Mermaid Lagoon Coming to MK!!!?????


I just think that this would be a beautiful addition to the back of Fanytasyland. Just Look at it!

Picture from


Well-Known Member
I definately think that the Magic Kingdom is in need of a new E ticket and updates to its major attractions. While Disneylands Haunted Mansion, Jungle Cruise, Pirates and Space Mt. have constantly been updated over the years ours are basicly the same attractions since they opened. Miceage said WDW execs went to Disneyland and rode the attractions there and were blown away by the enhancements. Hopefully, they will get off their collective and update the attractions. Though I am not a big fan of IASW the major rehab they did a few years ago did wonders for that attraction. HM needs a major rehab and hopefully they will add the impressive updates the DL has. While the Jack Sparrow adds finally has made WDW Pirates a coherent attraction the fact that they did not update the sound and lighting system was a disappoint. Hopefully they will do this on next years rumored rehab. It would not be that hard to add the updates to the Jungle Cruise. The piranha effect actually get a jolt out of some people. After riding DL Space Mt. I said to my friend that MK needs to be updated. The lighting, effects and soundtrack are amazing. I think the soundtrack is the best out of all of ones I have ridden. MK Space is still stuck in the 70's. The park needs a new E ticket and it needs to be something original to this park. Mermaid Lagoon would be a move in the right direction as long as it is as elaborately themed as the TDS version and includes the Mermaid show. The entertainment at MK sucks. You go to Disneyland and you see the amount of entertainment they have an Mk pales in comparison. Why does that park have virtually no entertainment after 5 pm? Even if they added a few roving musicians it would make the park so much more alive at night. At DL whenever the park is open late they always have some high energy band at Tomorrowland Terrace and it makes the atmosphere so alive at night. At their saloon they have Billy Hill and the Hillbillies while ours is another character show. Mk has become my least fav. park. I just look around and see all the wasted space. That and the park is reaching the same point DL was when things started falling apart. The park is 35 years old and the management is going to have to realize that they are not going to be able to get by with there "bandage" rehabs they have every year. The park just needs some TLC, updated attractions, some new ones, better food service because it sucks and some higher quality entertainment and it will become as good as it used to be. Well, that ends my rant, what do you think?


New Member
I definately think that the Magic Kingdom is in need of a new E ticket and updates to its major attractions. While Disneylands Haunted Mansion, Jungle Cruise, Pirates and Space Mt. have constantly been updated over the years ours are basicly the same attractions since they opened. Miceage said WDW execs went to Disneyland and rode the attractions there and were blown away by the enhancements. Hopefully, they will get off their collective and update the attractions. Though I am not a big fan of IASW the major rehab they did a few years ago did wonders for that attraction. HM needs a major rehab and hopefully they will add the impressive updates the DL has. While the Jack Sparrow adds finally has made WDW Pirates a coherent attraction the fact that they did not update the sound and lighting system was a disappoint. Hopefully they will do this on next years rumored rehab. It would not be that hard to add the updates to the Jungle Cruise. The piranha effect actually get a jolt out of some people. After riding DL Space Mt. I said to my friend that MK needs to be updated. The lighting, effects and soundtrack are amazing. I think the soundtrack is the best out of all of ones I have ridden. MK Space is still stuck in the 70's. The park needs a new E ticket and it needs to be something original to this park. Mermaid Lagoon would be a move in the right direction as long as it is as elaborately themed as the TDS version and includes the Mermaid show. The entertainment at MK sucks. You go to Disneyland and you see the amount of entertainment they have an Mk pales in comparison. Why does that park have virtually no entertainment after 5 pm? Even if they added a few roving musicians it would make the park so much more alive at night. At DL whenever the park is open late they always have some high energy band at Tomorrowland Terrace and it makes the atmosphere so alive at night. At their saloon they have Billy Hill and the Hillbillies while ours is another character show. Mk has become my least fav. park. I just look around and see all the wasted space. That and the park is reaching the same point DL was when things started falling apart. The park is 35 years old and the management is going to have to realize that they are not going to be able to get by with there "bandage" rehabs they have every year. The park just needs some TLC, updated attractions, some new ones, better food service because it sucks and some higher quality entertainment and it will become as good as it used to be. Well, that ends my rant, what do you think?

You Pretty much just captured what every MK/WDW fan has been feeling/saying for the last year or so...

It's honestly starting to become an issue, this last time (a week ago)
i was in awww at how poor magic kingdom has become...

here's hoping... The days of MK beating DL have been gone a for a while...

anyone get a glimpse of the DL "Halloweentime" decorations? WOW they are sooo good...

MK always drops the ball...


New Member
You Pretty much just captured what every MK/WDW fan has been feeling/saying for the last year or so...

It's honestly starting to become an issue, this last time (a week ago)
i was in awww at how poor magic kingdom has become...

here's hoping... The days of MK beating DL have been gone a for a while...

anyone get a glimpse of the DL "Halloweentime" decorations? WOW they are sooo good...

