So you still can’t address anything in that post?

There are red flags, from each accuser. Supported by all of the court documents, photos of non existent buildings, transcripts contradicting stories told years later, a father drugging his son looking for a payday, witness after witness contradicting stories by accusers, showing the lies, accusers proving under oath that they’re lying.. it’s all there. For anyone to see. Barely anyone (who knew these people personally) coming out to support the accusers, instead they’re supporting the accused... minus a maid or two who was highly paid for their story. It’s all there to see... IF you’re smart enough to not fall for every accusation ever made, but this does require having the ability to think critically, and the desire to read beyond the trending narrative of the day.
BTW, I was never an MJ fanatic, casual fan, sure. I hadn’t purchased an album since Dangerous. After that I was more into Nirvana and grunge, and then EDM. I did watch This is It when it came out.. and I did buy the Wii game... that’s not exactly a fainting starry eyed fan.. but you speak without asking questions, so you wouldn’t realize that. In the past few months I have purchased all of his albums though.
If you can ever address any of my posts on the inconsistencies and proven lies from the accusers, let me know. If your go-to line is - “He had children spend the night!” not being aware that outside of a few highly suspect accusations, those children have said that nothing happened (not exactly a characteristic of a serial pedophile)..or that his bedroom was two stories and bigger than many apartments.. then, please spare me the mindless rhetoric.
Good luck.