Mission:Space update (confirmed)


Well-Known Member
I would rather see them go out of business so I can remember the great Company they used to be not the heartless corporation they have become.

What makes them so 'heartless' and when did they become such?
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Well-Known Member
Having just gotten off the ride, I think that one of the key issues with this version of Spaceship Earth is a lack of focus. There's a lot of vague narration about stuff like "the future" and "innovation", yet the scenes clearly tell a specific story about communications.
Which is why Bob Zalk's rhetoric about how the ride is not about communication anymore is laughable.


Well-Known Member
Personally, I would rather WDC go bankrupt than going the direction it is going.

I doubt that anyone else on these boards agrees with you. That's a large baby to throw out with the bathwater. If that's truly your over-riding opinion, then I don't see how anyone could take your position and comments seriously. To be charitable, I will have to assume that you don't fully understand how horrible bankruptcy would be. I run into this all or nothing opinion from angry people in courtrooms: "If I can't have custody of my kids on my terms, I don't want to see them at all." Very short-sighted.

The only sorry thing about SSE at the time was the wand but I would prefer the Irons version with the wand than the Dench Version without it.

So you liked the long blue hallways as opposed to the big room of post-attraction features?
You liked the long nothing of a descent?
You think Webcam should still be the look into the "future"?
You don't like the photo/video/animated thing at the end?
You don't like the reference to Apple in the California garage?

A mature person realizes that some bad comes with every step forward. Yeah, the Irons narration was better in my opinion as well, but upgrades inevitably may bring some unfortunate steps back. On balance, the refurb 10 years ago was a major plus. Not perfect, but obviously a plus overall. In my opinion, anyone who does not think so has a very unclear memory of the downsides of the earlier version.


DVC Guru
Premium Member
I doubt that anyone else on these boards agrees with you. That's a large baby to throw out with the bathwater. If that's truly your over-riding opinion, then I don't see how anyone could take your position and comments seriously. To be charitable, I will have to assume that you don't fully understand how horrible bankruptcy would be. I run into this all or nothing opinion from angry people in courtrooms: "If I can't have custody of my kids on my terms, I don't want to see them at all." Very short-sighted.

So you liked the long blue hallways as opposed to the big room of post-attraction features?
You liked the long nothing of a descent?
You think Webcam should still be the look into the "future"?
You don't like the photo/video/animated thing at the end?
You don't like the reference to Apple in the California garage?

A mature person realizes that some bad comes with every step forward. Yeah, the Irons narration was better in my opinion as well, but upgrades inevitably may bring some unfortunate steps back. On balance, the refurb 10 years ago was a major plus. Not perfect, but obviously a plus overall. In my opinion, anyone who does not think so has a very unclear memory of the downsides of the earlier version.
You do know that you are talking with someone that it is in their 20's, has no clue what WDW really used to be like, and hasn't even been there in almost a decade.


Park nostalgist
Premium Member
*checks title of thread*

Yup, still 'Mission: Space update (confirmed)'.

*looks at recent discussion*

Anyway... If the changes are worth it I still will be unlikely to ride M:S more than once, maybe twice. I simply cannot handle what even Green side does to my head these days. :(


Well-Known Member
What makes them so 'heartless' and when did they become such?
It started becoming heartless during Eisner's Later years and has accelerated since Iger took over.. Walt andhis successors including Eisner to a point aspired to be more than just another corporation. With the advent of pure money grabs such as MM+ Disney has become just another brand trying to get your money.


Well-Known Member
Exactly. Iger may have taken a backseat to updating WDW and some of DL and DLP but he was busy building the future so they could do what they're doing now. He knew marvel and Lucasfilm would play a huge role in the future of the company. Would we have all liked new attractions every year instead of new shows, random half-hearted updates to classics and resorts... sure. That said, we still needed all of that stuff. Now, it seems like it's project after project getting greenlit these days, hooray! Wdw in 5 years will be incredible. DL will finally, hopefully, Be jealous of WDW if Epcot gets all this new stuff being proposed and Studios continues it's reimagining plus don't forget the 50 pluses / 50 year celebration coming down the pipe at MK as well. So much is happening- why it took so long is another question, but things are moving now! Let's be happy!

Actually, Carsland out at Disney Land is amazing. Great addition under Iger's watch, and Lasseter's attention to detail. A great CEO puts the right people in charge, and stands back while credit is given where due. Iger does this well, and stands aside far better than Eisner did.

And they're doing what they can with Disney Land Paris. Rat started out there, but overcoming the attitudes of the French, and a whole lot of anti-American feelings, is hard. It's also unbelievably expensive at the same time that flights from Europe to WDW are historically low. Why spend tons of money at DLP when a similar outlay (or a little bit more) will get you all of WDW? Yeah, DLP is the ugly stepsister of the parks, but at the same time it's still innovative and beautiful. Here's what they do better than in the U,S, parks:

Their castle projection show
Their Space Mountain
Their dragon under the castle
Their walking paths and tunnels
Their location near one of the great cites of the world.