MK always drops the ball...

Ummm, not to stir the issue here, but I gotta say...

How poor it's BECOME? The park as been completely stagnent for a good decade now. That's exactly why I've never considered Magic Kingdom on the same level as Disneyland.

See, the thing is is that all you people see is rides. There was a LOT of stuff done in Disneyland before they started plussing the E-Tickets. For example how each land was refurbished one by one to introduce much needed completely redone ground - and as opposed to Florida's considerablly less magical Kingdom, it's not just red concrete everywhere. Adventureland got the DAK-ish mud looking pathways, Fantasyland got cobblestone, Main Street got entire brick walkways. The park is gorgous, and has a level of charm that sadly, I don't know if the Magic Kingdom could ever achieve at this stage in the game.

And why not? Frankly, because they don't care. They're content with what it is, because people come to the Magic Kingdom because it's the freakin' Magic Kingdom. And WDW management has been riding the coat-tails of that theory for years now.


New Member
Ummm, not to stir the issue here, but I gotta say...

How poor it's BECOME? The park as been completely stagnent for a good decade now. That's exactly why I've never considered Magic Kingdom on the same level as Disneyland.

See, the thing is is that all you people see is rides. There was a LOT of stuff done in Disneyland before they started plussing the E-Tickets. For example how each land was refurbished one by one to introduce much needed completely redone ground - and as opposed to Florida's considerablly less magical Kingdom, it's not just red concrete everywhere. Adventureland got the DAK-ish mud looking pathways, Fantasyland got cobblestone, Main Street got entire brick walkways. The park is gorgous, and has a level of charm that sadly, I don't know if the Magic Kingdom could ever achieve at this stage in the game.

And why not? Frankly, because they don't care. They're content with what it is, because people come to the Magic Kingdom because it's the freakin' Magic Kingdom. And WDW management has been riding the coat-tails of that theory for years now.

No no i completely agree, it's just I recently began attending magic kingdom more the last 2 years after about a 5 year absence, so for me the acknowledgement of the poorness is only now starting to smack me, but i can agree that it has been that way for a while it's just my childhood image of MK never left, until about a year/two ago...

it's really sad actually...


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
Ummm, not to stir the issue here, but I gotta say...

How poor it's BECOME? The park as been completely stagnent for a good decade now. That's exactly why I've never considered Magic Kingdom on the same level as Disneyland.

See, the thing is is that all you people see is rides. There was a LOT of stuff done in Disneyland before they started plussing the E-Tickets. For example how each land was refurbished one by one to introduce much needed completely redone ground - and as opposed to Florida's considerablly less magical Kingdom, it's not just red concrete everywhere. Adventureland got the DAK-ish mud looking pathways, Fantasyland got cobblestone, Main Street got entire brick walkways. The park is gorgous, and has a level of charm that sadly, I don't know if the Magic Kingdom could ever achieve at this stage in the game.

And why not? Frankly, because they don't care. They're content with what it is, because people come to the Magic Kingdom because it's the freakin' Magic Kingdom. And WDW management has been riding the coat-tails of that theory for years now.

I have to disagree with a point.

DL was refurbished because it had fallen into such a state of disrepair that HCOE would have been a joke if it had not been refurbished.


Well-Known Member
You Pretty much just captured what every MK/WDW fan has been feeling/saying for the last year or so...

Actually, most MK/WDW fans have been saying for the past year or so... "Wow, look at all the cool things that we got for the Happiest Celebration on Earth... Soarin' is awesome, Expedition:Everest is rockin', and Lights, Motors, Action! is a good show that works well in the atmosphere for Disney-MGM Studios. Now, the Year of a Million Dreams shows me that Disney is going back to rewarding me, the Disney Guest, just for being a Disney Guest. I love the random awards, and, though I don't expect to win something, wouldn't it be great if I did? It would be like a dream come true?"

As opposed to negative, spend-too-much-time-on-the-internet reading louts like Al Lutz, Kevin Yee and Jim Hill... the people who say, "Darnit, I hate Walt Disney World, I do not feel that they give me my moneys worth, but I will continue to pay them my money so I can go on the internet and complain, because I want the attention, and this seems to be my only outlet for it. No matter what cool things Disney does, I will not be satisfied, because I am not in charge of every decision Disney makes, even though I know that if I was, I would run Disney into bankruptcy, and make the parks into my own personal playground, alienating the majority of the guests. And, after I achieve my goal of closing the parks, well... then my dreams will come true!"

