MK to get SIX new FP attractions? UGH?!?!


Well-Known Member
Then why add distracting interactive elements to queues that tend to move rather well?

1. The imagineers have an idea they want to see executed, so they do it.
2. Sometimes people are drawn in by the new elements and it increases the ride's popularity.
3. Kids love interactive elements and the parks are designed primarily for kids.
4. No one is forcing you to participate in any of the interactive elements.
5. What rides are you even referring to? I've only heard about Peter Pan getting interactive cue addons.


Well-Known Member
I have yet to read any convincing argument on exactly how the x-pass system will negatively impact those who choose not to use it.
Very simply: it reduces the number of available FPs for non-FP+ users. In addition, Disney is adding FPs to attractions that don't currently use/need them, which will now increase the standby wait time at those attractions (assuming the availability of FP at those attractions will increase the demand for the attraction...the strict adherence to the return times, in theory, should keep the standby the same...but with FP now available, people will start reserving FPs for those attractions, making demand higher than it was without FP and thereby increasing the wait time).

Everything I've read or heard indicates that it will be cannibalizing from the current FP system or at last be a limited amount per hour per day.
And that's how it will negatively impact non-FP+ users. Take TSMM for example. As it is, those FPs are gone no later than 11:00am. With FP+, they will run out significantly sooner, so a large number of guests will not be able to obtain a FP because they didn't participate in FP+.

Those who enjoy scheduling, or who only visit once a lifetime, like to ensure riding the things they want to ride, this is a tool they can use to do so.
Yes, and I would feel very sorry for people who have to plan every second of their life, if it weren't negatively impacting me.

Those who like to keep things loose and play it by ear can still do so and just ignore the new system. No one is being forced to do anything, no one will be unable to ride because of the new system, no one will suffer at all.
This is where you are wrong. They may not be 'forced" to participate, but they will be left with very little choice if standby wait times are significantly long and regular FP availabilty disappears relatively early in the day. Now, because you need to plan every second of your life, I have very little choice but to either participate myself and do that absurd level of planning, or wait in long lines. Just read the boards about how many members woun't ride certain attractions if they can't get a FP for it. It will definitely affect non-FP+ users.

I think some people just like to .
And some people are just sheep and accept everything at face value, hidden costs be damned!


Well-Known Member
1. The imagineers have an idea they want to see executed, so they do it.
The Imagineers do not just do as they desire and in many cases are hired by the local park/resort to deal with a specific issue/need.

2. Sometimes people are drawn in by the new elements and it increases the ride's popularity.
That requires letting people know something is new, and that is not happening with these queues because it would be counter productive to their intentions.

3. Kids love interactive elements and the parks are designed primarily for kids.
No, they are not.

4. No one is forcing you to participate in any of the interactive elements.
One's participation does not change the reasoning for existing.

5. What rides are you even referring to? I've only heard about Peter Pan getting interactive cue addons.
As marni stated, many attractions are set to get these queues. The Haunted Mansion already has one and Pirates of the Caribbean is getting one. The use of FastPass was tried on each on each coast and deemed to be such a failure all four attractions, excepting Haunted Mansion Holiday, now no longer offer FastPass. If FastPass was already a boondoggle for these attractions, how is putting them on FastPlus Plus better? Especially since the queues will now be moving slow enough to enable the use of interactive elements?


Well-Known Member
Nothing new here....just chasing our tails again over something we all new was going to happen six months ago...wake me up when this next gen stuff actually comes to fruition in the parks...even then it won't impact my vacation because i wont use it


Well-Known Member
So when I am behind a group who is immersed in the interactive portions of the queue that I have no interest in, can I them just pass them and move forward in the queue? That's what I did in Pooh when kids were playing and parents were yelling at them to stop because the line had moved up a lot. There was a big empty space so I filled it.

If that's the case, bring on all the interective queues in whatever attractions you want...I'll just keep zipping on by while you choose to stop and play. :D


Active Member
Im so sorry to do this, but can someone explain the Next Gen use of fast passes again? Ive been reading about it in piecemeal but I feel like Im missing something.

You will be able to get fastpasses before you start your vacation...but why would this effect everyone else? Is it the potential that they would "sell out" faster? Would we not be able to get them "in person" anymore at all?? I am definitely someone who likes to run into the park - go straight for a fast past and then run to something else, but i wouldnt want to plan it WEEKS or MONTHS in advance! how boring!