And we are again a long way from Mission Space, which indeed needs different scenarios. So be it.


Well-Known Member
I doubt that anyone else on these boards agrees with you. That's a large baby to throw out with the bathwater. If that's truly your over-riding opinion, then I don't see how anyone could take your position and comments seriously. .
I don't really want it to happen and if I were in charge it wouldn't but there would need to be major corporate re-structuring. a team at the top consisting of a Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer and Chief Creative Officer, who would all have equal power. , WDAS will either return to traditional animation or merge with Pixar into a single Animation Studio., WDI would become WED again and consist of several divisions, Imagineering, Illusioneering(Special Effects) Productions (film content in the parks) Research and Development and MAPO (Formed from purchasing Garner Holt Productions.) ESPN would be history. Disney Channel would actually be about Disney again and Marvel (if it absolutely must be kept) will be as independent of the Disney Company Hierarchy as possible, Keeping them out of the parks and other places and have a strict internal continuity so the story doesn't need to be re-booted ad infinitum.


Well-Known Member
It started becoming heartless during Eisner's Later years and has accelerated since Iger took over.. Walt andhis successors including Eisner to a point aspired to be more than just another corporation. With the advent of pure money grabs such as MM+ Disney has become just another brand trying to get your money.

MM+ is heartless? Silly me, I thought it was a legitimate attempt to control crowds, introduce tech, and allow people to plan their days instead of running like crazy and then standing in line for undue hours. Yeah, I miss some of the old ways and spontaneity, but given the unbelievable crowds, something had to be done. How would you control the crowds? Critiques are easy, but solutions are always far harder for the loudest complainers to come up with.

Look, prices are raised mostly to keep crowds down. It's freshman econ supply and demand.

Uh, money was always important, and anyone who reads up on the history of Disney can confirm that Roy counted the money while Walt ran with his amazing ideas. Walt always took the newest segment of the company to a profitable level before jumping in with his latest dream. The Return On Investment was always at the forefront, based in large part on the assumption that amazing quality will bring in profits. Walt NEVER went full bore into a project without considering how money will come in because of it.

Iger, um, I don't see the heartless push for money. Yeah, he wants profits, but I do not see heartless compromises to the magic and shoddiness prevailing in order to get them. We can all find something to complain about in anything, but overall I think things are looking good.

Disclosure: I own about $15,000 worth of Disney stock, but that has nothing to do with my calm review of Iger.
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Well-Known Member
Point by point

"So you liked the long blue hallways as opposed to the big room of post-attraction features?"-while a post show is nice I don't think it's integral to this particular attractin.
"You liked the long nothing of a descent?"-The 1994 Descent influenced my worldview and gave my life meaning.
"You think Webcam should still be the look into the "future"?"-I will agree that updates were needed.
"You don't like the photo/video/animated thing at the end?"-I despise it with every inch of my being
"You don't like the reference to Apple in the California garage?"-I have no problem at all with that scene.


Well-Known Member
Marvel (if it absolutely must be kept) will be as independent of the Disney Company Hierarchy as possible, Keeping them out of the parks and other places and have a strict internal continuity so the story doesn't need to be re-booted ad infinitum.
Marvel's always operated on a multiverse, same as DC and multiple timelines and what-ifs are very much a part of the identity of comic books.
What really needs to happen with Marvel is get Perlmutter out and resolve the internal struggles and corporate politics that, for example, have lead to the live-action shows being really disconnected to the rest of the MCU, the whole mandate of shutting out X-Men and the Fantastic Four from comics and pushing the Inhumans hard to spite Fox, or how Bendis decided to kill off War Machine because he saw a trailer for Civil War and thought he was going to actually die in the movie.


Well-Known Member
Marvel's always operated on a multiverse, same as DC and multiple timelines and what-ifs are very much a part of the identity of comic books.
Which is precisely why I don't care for comic books. I prefer a single Linear Storyline not 30+ different continuities.


Well-Known Member
I don't really want it to happen and if I were in charge it wouldn't but there would need to be major corporate re-structuring. a team at the top consisting of a Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer and Chief Creative Officer, who would all have equal power. , WDAS will either return to traditional animation or merge with Pixar into a single Animation Studio., WDI would become WED again and consist of several divisions, Imagineering, Illusioneering(Special Effects) Productions (film content in the parks) Research and Development and MAPO (Formed from purchasing Garner Holt Productions.) ESPN would be history. Disney Channel would actually be about Disney again and Marvel (if it absolutely must be kept) will be as independent of the Disney Company Hierarchy as possible, Keeping them out of the parks and other places and have a strict internal continuity so the story doesn't need to be re-booted ad infinitum.

