seas Lagoon by myself.....2 1/2 weeks.

Accidents at the conclusion of my internship 5 months later.......0

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