MiceAge on the latest news regarding MyMagic+ : Read it and weep.


Well-Known Member
Nope, Indiana Jones at Disneyland and Tower of Terror both have had random ride functionality built-in since the start. One of the big marketing gimmicks when Indy arrived was that it would never be exactly the same twice.
The original TZToT and Indiana Jones at DL... Wow, what great product coming out of WDI then! Why did it end? Also, coming out of WDI during that time, Disneyland's Toontown, WDW's Splash Mountain, much of DLP (including the Paris version of Space Mountain).

Attraction quality was top notch at that time. It later all fell apart.
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Well-Known Member
I think it is the same reason that regional parks often replace old rides, particularly coasters, with new ones. It allows the park to offer something new without increasing total operating costs.
They could have recycled at least some of it! Look at the original Ray Bradbury proposal for Space. It was essentially Horizons re-themed with space destinations. They could have recycled Horizons as that and saved a ton of money. They could have built M:S as an add-on to that pavilion later like how Soaring was added to The Land.
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Well-Known Member
Now that I'm thinking about it...

There is a good reason why Disney doesn't let us in on what Imagineers are working on, and why they don't announce anything until projects are ready...

Because if we knew it all, we would be disappointed every time we found out out favorite project couldn't advance beyond a certain point to make it as a hard hat construction project! Imagine if management had to keep explaining to us excuses for not deciding to advance Project X or why they cancelled Project Y.

We weren't suppose to know about much of what Micechat said was cancelled or delayed. We would not be having this discussion if we had no clue what was being worked on, which is what Disney had wanted in the first place by not announcing these things and by keeping us in the dark... for good reason! By not knowing what they are working on, we won't get disappointed if a project falls through; and, we get a good pleasant surprise when things do get announced...
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Well-Known Member

No way:eek:. Surely there must be at least one person in "executive world" out there that can have the passion for the Parks that is needed and the business experience to know how a theme park should be operating. I felt like Mr. Iger was that person when he first started because of his enthusiasm for Tinker Bell, and felt like he was a breath of fresh air from Mr. Eisner's reign. But either I was duped (can happen easily because of the Pixie Dust) or Mr. Iger lost his way in the entrapments of fame, power and money.


Well-Known Member
The only problem is that executives get pride in the way and are unwilling to admit mistakes. Especially ones along the magnitude of this (if it turns out to be the mistake we think it is). I've seen projects go way over budget and not be implemented fully just so management could sign off that it was finished. Humility is not a virtue for many of these types.

And Disney would never admit they were wrong anyway. They'll laud whatever makes the final cut as a rousing success, even when the people on the front lines know that's a load of BS.


Well-Known Member
You still have to take that card out of a wallet, or where ever you may keep it :cautious: and use it. It also has the same "feel" as a credit card so the human mind still sees it as spending money. The band is, on some primitive level, not the same.

I never thought I had any thing but average intelligence, but suddenly I feel like I've been catapulted into brilliance because I still continue to realize that no matter what form of payment I use - KTTK card, credit card, cash or magic band - I am still paying the same! WOW!! Can you tell I am the one who pays the bills in my household?


Well-Known Member
I never thought I had any thing but average intelligence, but suddenly I feel like I've been catapulted into brilliance because I still continue to realize that no matter what form of payment I use - KTTK card, credit card, cash or magic band - I am still paying the same! WOW!! Can you tell I am the one who pays the bills in my household?

Maybe I should have said that it feels that way on a basic level for most people. There have been studies in the past funded by places like casinos to determine how to sperate you from your money. And making the spending procedure something different than the norm in number one. "If it doesn't feel like cash or a card then it must not be real." Yes, most will realize it eventually, but not until after they have spent more than they normally would have.


Well-Known Member
Take away FP+ ... and the bands don't actually suck.

Keep the bands; junk FP+ and its required uber-planning; build some new attractions; bring back unique, gotta have it merchandise ... and you will have increased guest satisfaction, higher turnstile numbers and enhanced merch. sales.

C'mom people, it's not rocket science. It's Roller Coaster/Theme Park Tycoon 101. So simple, an 8 year old can do it!

I love the Roller Coaster Tycoon reference! I used to play that all the time (I even let my kids play once and a while). What was the basic message of that game? Build more attractions and more people show up in your park - along with advertising, maintenance and proper pricing of course.

I only liked versions I and II though cause they changed the look of the game for RC Tycoon III. I wonder if a version IV came out, would they have an option for wristbands to entice people into your park? I highly doubt that.

I love this thread as the opposing views are so polarizing. I typically tend to be on the more positive side of the things Disney does as I am a relative newbie to the Disneyverse. However, this MM+/NGE concept to this point is baffling to me.