And there'd be a shareholder revolt. Also, an equally powerful Chief Creative Officer is probably against the law in some way. Your ideas are pie-in-the-sky novelties that few people in the real world would condone. I like the idealism, but reality requires a look at the real world from an accomplished viewer's perspective. Stock prices would plummet, which means money would dry up for new projects and for the synergies and cross over revenues that make so much of Disney's day to day activities possible. Good intentions, but the side effects would be fatal. Indeed, your wish for a bankrupt Disney would likely result from just those fixes which you suggest. Darn reality, always getting in the way.

And, yes, Mission Space needs more scenarios.


Well-Known Member
Point by point

"So you liked the long blue hallways as opposed to the big room of post-attraction features?"-while a post show is nice I don't think it's integral to this particular attractin.
"You liked the long nothing of a descent?"-The 1994 Descent influenced my worldview and gave my life meaning.
"You think Webcam should still be the look into the "future"?"-I will agree that updates were needed.
"You don't like the photo/video/animated thing at the end?"-I despise it with every inch of my being
"You don't like the reference to Apple in the California garage?"-I have no problem at all with that scene.

Looking at TWDC as a source for meaning in life might be the root of the problem with many doomers.


Well-Known Member
I don't really want it to happen and if I were in charge it wouldn't but there would need to be major corporate re-structuring. a team at the top consisting of a Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer and Chief Creative Officer, who would all have equal power. , WDAS will either return to traditional animation or merge with Pixar into a single Animation Studio., WDI would become WED again and consist of several divisions, Imagineering, Illusioneering(Special Effects) Productions (film content in the parks) Research and Development and MAPO (Formed from purchasing Garner Holt Productions.) ESPN would be history. Disney Channel would actually be about Disney again and Marvel (if it absolutely must be kept) will be as independent of the Disney Company Hierarchy as possible, Keeping them out of the parks and other places and have a strict internal continuity so the story doesn't need to be re-booted ad infinitum.

If you were in charge, Disney wouldn't go out of business? Thank GOD! Why haven't you usurped Iger already? Clearly you are the superior choice! I'm sure you have major business credentials and other people that can vouch for your business acumen, correct?

Lets go through this show step by step:

but there would need to be major corporate re-structuring. a team at the top consisting of a Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer and Chief Creative Officer, who would all have equal power.

1) You still have a board. They, and the stockholders, would never agree to 'major corporate restructuring' of a company that literally has never done better.
2) 'Equal power' never happens. You're delusional if you think otherwise. Even when Walt and Roy ran the company, Walt had the final word on everything. Roy would find him the money.

WDAS will either return to traditional animation or merge with Pixar into a single Animation Studio

1) Traditional animation is too expensive, too slow, and not popular enough to warrant this.
2) Merge them? Why? They are both making blockbuster movies. You just want to throw money away?

WDI would become WED again and consist of several divisions, Imagineering, Illusioneering(Special Effects) Productions (film content in the parks) Research and Development and MAPO (Formed from purchasing Garner Holt Productions.)

1) Are we renaming it just for nostalgia? Or do you know someone that prints WDI shirts and they would make a ton of cash needing to print WED ones?
2) Lets segregate the Imagineers into divisions for no reason. Because they can't possibly have more than one thing they are good at. If you're going to do this, where are you going to put Joe Rohde? What division does he head? Because, by definition, you're taking him out of all the others.

ESPN would be history.

Yes, its down a few percent. But you know what the only type of TV that gets good ratings any more is? Live programming. What does ESPN have a lot of?

Disney Channel would actually be about Disney again

It is. Regardless of your personal opinion on the programming, it is still a child-focused channel that airs Disney shows and specials.

Marvel (if it absolutely must be kept) will be as independent of the Disney Company Hierarchy as possible, Keeping them out of the parks and other places and have a strict internal continuity so the story doesn't need to be re-booted ad infinitum.

1) Yes, lets keep it out of the parks. Because no one ever went to IoA for Marvel, right? Or no one is going to go to Mission: Breakout. Right?
2) Have you ever seen an MCU movie? When did they reboot anything since they started the MCU? Hint: Never. And they aren't planning on it. They do have a strict continuity. The comics are different, but Disney does not interfere with or influence the comics.
3) $4.4 billion dollars, in the US. Thats the revenue for MCU movies. Not including merchandising, overseas movie sales, or anything else. But hell, no one wants to see that, and the glorious leader HMF has decreed that it isn't worthy of Disney Parks. Lets but something awesome in there, like Lone Ranger or Treasure Planet. People really loved those.

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