MiceAge on the latest news regarding MyMagic+ : Read it and weep.

Hot Lava

Well-Known Member
Schadenfreude: a feeling of enjoyment that comes from seeing or hearing about the troubles of other people

Except that I like my schadenfreude without said trouble also making trouble for me!

And I am seriously stunned that 60th Anniversary stuff is being held/cancelled. Doesn't Disney usually use any excuse (such as an anniversary) to advertise and draw people in? To me, this seems like the most dire and indicative that Iger cares about nothing other than bottom line numbers.

Jimmy Thick

Well-Known Member
Dead bulbs everywhere especially the GF which is supposedly the flagship resort and with room rates of 1K plus per night guests have every reason to expect everything will be PERFECT.
Imagination closure
Parade elimination at DHS and as of Jan 6 at AK
Small Shows everwhere
Stinky moldy monorails

Do you need more examples.

If you find the GF not up to standard especially when paying 1k a night, why would you ever stay there?


You can be like me and not worry about burnt out lightbulbs, that's petty and not worth the brain fluids involved to comprehend.

When did Imagination close?

Do DHS and AK really need parades? I would consider that personal opinion, I never cared for them to be honest.

What small shows?

Last time I was at WDW,in September, the monorails seemed fine to me, I didn't see mold nor did they stink. Guess I need to bring a mold detector with me next time. ( Um, yeah )

What else you have?

Jimmy Thick- Chipped paint, Splash Mountain not running all effects...Blah blah blah...


Resident Curmudgeon
True, however, when seeking to understand the magnitude of increased revenue needed to justify MM+, financial filings are useful.

Agree absolutely. It's just that nothing seems to add up with Disney these days, The balance sheet shows them flush with cash, Yet their spending pattern is more akin to a not yet profitable startup trying to control their burn rate pre IPO.


Well-Known Member
Except that I like my schadenfreude without said trouble also making trouble for me!

And I am seriously stunned that 60th Anniversary stuff is being held/cancelled. Doesn't Disney usually use any excuse (such as an anniversary) to advertise and draw people in? To me, this seems like the most dire and indicative that Iger cares about nothing other than bottom line numbers.
It's the substance additions for the Anniversary that were reported as being in jeopardy. Marketing and decorations would still occur.


Resident Curmudgeon
If you find the GF not up to standard especially when paying 1k a night, why would you ever stay there?

Last time I was at WDW,in September, the monorails seemed fine to me, I didn't see mold nor did they stink. Guess I need to bring a mold detector with me next time. ( Um, yeah )

Eyes should suffice, A portable UV light at night would probably reveal even more disgusting details...



Resident Curmudgeon
Except that I like my schadenfreude without said trouble also making trouble for me!

And I am seriously stunned that 60th Anniversary stuff is being held/cancelled. Doesn't Disney usually use any excuse (such as an anniversary) to advertise and draw people in? To me, this seems like the most dire and indicative that Iger cares about nothing other than bottom line numbers.

They let WDW's 40th slide by with nary a whisper.

Californian Elitist

Well-Known Member
I heard no complaints from friends and family that live there and have passes. All they say is "Wow! Cars Land is amazing!"

MiceChatters appreciate and love Cars Land, no doubt. That's not the point, though. MiceChatters are complaining about the fact that the last E-ticket Disneyland received was Indy, nearly twenty years ago. There's also the belief Disneyland is entitled to a well thought out and proper 60th anniversary celebration, and this includes new parades, new shows and new attractions for some.


Resident Curmudgeon
MiceChatters appreciate and love Cars Land, no doubt. That's not the point, though. MiceChatters are complaining about the fact that the last E-ticket Disneyland received was Indy, nearly twenty years ago. There's also the belief Disneyland is entitled to a well thought out and proper 60th anniversary celebration, and this includes new parades, new shows and new attractions for some.

There is some justice to those ideas and if there was a good management team those ideas would be acted upon.


Premium Member
Please. No I am not talking about parking. I am referring to the christmas party, where you pay $70 for a parade and fireworks, and then you get their to find out that in order to view the fireworks from a preferred area you need to spend another $25.

You really don't think that it's sketch and seems a lot like double dipping? During regular park nights I have no problem with charging extra for it, but during hard ticket events it doesn't sit well with me.

You pay for access to the park and party. It used to be a cheap way to see the park.

I have no idea why you are differentiating between paying for the park admission and paying for the party with regard to fireworks... Or keep conviently ommit that you are also paying for the dessert party... And not just a spot like you infer.


Active Member
You shouldn't drive and use your smart phone. :)

And your fast passes will be gone, since others have booked them months in advance.

Not so. As I mentioned I used the system at WDW. Able to change FP's the day before and in the AM no problem. It is once the paper guests get in that the FP's were gone.


Active Member
Yes, that.
"Hey, I'm gonna run down to Disneyland and ride Indy real quick. I'll just pull up the app and book me a FP for it now and....wait...what? How can there be no FP available? What do you mean they were all booked a month ago?!?!??"

If it ain't broke, don't spend a couple billion trying to fix it.

As I mentioned. Not so. Used the system at WDW, no problems. Have you used it?

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