Disney needed to upgrade their entire IT infrastructure - ok, I got that. Every business needs to do that every so often to stay "current". On top of that, they decided to take it a step further by starting a wristband concept so that people need not bring wallets or purses with cash/plastic to the parks since that is so 20th century. This now allows people who are into "technology" to book their entire vacation ahead of time and so enter the Kingdom knowing that they already have fast passes setup for their favorite rides and can dine at their favorite restaurants. How wonderful!

Look…if Disney wants to appear ahead of the curve by integrating a tech heavy system into their parks that fans can access using smartphones, tablets, etc., that is fine. And if they want it all through a plastic wristband (that people can spend even more money on by customizing!!) that is fine. After all, the end result here all along - even in Walt's day - was to make money…lots of money.

The parts of this that I DO NOT LIKE, and a lot of people have already spoken to these points, are as follows:

  1. Lack of spontaneity. I don't see how this can't be impacted. My wife REALLY likes planning vacations so the MM+ concepts are wonderful to her. She likes to maximize what we pay for a Disney vacation by planning everything out prior to entering the parks. I am the opposite. I like staying on Deluxe properties and enjoying the amenities there during the day and prefer visiting the parks late afternoon until they close. Therefore planning for me is not as important. Plus, if you time rides during parades and fireworks, the lines are not as long. I like a degree of being spontaneous and I fear that this curtails that to a degree.
  2. Crowd control. The more I read about this, the more it seems as though WDW is forcing crowd control upon its guests. Yes you may schedule 3 FP rides however many days in advance. However, by using the FP+ system, you have now accepted the fact that a good majority of that day will be spent only in that park. Also, I believe that if you are going to DHS for example, one thing you won't be able to do with this system is select FP's for ToT, RnRC and TTMM on the same day. It appears to be forcing people to select less popular rides with a more popular ride. Or worse, it makes people choose rides that don't even need a FP option. For some people, such as myself, why would you buy park hoppers anymore? I guess you could, but you will have to enter the other three parks knowing that you will have no fast pass options.

To me, I feel that this is another way to help disperse crowds within the WDW parks that has been paired up with an IT infrastructure upgrade. Instead of building new and expensive rides for the four parks, they have opted to control crowds within the parks with a plan-in-advance system that forces pre-determined ride bundles for you to choose from.

In the end, if this is the path to the future for theme parks, so be it. However, subsequent to this, there better be improvements to the other three parks. Avatar is obviously a good start, as is converting AK into a full day park. But DHS and FW need much love. Maybe someone should send Iger a cheap laptop and the Roller Coaster Tycoon game so he can learn what happens when you add a bunch of cool new rides to a park. It is pretty amazing what happens!

"People will come [Ray}, people will most definitely come" - James Earl Jones in Field of Dreams.


Premium Member
They could have recycled at least some of it! Look at the original Ray Bradbury proposal for Space. It was essentially Horizons re-themed with space destinations. They could have recycled Horizons as that and saved a ton of money. They could have build M:S as an add-on to that pavilion later like how Soaring was added to The Land.

According to Martin's video re-using the pavilion with a new space theme was the original intention, but that plan was eventually scrapped. I am guessing that when they eventually decide on the centrifuge concept it was impractical to re-use the building so they had to start from scratch.


Well-Known Member
I never thought I had any thing but average intelligence, but suddenly I feel like I've been catapulted into brilliance because I still continue to realize that no matter what form of payment I use - KTTK card, credit card, cash or magic band - I am still paying the same! WOW!! Can you tell I am the one who pays the bills in my household?

Wait... You mean to tell me when I use a Magic Band, I'm using REAL dollars, and not Mickey Credits????

I'm gonna have to rethink this whole thing.


Well-Known Member
I don't know about this news report/rumor, because for some reason the Disneyland fans seem hate on anything and everything WDW related, so I have a hard time agreeing with all of the conclusions that this "article" comes to


Well-Known Member
Can't say I'm surprised one bit. This whole MyMagic+/NextGen thing was weak from the get-go from a value-add perspective. While it tried to address traffic/flow issues, it didn't bring enough to the table beyond that, including the minor Disney Experience bit. With the recent news of the tiered FP+ stuff, it seemed to regress. I think the whole thing is just a giant, over-complicated mess.


Well-Known Member
This pretty much sums it up right here for all MM+ naysayers

We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths. - Walt Disney

Yes, those were indeed Walt's heartfelt and sincere sentiments, intentions and goals.

Today, it might read something more like...

"We keep trying to move forward, as far as the public knows, opening new revenue doors, and doing new things to milk the Guests, because we're money-grubbers, but it seems to keep leading us down new paths of stupidity, and it makes me curious to know why. I just don't understand?!" ~ Bob Iger

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