Well Song of the South was banned for "racism", although I truly love the movie and think it was a HUGE step forward in the civil rights movement to cast an African American in a starring role in those times. I think he was the first lead male to be African American, right?
BUT.... if he were in a ride like Splash which hid its past so well it might spark up those feelings of some people to the point of damaging the reuptation of a great attraction. The power of (ignorant) people could be very disastrous. I'd rather them just play it safe. No matter what Uncle Remus is presented through the ride as various characters. Mainly Brer Frog. So, if the fans don't forget SotS'/Splash's past then Uncle Remus will not be forgotten either and he will always have a presence when riding Splash with or without an AA.
See below....
Well, like Evan said, if it were marketed right it would work just fine and in my opinion a crucial part of that marketing would be for Disney to wake up and give Song of The South the pristine, fully restored, jam packed with extras Diamond Edition Blu-Ray release that it deserves!!!
While living here in the south, my wife and I have definitely encountered our fair share of racist ignorance, but I think as a whole our country has grown and evolved enough to not implode because Disney released Song of The South on DVD/Blu-Ray or dared to add Uncle Remus to Splash Mountain. :lol:
Exactly. It's part of History...and this movie actually addresses the positive side of things. It's not antebellum. They are free. Never is there a racial comment or slur. The implication of different classes is there, but where is it not? Again...PC Police. A tiny, vocal minority that should have no effect on the real population seeing that the rest of us don't care. As for SplM? It could work...It's all synergy with SotS and story telling. It'd work.
Now then....Can we seriously drop the Racism/SotS discussion? It's bound to get political....and while I enjoy such things, especially the psychological side of this, I really don't want to get the thread locked. Epic Mickey is a viable topic.
Ok, I promised myself that I wouldn't get involved in this debate because I have so much to say about it...but I can't sit back and hold my tongue any longer. I hope you're happy Ev! :lol::wave:
In my opinion, Disney's quest to make Mickey more "relevant" to a very specific demographic will ultimately alienate a much larger demographic. Evan, surely you realize that you are the very demographic that Disney feels think Mickey is "boring" and "irrelevant", if they plan to drastically change Mickey they run the risk of losing most of the Mickey fans like myself that are in their 30's and older.
And you have to remember that yes, Walt originally created Mickey to be a bit of a "troublemaker" but Walt realized that Mickey was becoming very "one note" and he had to evolve past the simple formula of gag after gag. Mickey ultimately evolved as Walt evolved and it was then and ONLY then that he truly "came alive" and had "true" character. Don't get me wrong, I love "classic" Mickey, especially for his role in animation history...but I dare say that most Disney/ Mickey fans feel much like I do, that the Mickey they most relate to and connect with is the Mickey of The Brave Little Tailor, Nifty Nineties, Lend A Paw, The Band Concert, The Sorcerer's Apprentice, Mickey and The Bean Stalk and even Mickey's Christmas Carol. I really don't see the majority of Mickey's fans adapting very well at all to the images of Mickey we have seen in connection with Epic Mickey.
As I've said before, if this is just a reimagined Mickey for the game and maybe a new cartoon, I can sorta kinda deal with it...but if this is part of a grander plan to COMPLETELY reimagine Mickey, consider me furious. It's a sad day indeed when a "good guy" is considered irrelevant and has to be made into a "bad boy" in order to be considered relevant again.
And by the way Scar, I agree wholeheartedly with pretty much everything you've said...but as a white male who is married to an amazing African American woman, I think you're making WAY too big of a deal about Song of the South. I would LOVE to see Uncle Remus assume his rightful role as narrator in Splash Mountain...just imagine how awesome an Uncle Remus AA would be! :sohappy:
I agree that Mickey as a character has been idle for far too long and I would LOVE to see some new Mickey adventures whether they be in the form of an 8 minute short, a full length HAND DRAWN feature film or even a video game...but I STRONGLY disagree that Mickey is boring and irrelevant and I will argue with anyone who denies that today's Mickey is a much stronger and well rounded character than his "old" Steamboat Willie era self. The problem, as I see it, is that Mickey has really had no avenue to express his fantastic personality in quite some time, except for Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. As a gamer, I am intriqued by the CONCEPT of this game, but I HATE the shocking and edgy character design, especially the grotesque images of Donald, Goofy and the other character concepts we've seen. I would have much rather seen this game go in more of a Kingdom Hearts type visual style.
First off...good argument. I see your point. Don't agree with it, but it's logical...
Here's where we differ...
" their quest to make Mickey more "relevant" to a very specific demographic will ultimately alienate a much larger demographic."...
Doubt it. The Mickey Mouse you see in the Partners Statue will ALWAYS be the face of Mickey Mouse. That will never, can never, and will not change. He is cemented there by his history, his fan-ship, and by the corporate image that he is.
What will EPIC Mickey be? A personality of that. A side to him. It'll be another side of Mickey, another "role" for him in a new story. Something Mickey Mouse has not had in a WHILE. Runaway Brain, The Three Mousketeers are all great, and perfect examples of Disney trying to take something and FURTHER it. Consider this like Plussing a ride at WDW. They add another layer to THE STORY. Something essential in ANY Disney Production. A STORY. This is just going to be a new, rich, immersive tale, theme and land for THIS side of Mickey. Not all of him.
You mention that Walt changed him...Well...here he is changing AGAIN. You see? Mickey's been doing the same "gag after gag" again. Matt...All the Mouse does these days is stand on parade floats, laugh, tell you to celebrate, and talk to Minnie. I love that. I honestly do. That's DISNEY at the very core. However...also therein DISNEY, is dynamic story telling, which is what is going to be done in EPIC Mickey. Will that change the old "Parteners" Mick? Heck no! It'll just add to that persona, while still remaining MICKEY MOUSE. The MICKEY MOUSE that EVERYONE loves...and who knows?! This might get more people to love him! How can you turn that down?
Completely change him and alienate? Nope. As I said, it can't happen....He is forever holding Walt's hand.

Again, this just adds to it.
Bad boy? Mickey is never bad! He won't be in this game. I don't see where people are getting that? He just looks different.
Why and I accepting of this? It's a new vein, a new story, a new adventure for a beloved hero. I'm excited that he's doing something new.
But the Donald and Goofy concepts we've seen aren't the real Donald and Goofy. Oswald built them to act as his friends. Just devices to show what isolation has done to Oswald.
And I like the classic cartoon meets steampunk/Tim Burton aesthetic more then the excessive belts and zippers Kingdom Hearts brought in.
Tahu...You should know this, be thinking this....Doesn't this look a liiiiitle bit like the Inika Artwork for Bionicle in 2006?

I'm no longer active in the Bionicle community, but there's a ton of parallels here.
As for epic mickey. I will be buying a Wii just for this game. I already have the PS3, and never really wanted a Wii. Having this potentially great version of Mickey Mouse has certainly changed that. I can't wait to play this game, and I hope Disney takes advantage of this and brings us some new Mickey Cartoons, ones with a more adult slant.
EXACTLY....and while he does that, as I mentioned, he won't be changed from the "Partners" Mickey. He's just expanding.