MK Themed parties...ripping off regular customers?


Well-Known Member
I don't think they should get rid of them completely but I do think it's getting a little more than absurd how many days they span now. I was super excited about getting to go on my actual birthday this year. Something I never get to do because it's always in the middle of the week. This year, the 16th is on a Friday.....but, you guessed it. PPP that night. 7pm close time. No fireworks. Nada.


Really? I mean, do they need that many days where MK is closing early? It's just got me really bummed and I can understand being frustrated at the sheer number of party nights now throughout the year, especially for people who plan all year for their trip.


Well-Known Member
I don't mind the Halloween and Christmas parties, but I think the Pirate & Princess Party is getting a little excessive. Epcot and MGM are not the Magic Kingdom, and having them open later on Pirate & Princess Party nights doesn't help people who had stuff to do at the Magic Kingdom. I see the Pirate & Princess Party as just another way to yank even more money out of people so they can visit the Magic Kingdom until later at night; times the park used to be open until *every* night. At least the Halloween and Christmas parties are heavily themed parties with all kinds of special shows and whatnot, that can be seen *only* at the Magic Kingdom and *only* at those times during the year.


Active Member
These parties are actually a great bargain for a family on vacation.

You basically get full access to a park with extra activities/events in a less crowded atmosphere for around half the price.

The only people Disney may be "ripping off" are the people who are Annual Passholders; and I would definitely not consider that group as the "average joe" visitor to WDW.

I've recommended a couple of friends to attend one of these parties when they don't want to spend $250+ on an annual pass or $70+ on a one day ticket.

I've been to all 3 parties and they're worth the price tag and certainly not a rip off...


Well-Known Member
The fireworks were the best thing about the Pirate and Princess Party. Absolutely amazing fireworks. The parade was meh and they just re-ran Dream Along with Mickey for the stage show.

It was great riding Splash and Big Thunder Mountain with no wait and having my own boat in Pirates (with an empty boat in front of me and in the back of me). Crowds were definitely very light.

I do agree with the assessment that the park has WAY TOO MANY nights of this. Really ALL of September for the Halloween party? The Pirate and Princess party has been dragged out since what, January?


The fireworks were the best thing about the Pirate and Princess Party. Absolutely amazing fireworks. The parade was meh

I agree the fireworks were really good but I also thought it was one of the best if not the best parade I have ever seen at the Magic Kingdom with the others being the Christmas and Halloween parades(both also special event parades).

Edisto Pluto

New Member
Wow...where should I start with this one???

Hmm...I can't afford a Ferrari, even though I'd like one. Maybe I should be compensated somehow? Maybe the dealer should give me a BMW instead??

I'd LOVE to be able to stay for a week in a Grand Villa, but I can't afford it. Maybe the company should compensate me somehow...yeah, I've got it...a week at the Poly for free!

I'm so sick of this "we're poor, we can't afford what you can...gimme something to make me feel better" garbage. Get over it. So you can't afford it - that doesn't mean others cannot.

I could take this one even farther, but before I do, I suggest you read the book in my signature...

Oh family and I have never been to one of the parties. We just hop to another park on those nights.
This is spot on. One of the more sensible comments I've seen. We have been to WDW 17 times and have not had a problem with this concept. sometimes we go to these special events and sometimes we dont. Let you budget and time dictate.


New Member
I have been to each of the parties & we have loved all of them!!! We usually time our trips to coincide w/ one of them (last year was great b/c we did PPP for my hubby's b-day in Feb & MVMCP for my b-day in Nov). As a couple in our late 20s w/ no kiddies yet, the parties are definitely for everyone, not just families! When else can 2 grown adults w/ no kids wear a tiara or dress in a costume and not look sillyl!! They are worth every penny b/c the crowds were so light and all of the extra perks were awesome - the atmosphere is fantastic and everyone is in a great mood / super friendly!!! There is no reason not to plan around the parties if you aren't attending - like it's been said the dates are out there early enough & the extra hours at other parks more than make up for it.

MNSSHP 09.05.08 - Boo to You!!! (Oh no the music is stuck in my head again!) :sohappy:


What you say is essentially true. But, don't for a minute think that Disney isn't brilliant in this.

Situation: Family of 5 finds out they have to leave the park early or shell out X to stay for the party. Hmmm, I bet those kids are going to be really thrilled and in great spirits when they find out they have to leave and miss the party.

I wonder how many heads of household give in on that one? :lol:

Again the point has been thrown out there that the dates are known so far in advance and even just asking the front desk, if you're staying on property, and could be known when these parties are. In that situation where they'd be upset they have to leave that is just poor planning knowing that one has the option to check when the parties are and it isn't like there is an anouncement at random saying okay guys park is now closed unless you buy these super duper passes. :shrug:


Well-Known Member
I still cannot figure out what people see in the Pirate and Princess party. It looks like a complete ripoff.