Active Member
So when I am behind a group who is immersed in the interactive portions of the queue that I have no interest in, can I them just pass them and move forward in the queue? That's what I did in Pooh when kids were playing and parents were yelling at them to stop because the line had moved up a lot. There was a big empty space so I filled it.

If that's the case, bring on all the interective queues in whatever attractions you want...I'll just keep zipping on by while you choose to stop and play. :D

Haha, i was wondering the same thing! I think as long as the line is empty, thats okay, right? I let a bunch of people go past me when I was looking at the Haunted Mansion queue. But if there was like, an actual line, prob should just keep moving?


Well-Known Member
I have yet to read any convincing argument on exactly how the x-pass system will negatively impact those who choose not to use it. Everything I've read or heard indicates that it will be cannibalizing from the current FP system or at last be a limited amount per hour per day. Those who enjoy scheduling, or who only visit once a lifetime, like to ensure riding the things they want to ride, this is a tool they can use to do so. Those who like to keep things loose and play it by ear can still do so and just ignore the new system. No one is being forced to do anything, no one will be unable to ride because of the new system, no one will suffer at all.

I think some people just like to .


You can't do that NOW!?! :confused:


Well-Known Member
I have yet to read any convincing argument on exactly how the x-pass system will negatively impact those who choose not to use it. Everything I've read or heard indicates that it will be cannibalizing from the current FP system or at last be a limited amount per hour per day. Those who enjoy scheduling, or who only visit once a lifetime, like to ensure riding the things they want to ride, this is a tool they can use to do so. Those who like to keep things loose and play it by ear can still do so and just ignore the new system. No one is being forced to do anything, no one will be unable to ride because of the new system, no one will suffer at all.

I think some people just like to .
The issue is that it ends any level of spontaneity. This decline started with the enforcement of return times, and before that with the dining plan now forcing reservations at most sit down places.

In addition to the end of spontaneity, it's expanding the usage of Fastpass where it isn't needed to create false value for guests. Fastpass has it's place, but it's presence on high capacity attractions isn't always needed.

Im so sorry to do this, but can someone explain the Next Gen use of fast passes again? Ive been reading about it in piecemeal but I feel like Im missing something.

You will be able to get fastpasses before you start your vacation...but why would this effect everyone else? Is it the potential that they would "sell out" faster? Would we not be able to get them "in person" anymore at all?? I am definitely someone who likes to run into the park - go straight for a fast past and then run to something else, but i wouldnt want to plan it WEEKS or MONTHS in advance! how boring!

The article that I wrote has been posted a few times in this thread already, but if you can stomach the length of it, I think it explains the potential issues:


Well-Known Member
i thought there were Fast Passes for Haunted Mansion... o_O i've been lied to all these years

anyway, i don't really see a problem with making Fast Passes if they're needed... some of those lines can get REALLY long. now i don't agree with the next gen FP, but i prefer having FP stations for those rides. well except Small World but that's just me.


Well-Known Member
i thought there were Fast Passes for Haunted Mansion... o_O i've been lied to all these years

anyway, i don't really see a problem with making Fast Passes if they're needed... some of those lines can get REALLY long. now i don't agree with the next gen FP, but i prefer having FP stations for those rides. well except Small World but that's just me.
Let's set the benchmark at 30 minutes for whether or not an attraction needs a Fastpass. You can argue that on any given day the following attractions will always need Fastpass:

Magic Kingdom
  • Space Mountain
  • Peter Pan's Flight
  • Splash Mountain
  • Big Thunder Mountain Railroad
  • Princess Meet and Greet
  • Test Track
  • Soarin'
Hollywood Studios
  • Toy Story Mania
  • Rock 'n' Roller Coaster
Animal Kingdom
  • Expedition Everest
  • Kilimanjaro Safaris
Now the problem is, the Fastpass system needs to find a reasonable balance of attractions that need it. If only two attractions are running Fastpass on any given day they are going to run out sooner than if the attraction lineup is padded with a few more additional attractions. The other current Fastpass attractions, as well as the Fastpass+ additions could all conceivably be seasonal Fastpass attractions provided that Disney only allows scheduling Fastpasses day of, and doesn't have a fixed number of Fastpass+ attractions per guest. The current system of "next available fastpass" works much better.

