Misson Space ?

Dj Corona

Active Member
Well TAC, as somebody already said, (and not ot get on your case), hopefully what you posted was sarcasm, but since you brought it up...in a story posted about the M:S incident, the woman's death on POTC in February.....she was in her seventies, had severe diabetes, and had suffered several mini-strokes in her time. I believe according to story even the medics agreed it wasn't so much a matter of where, but when. Either case is unfortunate, (especially considering where it happened). I myself have questioned what a 4 year old was doing on the ride, basically for the fact that for most of us know when it comes to thrill rides how much we can take...(44 inches doesn't seem like a lot to me) and unless the child was a roller coaster veteran, chances are people, evidence will come out that the boy had a pre-existing condition, maybe one his parents weren't even aware of...if not, well then this is a very,VERY, horrible fluke and a lot of us here will be eating our words.
And you can also seat me in the just about anything can be dangerous and can kill you anytime, anywhere section of that debate. Odds aren't always that high, but it's a good excuse to live everyday like it might be your last!


New Member
wannabeBelle said:
Great Post Captain Hank. Well thought out and well said!!! Belle

I second that. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but i personally would rather take a few risks in life and have a heap of fun. If i lived my life goverend by things that were *potentially* dangerous, i think my life would be a lot more mundane. Im talking, taking holidays, thrill rides, bungee jumping type risks, not a crack habit or anything!!! Ultimatly, you could drop down dead at any moment. I personally would like be having some fun at the time! My dad always said to me "no regrets" and i want to live like that.
Scooter said:
I know I'm gonna get flamed for this but I think this ride should be closed until they determine how and why this child died.

Big Thunder Mountain Railroad was only opened after they fixed the problem.
They KNEW why that ride broke down and fixed the problem.

In this case, they don't know anything except that a child died after riding this attraction.

Generally speaking,4 year olds don't just pass out and die for no reason...and until they determine what caused this to happen, Disney is gambling that it won't happen again. Imagine the lawsuits and grief if another child died and THEN they found out what caused it.

I ,for one, won't allow MY children to experiance this attraction until I know it's 100% safe to ride.

I know all the facts,and that 8 million people have ridden this attraction and not had a problem...but once a child dies, these numbers don't mean anything to me except this...my child could die on this ride.

Just my opinions people..don't go off on me now. :lookaroun

I agree with you.
ISTCNavigator57 said:
While that's true on a roller coaster, where high g's are only reached for a second or two, it's not true on Mission: SPACE, b/c the g's are sustained for a long time. Just like anything else, a child or an older person certainly are more susceptible to getting sick on this ride--notice that most of the 7 people who have reported problems due to this ride (6 of them) were over age 55. The young and old are affected more adversely by just about everything, which is why it would be very dangerous to send a small child or any older adult who is not EXTREMELY healthy into space (NASA certainly filters for this).

Yey! That was the whole point I was trying to make earlier!


Le Meh
Premium Member
worldshwcasefan said:
Should Mission space stay open after this incident ?


What kind of question is that? This child likely had a underlying condition that either the parents knew or should have known about and not let him on the attraction.


New Member
misson space

i,m sorry about the child, but what about the mother. why would you let a 4 year old go on this ride.i know there are warnings posted,what can happen to an adult never mind a chid. :veryconfu


Well-Known Member
Connor002 said:
it would have been a good idea to close the ride.

i'm thinking beyond my age here, but a statistic is NOTHING. it dosen't mattter how many others have ridden the ride. everything is a 50/50 chance. you'l either win the lottery, or you won't. you'l either live through the day, or you won't. LIFE IS NOT PREDICTABLE. untill they know things are as safe as possible, the ride should NOT be reopened
That post it deeply flawed. The fact is winning the lottery is not a 50/50 chance. That’s the type of "fuzzy math" that get people in trouble. They do know things are safe as possible as nothing happened differently during the ride. The ride operated the exact same way it operated every time before. Like I said before more than 1:8,600,000 people die in pools, do you think we should close all of them too.


Well-Known Member
Dj Corona said:
Well TAC, as somebody already said, (and not ot get on your case), hopefully what you posted was sarcasm, but since you brought it up...in a story posted about the M:S incident, the woman's death on POTC in February.....she was in her seventies, had severe diabetes, and had suffered several mini-strokes in her time. I believe according to story even the medics agreed it wasn't so much a matter of where, but when. Either case is unfortunate, (especially considering where it happened). I myself have questioned what a 4 year old was doing on the ride, basically for the fact that for most of us know when it comes to thrill rides how much we can take...(44 inches doesn't seem like a lot to me) and unless the child was a roller coaster veteran, chances are people, evidence will come out that the boy had a pre-existing condition, maybe one his parents weren't even aware of...if not, well then this is a very,VERY, horrible fluke and a lot of us here will be eating our words.
And you can also seat me in the just about anything can be dangerous and can kill you anytime, anywhere section of that debate. Odds aren't always that high, but it's a good excuse to live everyday like it might be your last!
Thats true, and even at age 4 if there was a pre-existing condition this too may have been less a matter of where but rather when. One doctor said that the stress of playing a sport may have one day led to the same thing for the boy.