For me it was worth it to see the special characters-Sebastian, Flounder, Carmen, Fantail, Stitch as Experiment 626, John Smith etc.


New Member
Sorry, if parents don't plan their vacation at least to the extent they know there's a party and the park is closing earlier for it, their kids aren't likely smart enough to think they're missing anything...

If I am going to WDW, I'm going for enough days that I can organize around the party and my kid won't be in a position to manipulate me. :shrug:

I would be surprised if more than 5% of the park population on any given day has ever looked at a guidebook or even heard of an online Disney forum. Sure, for planners the parties are nothing more than something else to plan around. For the average guest, I'm not so sure.


Well-Known Member
What you say is essentially true. But, don't for a minute think that Disney isn't brilliant in this.

Situation: Family of 5 finds out they have to leave the park early or shell out X to stay for the party. Hmmm, I bet those kids are going to be really thrilled and in great spirits when they find out they have to leave and miss the party.

I wonder how many heads of household give in on that one? :lol: are exactly right there, too. If my kids begged enough, and if we were there for long enough, I'd give in. We are there so often, tho, that we just hop somewhere else and have our fun.

Either way, I like the idea of the parties...just have not had a chance to be there for one!


Well-Known Member
I don't mind P & P's, MNSSHP, or MVMCP, but I detest Grad nights.
I have the option of paying for & attending the first 3 parties, the latter, I do not.
Until Disney starts having "Elderly Adults who have reached retirement age" nights or "Parents whose children have finally moved out" nights, I don't think it's fair that kids who graduate from High School get a special night at The Magic Kingdom.
A grouchy old man :animwink:


Premium Member
I love this place, but you all do realize this is the warm and fuzzy forum, right? :lol:

Post this question on another forum (that will remain unnamed) and see what kind of response you get.

Oooh, some of the old guard Disney fans who have been around for 20+ years absolutely HATE these separately-ticketed events, and I mean with a passion.

They remember the days when the parks were consistently open until 11:00 or 12:00 for every paying customer. In short, they view it as charging the park goers twice for what was originally offered for one ticket. And the fact that Disney gets away with it just makes them furious.

I say "they" because I'm not referring to myself. Personally, I have no opinion, I'm just reporting my observations of other's opinions.

I'm not sure what forum you are referring to, but I remember the park (there was only 1 park back then, the MK) closing at 7 the majority of the time. The only time it was open until 11 or 12 was during the summer. It's only been since the 25th that the parks started closing later. For the most part the parties are held during off season times when the parks would have been closing early anyway.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure what forum you are referring to, but I remember the park (there was only 1 park back then, the MK) closing at 7 the majority of the time. The only time it was open until 11 or 12 was during the summer. It's only been since the 25th that the parks started closing later. For the most part the parties are held during off season times when the parks would have been closing early anyway.
It would be nice if someone could get a hold of the park hours from the early to mid 80's because I seem to remember the parks, epcot and MK, being open later. I could be totally wrong because I am relying on my memory which can deceive me at times. Anyone have this info?

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
I love this place, but you all do realize this is the warm and fuzzy forum, right? :lol:

Post this question on another forum (that will remain unnamed) and see what kind of response you get.

Oooh, some of the old guard Disney fans who have been around for 20+ years absolutely HATE these separately-ticketed events, and I mean with a passion.

They remember the days when the parks were consistently open until 11:00 or 12:00 for every paying customer. In short, they view it as charging the park goers twice for what was originally offered for one ticket. And the fact that Disney gets away with it just makes them furious.

I say "they" because I'm not referring to myself. Personally, I have no opinion, I'm just reporting my observations of other's opinions.
I agree!It does make a little mad but there are other parks to go to.


Active Member
I like the parties Its not like on party nights there is nothing to do on Property. Also its not like Disney doesn't have any sineage up promoting the events. I still can't believe that in this day and age people do not research their trips, especially considering how expensive they are.


Well-Known Member
Does that mean you are against the EMH for on-site guests too? Because, you know, not everyone can attend those.

Sure am! Even more so as EMH directly affects the crowds, wait times, and ease of crowds to regular guests. Even on un-crowded days, an Extra Tragic Hour in the morning means every resort guest this side of Animal Kingdom is going to be at that park thinking that they'll beat the crowds. THE RESULT for regular non-resort guests is that when we finally get in the park, ride queues are already jam packed, and Fastpass return times are already for past noon.

I'm sorry, but that's a ripoff for regular guests who's only crime is paying alot of money for a ticket and showing up thirty minutes before opening.

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