Mission Space (Intense Version): Have You Ever Gotten Sick?

How has Mission Space impacted you?

  • YES! I have gotten full-fledged sick. And we'll leave it at that. ;-)

    Votes: 11 4.7%
  • I felt pretty nauseated after, but that was all.

    Votes: 60 25.6%
  • Minor, unmemorable stomach ache at the most.

    Votes: 40 17.1%
  • I could ride this multiple times and not be bothered at all.

    Votes: 97 41.5%
  • I have never ridden Mission Space.

    Votes: 26 11.1%

  • Total voters


Original Poster
I hear these stories all the time of people losing a meal, or just feeling sick after riding Mission Space. Actually, more so than any other ride/attraction. (Including non-Disney) :shrug:

I've only gotten a minor weak stomach after riding it, but nothing that a 5-min sit on a bench or casual stroll around the air-conditioned gift shop couldn't fix. Nothing serious.

Just wondering what the overall track record is for people here on the boards. I made this as a poll in case anyone is embarrassed to admit they did a Disney hurl. ;)


Well-Known Member
I am a motion sickness nightmare.... backseats of cars and longtrips are not my friend and I felt sick the first time I rode Soarin. I did ride the intense and during the ride had no nausea at all, it could be because I was focusing on breathing through the pressure LOL I actually didn't feel like I was spinning at all. When I got off the ride for about 2 hours afterwards I would get an occasional faint wave of nausea.... nothing big and nothing that bothered my day.

The Mom

Premium Member
My husband had nausea for a few hours after his one and only ride - permanently off his list. It was enough to prevent his eating dinner that evening.
I only got a bit queasy after riding it twice in a row (no line that day) My son was fine, even after the second ride.


I myself love the feeling of this ride. I have never gotten sick or anything liek that at all. The only ride that does make me a little quesy afterwards is Tower of Terror.


Well-Known Member
We went to Disney World for our honeymoon in 1995 when there was no Mission Space attraction. We returned in 2004 with our son then age 6. Mission Space was the very first attraction we went on as a family and in 2004 there was only the extreme version. As we walked through the attraction I kept pointing out the warnings but my wife said “Don’t be a baby!” As we tilted back and blasted off my son announced he was going to throw up. Dad struggled to reach and hold the sickness bag for him; my wife was too busy trying not to get sick herself, fun times. I believe I felt a little sick from moving around attemting to catch the vomit than from the ride itself.

After we exited Mission Space my wife and son had to sit down outside for about an hour to stop the dizziness while Dad ran to fetch water for them. The silver lining of the whole experience was I got to say “I told you so.”

My son is now 13 and rides every extreme ride there is, if you're at a park and you hear someone yelling "Kowabunga" it's more than likely him.


Well-Known Member
Some rides do get to me but this one does not. The first time I rode it I was very worried that it would ruin the rest of the evening but NOPE. On it I went again. I think the confined space and the cool fan blowing in my face made all the difference in the world. With out the fan I could see alot more people getting sick on it.


Well-Known Member
Not even a burp! Are we sure it was the ride, and not Disney food? (Badump-Bump).
I'm lucky that I have never suffered from motion sickness. My biggest problem now is my back. I can't ride Dinosaur (Is that what they're calling it now) because I'll be in traction for a week. Space Mountain is getting pretty rough too. Very upsetting personally for someone who loves thrill rides. The wilder the better!


Active Member
Got close, but this was my fault...I looked up from the screen and got dizzy! When I came out though, I saw one older guy very green..he stated to his family that he could not do much for awhile!


New Member
On our first trip to WDW in 05 - I rode with this with my 3 girls (7,9,11) and husband - had NO idea what this ride entailed, but I love rides. As soon as I sat down and saw the barf bag in front of me I wanted off. I tried my best on the ride, but was literally "green" for an hour after the ride. My girls had never seen me look like that before. While I recuperated, they went and rode the ride again. Crazy man! Haven't done the ride since and do warn all my friends going down about the ride - great theming though.

David S.

Not sure how to respond (to the poll) as I didn't get "sick" in the traditional sense. Not nausea or a stomach ache. My discomfort was instead caused by graying out and feeling light-headed for awhile afterward due to the intense positive g-forces pressing me down into my seat. (So my choice would be "discomfort caused by blackout/grayout due to positive g's")

Now I'm a roller-coaster junkie and LOVE speed and negative-g's (AIRTIME!) but cannot stand that "heavy" feeling of +g's.

I found nothing "thrilling" about the orange version of Mission Space. And the supposed moments of negative g's are fake! The effect is achieved simply by slowing down the spinning enough to make you feel lighter at that moment, but TRUE negative g's would have you floating up out of/above your seat! (as on Tower Of Terror and many roller-coasters).

For these reasons, I stick with the green version, so I can enjoy the story without the discomfort.


I've never been on the Intense version but I would like to try it. This may sound weird but I went on the "green" version and I felt nothing I actually had fun...until I started to think what if we got stuck in this ride how would we get out just because of that feeling I'm not sure if I would ride it ever again :(


Nausea galore!

MS is off my list of must rides for ever. I even tried the lessor motion version only to experience nausea again. For me, forget it! :hammer:


Well-Known Member
I won't dare try the intense version. I suffer from motion sickness, and know it would do me in. Even the green version bothers me at times.


Park History nut
Premium Member
Everyones different. I don`t do spinners and did feel the motion during hypersleep with nothing to focus on.

We can usually manage one ride in one day. Any more and it hits us.

Everests backwards helix is almost as bad.

Matt and Kelly

Well-Known Member
I have not had a problem with it at all to this point, though I haven't ridden it back to back like a few others have. I haven't tried the mild version of Mission: Space yet so I'm thinking I might have to next trip just to see the difference of the two ride options.
When this ride first opened I was visiting EPCOT I think the ride was there maybe a month or so. I was a bit younger than I am now, went on it and was ok just a bit dizzy and it was hot so that didn't help either.
Second time I went on was about 4 years ago and I have to be honest I didn't feel well after this ride. I needed to sit for a few minutes and the rush of this ride lasted a good hour for me. My poor husband is a tall man 6'4" at least and he couldn't see direct into the lenses on the ride, he didn't feel well either and he said because he was unable to really see what was going on made it that much worse. My opinion is this: do not ride this first thing in the am on and empty stomach or full stomach either. I think it would be best to ride it either before you leave the park or after you have walked around a bit. Adults who have neck issues and stomach or heart issues this would be something that I'd say you're better off not doing or at least doing the other side that is more timid.
There was at least 2 people who rode this in the past that didn't listen to the signs and passed away. That is why Disney put an alternate ride for people who can not handle the twisting and giggling of this ride.
Just my opinion. I don't like to see anyone be sick on their vacation, that is no fun at all... :eek::hurl::eek:


Well-Known Member
My wife gets motion sick easily. The first time we went when the ride was new, there was no green version, so I took the kids.
Our oldest was sick enough that we went to the infirmary by the Odyssey and she was actually on a bed there for about 45 minutes.
This is a kid who loves thrill rides, so we were a little worried.
I wasn't much better, and I have my private pilot's license.
The two of us were still not feeling too well, even hours later.

The next time we went to Disney, we all took the green version and that was fine.

I agree that it should not be done first thing in the day, even though it's position makes that easy to do. Definitely have some food in you and give it time to digest a bit, but not with a totally full stomach either.

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