Well-Known Member
TAC said:
I think WDW should just close completely. With the death of the woman on POTC, the deaths at DL on BTMR, the death of CMs, and now the death of a 4 year old innocent boy, it's time for TWDC to close the parks once and for all.

With over 15 Million people visiting WDW last year alone, and with 8.6 million people riding Mission:Space, these few deaths certainly means that Disney is more concerned about making money and bottom line than the safety of its guests.

To further add, you basically eat at your own risk when you eat a Disney meal. Remember that approximately 50 people were sent to the hospital with food poisoning last year from eating on Disney property, there is just too much likelyhood of a complete disaster!

Close the parks NOW!

*chases you swatting with a broom* You get outta here! :lol: :animwink:

I've been reading and reading and READING all the thoughts and opinions. (Both in this thread and the other...s :lol: ) A parent myself, I know the panic that sets in every time you hear a story like this. The "OMG, that could've been US!" But truthfully... that's where the desire to know if there was a pre-exisiting condition comes into play. (I bring this up because many people were grouching about people wanting to know if there was one, and its relevence) If we find there was one, we all feel safer.

Will I let my kids ride M:S? Sure... when I think they're ready. (I've actually been asking my 10 year old to give it a try, because I think she'd love it) Will I let my 5 year old ride? No, I know she'd NEVER be able to handle it. Do I want WDW to close down M:S because of this incident? No, not at all. Forget the millions of people who've ridden without incident before... let's talk about the ones who rode THAT DAY and have continued to do so. Combine that with the fact that the ride has been cleared of mechanical error, and to me it justifies its staying open. :)

Just as everybody has been saying, risk is involved in EVERYTHING. M:S is safer than pretty much anything you'll do today (aside, maybe, from sitting here staring at your computer screen ;) ) Disney has determined that M:S's record and current state justify its staying open. It is YOUR job to determine whether or not you wish to CHOOSE to experience the ride, taking into account your own set of criteria.

There... enjoy my rambling goodness. :lol:


Well-Known Member
MouseMadness said:
Just as everybody has been saying, risk is involved in EVERYTHING. M:S is safer than pretty much anything you'll do today (aside, maybe, from sitting here staring at your computer screen ;) )

*computer explodes* :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
MerHearted said:
*computer explodes* :lookaroun

*spits* :lol: :lol: You get out of here, too! *grabs broom* :lookaroun

I should probably edit my post... I know my computer, at least, is bad for my blood pressure. :lol:

*curses dialup AOL* :fork:


Active Member
Driving on I-4 from Tampa to Disney World is more hazardous that any ride out there today...

Should M:S be shut down for good - NO
As has been said hundreds of times already, the ride was shut down, checked out, and everything was well within the safety margins for the attraction.

Is anything ever 100% safe - NO
Accidents happen. Is someones car always 100% safe when you get into it? I doubt it, but we still get in them every day. It's unfortunate that accidents do happen...they always will. It's a fact of life.

Was M:S the cause of this child's death? - Probably not.
Was it a contributing factor? - That we will have to wait and see on. To use a recent example, look at the death of John Ritter. He was fine and in perfect health, but he had a time bomb just waiting to go off in his body that no one could see or diagnos until it actually happened. We may be looking at the same thing here as well. If this child had passed away on Spaceship Earth or on It's a Small World, would people be talking about ride safety? I doubt it. Until all the test results are in, everything is pure speculation.

My heart goes out to the child's family and friends on this tragic loss. But until all the facts are in, lets not jump the gun and start pointing the finger at Disney and the attraction not being safe like the media is trying to do.

:stepping down from my soap box now:


New Member
Something about the 8.6 million successful rides statistic that everyone continues to throw around:

8.6 million does NOT mean 8.6 million different people. More meaningful data would be if we could break it down per demographic. You could also say 1 death per 2 years. (That stat, even though accurate, is more startling)
What if 6 million are healthy 20-30 year olds? Just saying 8.6 million people rode it without any problems isn't entirely the whole story.

Personally, I think the ride is safe and shouldn't be shut down. I for one didn't feel too good after I rode it but I thought it was exciting. Movies and games have an age rating on them... maybe that would be a good solution too for rides?


Premium Member
DisneyInTN said:
8.6 million does NOT mean 8.6 million different people. More meaningful data would be if we could break it down per demographic. You could also say 1 death per 2 years. (That stat, even though accurate, is more startling)
What if 6 million are healthy 20-30 year olds? Just saying 8.6 million people rode it without any problems isn't entirely the whole story.

I don't think that is a fair comparison. 1 death in 2 years is implying that Mission Space is responsible for the death, which is not proven and therefore not accurate. What is proven at the moment, is that there has been 8.6 million riders go through the attraction without incident.


Le Meh
Premium Member
DisneyInTN said:
You could also say 1 death per 2 years. (That stat, even though accurate, is more startling)

Here is even a more starteling statistic...... 100% of people that ride this attraction will die. Even more starteling is that 100% of people that are born, will die. My point, you can make statements about statistics that are true, but does it really matter. My sympathies to the parents of the child. But I will bet a dime to a doughnut (an old saying my grandad used to say) that the child had a pre-existing condition, and could have very well passed out on Its a Small World or the Tea Cups. If Mission Space kills kids, where are all the dead kids?

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