Mine Ride Construction Update


Well-Known Member
Well, WDI has put A LOT of money into the Snow White AA inside. While I don't know if it will be better than Ursula, it is supposed to incorporate technology that hasn't been done before with an AA. (if it didn't get the budget cut by now..)
The snow white aa wasn't what the guy was claiming, he was saying that the aa's within the mountain themselves were better than ursula, and then he later said he never saw all of them working. His story kept changing.


New Member
I will move this in another direction. Next week ABC's The Middle will be shooting their season finale. Wouldn't that be the perfect opportunity for Disney to promote the mine train??? Since the finale will air in mid May a couple weeks after it opens it would make an excellent 30 minute infomercial for the resort and ride. With it so close to being ready I cannot see disney not putting this ride in that episode. If they didn't someone should be fired for missing that opportunity.


Premium Member
I was just going back over the live chat with David Minichielo to see if there was anything at all of interest I may have missed. There was not. He doesnt even answer the easy questions with a straight answer. Why can we never get a yes/no to basic questions? Its like politics, they just deflect their answer and then go into a short story.

Jenn Fickley-Baker:
Let’s talk about the type of attraction for a second. Elizabeth from FL asks, ‘I am really excited about this ride! I am just wondering how it will compare - speed and dropwise - to other coasters such as Space Mountain and Big Thunder Mountain’?

Dave Minichiello: Its a family coaster and its a unique experience unless anything else in our parks. This attraction is more innovative in its ride system and vehicle. Its for the enitre family.
It gives the guests a new sensation they’ve never had before. And we felt that uniqueness was the best way to tell our story.

Unlike anything else in our parks? A new sensation we have never had before, and that uniqueness was the best way to tell the story? (what does that even mean) Its for the entire family? He says it as if other attractions are not for the entire family or is that compared to BTMR and SM? A simple answer would have been "SM and BTMR are more high speed attractions, this is more family friendly and the height requirement is lower." If you think these interviews are not COMPLETELY set up your nuts. To have such a polished answer on deck proves that.

Dont get me wrong, Im excited to experience 7DMT. I could just go without all the crap/hype they keep spoon feeding people. Its insulting to anyone above the age of 7. You know what would be a new sensation and unique for my entire family, Dave? To actually ride it before Im 65 and in adult diapers.


Well-Known Member
The snow white aa wasn't what the guy was claiming, he was saying that the aa's within the mountain themselves were better than ursula, and then he later said he never saw all of them working. His story kept changing.
It was fun though. Nothing better than catching a new guy claiming to be an insider on here. This is the wrong forum to claim to be an insider! Lol


Premium Member
I agree, I caught the whole thing (I usually miss them before they get erased) and it happened at like 1:30 am so only a hand full of us witnessed the meltdown. He was even blasting people via PM's.

I got a few confrontational PMs. He did apologize in his last one and say he let his anger get the best of him and he just wanted to start over fresh. I'd be willing to give him the benefit of the doubt and offer him a fresh start, everyone makes mistakes, but I think he stopped posting here completely.


Premium Member
I got a few confrontational PMs. He did apologize in his last one and say he let his anger get the best of him and he just wanted to start over fresh. I'd be willing to give him the benefit of the doubt and offer him a fresh start, everyone makes mistakes, but I think he stopped posting here completely.
He started an "im leaving" thread and it got pretty brutal on that as well. It was all erased. I think those threads should be left up to deter others from making false claims. Like how they used to put decapitated heads on a stick after a battle to warn others of what could happen. lol. Vlad the impaler style! (the mine train construction is looking great-added this to make it relevant to the thread)


Well-Known Member
What is traditions?
It's your first day of training as a CM. Regardless of what role you will be filling you go to Disney Uni and learn about the heritage and 'traditions' of the company. Sort of like an induction day. Everyone has to do it. It's pretty fun, get a tour of the MK utilidoors and Mickey hands out name badges etc. BUT they do make you watch Meg's god-awful Safe-D video... :eek:


Well-Known Member
It's your first day of training as a CM. Regardless of what role you will be filling you go to Disney Uni and learn about the heritage and 'traditions' of the company. Sort of like an induction day. Everyone has to do it. It's pretty fun, get a tour of the MK utilidoors and Mickey hands out name badges etc. BUT they do make you watch Meg's god-awful Safe-D video... :eek:
Of course a safety video, but I bet it's not accompanied by a show standards and park maintenance video since that doesn't exist at WDW anymore.


Well-Known Member
Only 10 days for a soft opening? When other rides have had a month of soft openings?
Some attractions never soft open.

Just a question. I cannot tell from the photos, but does the "forest" part of New Fantasyland really feel like a forest? Seems the greenery all around is a bit lacking. But I haven't been there myself to see it.
To me the whole area is more looking at something than being inside.

In my experience, all other "keys" take backseat to efficiency. Safety included.
They didn't take a back seat, they were dragged out the door and beaten.

Are you a cast member? I am and have a much different experience than you do. What you may perceive as being efficiency taking the lead is misguided.
Front line is different than the larger tone set by those making the top-level decisions.


When you're the leader, you don't have to follow.
I agree, I caught the whole thing (I usually miss them before they get erased) and it happened at like 1:30 am so only a hand full of us witnessed the meltdown. He was even blasting people via PM's.
He hit a whole bunch of us in Chit Chat with PM's BEFORE he started his "insider" campaign; trying to establish his credentials.
If you have credentials, you generally don't need to flaunt them.

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
I got a few confrontational PMs. He did apologize in his last one and say he let his anger get the best of him and he just wanted to start over fresh. I'd be willing to give him the benefit of the doubt and offer him a fresh start, everyone makes mistakes, but I think he stopped posting here completely.
He didn't stop.. He was banned... He had more than 1 account on here... I, as well as a few others, caught the three accounts he created... One he created to try to out my personal, private information... Yes, he was that much of a creep... Then tried denying it... But I had the evidence and it stacked against him... Then he came back after having those two names banned, created a third account, and the idiot that he was gave it away by posting his tattoo as his avatar.. the same tattoo he posted in the Disney Tattoo thread... Someone else caught that one and brought it to our attention... Steve was notified... all three accounts were banned... I'm sure he is back though... He resorted to using proxy IP addresses when his original IP address got banned... Kid was insane... Talk about needing a straight jacket... People like him should never have access to the internet... And no, he shouldn't be allowed back here... he made more than a mistake when he went personal and started cyber stalking....


Premium Member
He didn't stop.. He was banned... He had more than 1 account on here... I, as well as a few others, caught the three accounts he created... One he created to try to out my personal, private information... Yes, he was that much of a creep... Then tried denying it... But I had the evidence and it stacked against him... Then he came back after having those two names banned, created a third account, and the idiot that he was gave it away by posting his tattoo as his avatar.. the same tattoo he posted in the Disney Tattoo thread... Someone else caught that one and brought it to our attention... Steve was notified... all three accounts were banned... I'm sure he is back though... He resorted to using proxy IP addresses when his original IP address got banned... Kid was insane... Talk about needing a straight jacket... People like him should never have access to the internet... And no, he shouldn't be allowed back here... he made more than a mistake when he went personal and started cyber stalking....
I didn't know any of that stuff. Best leaving it in the past and not giving him anymore attention then.

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