Some of the "seasonal" Fastpass offerings may require usage 300+ days a year (Tower of Terror), while others might only require it 30 days a year (Pirates of the Caribbean, The Haunted Mansion, Living with the Land). Most attractions are somewhere in between. I have no problem with Disney setting up the infrastructure to allow for same day Fastpass+ "reservations", but a long standing guest complaint has been that Fastpass lengthens Standby lines. This is true, and it's usage should take that into account.


Active Member
Thanks, RSoxNo1!... great link, now I understand it all :)

I think as long as these are all "options" - 1) I can wait on line 2) I can get a Fastpass at the ride 3) I can get Fastpass in advance, I dont see what the big problem is. Sure there would be less Fastpasses to get the day of - but maybe I'm silly - but I think part of the fun is running to try to get them! :)

Now if getting them in advance is the ONLY option, that would really suck. I dont want to plan my attractions in advance, even by a week.

What would the penalty be if you get a Fastpass in advance and dont show up? Whats preventing people from doing that? I could easily see getting Fastpasses way in advance, and then the day comes and I decide to go to a different park...


Well-Known Member
I think as long as these are all "options" - 1) I can wait on line 2) I can get a Fastpass at the ride 3) I can get Fastpass in advance, I dont see what the big problem is. Sure there would be less Fastpasses to get the day of - but maybe I'm silly - but I think part of the fun is running to try to get them! :)
I do not think anybody likes waiting in line. What I dislike about FastPass, FastPass Plus and the outfall of the Disney Dining Plan, I that when I am on vacation I do not want to follow a schedule. My day-to-day life is scheduled enough, why should I be expected to want more On my vacation? Because its the only way I can maximize te Magic? I think instead of trying to cram in as much as possible and want more tools to be able to do this, people should ask why they feel the need to schedule out everything at Walt Disney World. I would think if the value was truly there, there would be less desire to milk as much as possible from a vacation.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, RSoxNo1!... great link, now I understand it all :)

I think as long as these are all "options" - 1) I can wait on line 2) I can get a Fastpass at the ride 3) I can get Fastpass in advance, I dont see what the big problem is. Sure there would be less Fastpasses to get the day of - but maybe I'm silly - but I think part of the fun is running to try to get them! :)

Now if getting them in advance is the ONLY option, that would really suck. I dont want to plan my attractions in advance, even by a week.
That's the real issue though. FP+ reduces the number of regular FPs. That means the regular FPs will "sell out" much quicker. On slow days it won't matter in the slightest. But on crowded days, what happens if you are pretty much forced to either plan your trip by the second, or else wait in long lines?

What would the penalty be if you get a Fastpass in advance and dont show up? Whats preventing people from doing that? I could easily see getting Fastpasses way in advance, and then the day comes and I decide to go to a different park...
That was a complaint of mine that was dismissed by quite a few people on the board. The fact that it occurs even now with regular FPs was used to counter my concern. The difference to me, though, is that people who currently obtain FPs and miss their return window is less than those who will miss their FP+ window or simply not use it. Because of the inability to be spontaneous, people will reserve their times, but by the time they show up to the park, they may have forgotten about it, or they simply decided to visit a different park that day, or they decided to have lunch instead, etc. It's much easier to forget about something when you don't have it physically in your possession.


Well-Known Member
You know another unexpected consequence of FP+ is the amount of downtime between attractions. There may be 30-50 minute windows of time where you have nothing to do. It's going to be like DTD all these people just milling around not really doing anything but taking up space.


Well-Known Member
You know another unexpected consequence of FP+ is the amount of downtime between attractions. There may be 30-50 minute windows of time where you have nothing to do. It's going to be like DTD all these people just milling around not really doing anything but taking up space.
How about shop, which might be part of Disney's strategy.


Well-Known Member
I know well in advance which parks we'll be in on which days, and the approximate time windows. I also know which parts of the park we'll likely be visiting on each tour. We have precious little time on vacation, and with five of us, I need to make sure everyone hits their favorites. That said, bring on FP+. From the sounds of it, it will benefit us.

And to go against the grain even more, we like the new interactive queues and hope they build more of them. We may not take advantage of all of the interactive elements, but it's great to have the option. We enjoyed the new HM queue and thought it fit with the spirit and theming of the attraction.

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