Don't ever think that you know more than the people making the decisions. The guy who runs the Magic Kingdom has been working in the Disney Company for 35 years, being one of the first cast members to work Haunted Mansion at WDW... You think you know more about the guests who go to WDW than he does? You think you CARE more about the Magic Kingdom than he does? I used to work for the Disney Company, left on good terms to make more money elsewhere, got an annual pass and visit just about every day... and I have yet to see anything that would negatively affect my visits to Walt Disney World... You think you care more about Walt Disney World than I do? Foolishness, absolute foolishness. The Magic Kingdom is the most visited theme park in the world, you think they aren't doing something right? When over 15 million people visit in a year, you think they don't know what they are doing? Hogwash... I could spend an hour typing out a response to each and every single one of your criticism, showing you how wrong you are (DL's Halloween decorations? Yeah they look great, but how long have they had them? WDW has been doing a Halloween party for how long? Where's your unrighteous indignation at the fact that DL cancelled its Halloween party years ago, and only now decided to bring it back since their attendance is way up? And isn't easier to decorate a park that is half the size?) but, you know what? It's Sunday, and I really want to go to the Magic Kingdom, and watch tens of thousands of people enjoy a park which you seem dissatisfied with.... Just one more thing before I go... ever stopped to think that it may not be the park... but you?


New Member
I have to disagree with a point.

DL was refurbished because it had fallen into such a state of disrepair that HCOE would have been a joke if it had not been refurbished.

Absolutely, positively <b> wrong </b>.

The rolling land refurbishments started LONG before The Happiest Celebration on Earth was even dreamed up. They even pre-date New Tomorrowland's opening in 1998.

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Montu said:
Absolutely, positively <b> wrong </b>.

The rolling land refurbishments started LONG before The Happiest Celebration on Earth was even dreamed up. They even pre-date New Tomorrowland's opening in 1998.

Uh huh. Source?:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
I have to disagree with a point.

DL was refurbished because it had fallen into such a state of disrepair that HCOE would have been a joke if it had not been refurbished.

While that is true, most of the changes I think Montu was talking about have been done over the past 25 years. For example, the update of Fantasyland back in the early 80s which got rid of their tent-style facades (which we still have), and the changes to Adventureland in the mid 90s with the addition of Indiana Jones Adventure. Then of course, the "new Tomorrowland" in 98 which was, in all fairness, a failure. But most of the stuff done before HCOE was simply painting and restoring the park to look great, not changes to update it.

MK has a TON of potential with its size, and it is still my favorite park (even moreso than DL...rare), but there is a LOT that can/needs to be done to fix it up and make it better. Some of the recent changes like the redo of IASW, and POTC have been good, but even more needs to be done if we truely want to compete with the other MK-style parks.


New Member
Actually, most MK/WDW fans have been saying for the past year or so... "Wow, look at all the cool things that we got for the Happiest Celebration on Earth... Soarin' is awesome, Expedition:Everest is rockin', and Lights, Motors, Action! is a good show that works well in the atmosphere for Disney-MGM Studios.

It's fantastic how you completely disregard Magic Kingdom and it's "Cinderellabration" mistake. The topic here is the Magic Kingdom. No one ever questioned whether or not, say, Epcot is a great park. Epcot is a great park! It's the Magic Kingdom that's completely neglected and completely subpar to the other Magic Kingdom parks around the globe, so no need to center your defense around what *other parks* are getting. Soarin', Everest, LMA, none of that improves the atmopshere of the Magic Kingdom one bit.

Don't ever think that you know more than the people making the decisions.

When did I ever say I know more about anything? I never did. This isn't about having an "in" with any information what so ever. This is about plan and simple neglect, and that's what's happened with the park. Comparing Disneyland to the Magic Kingdom is quite frankly compairing fine dining room china to a highschool cafeteria spork. You don't need an "in" to see that. But if you've never been anywhere but the Magic Kingdom, I suppose it would be very difficult to make an educated comparison.

The guy who runs the Magic Kingdom has been working in the Disney Company for 35 years, being one of the first cast members to work Haunted Mansion at WDW... You think you know more about the guests who go to WDW than he does? You think you CARE more about the Magic Kingdom than he does?

I guess so? I mean if the guy has this much history and prestige in the company, why WOULDN'T he want the Magic Kingdom to look great? Umm unless he too has never been to Disneyland like most WDWMagic'ers? :)

But I really doubt the head of the Magic Kingdom park can't afford to fly to LA, so hmmmmm...

I used to work for the Disney Company, left on good terms to make more money elsewhere, got an annual pass and visit just about every day... and I have yet to see anything that would negatively affect my visits to Walt Disney World...

...Like Disneyland Park, Parc Disneyland Paris or Tokyo DisneySea?

You think you care more about Walt Disney World than I do? Foolishness, absolute foolishness.

By this logic the next step in settling this debate would be who has the larger manhood.

The Magic Kingdom is the most visited theme park in the world, you think they aren't doing something right? When over 15 million people visit in a year, you think they don't know what they are doing? Hogwash...

And this is also a recent thing. For *years* Tokyo Disneyland slammed Magic Kingdom's attendance. I suppose all those other years were hogwash.

I could spend an hour typing out a response to each and every single one of your criticism, showing you how wrong you are

I would welcome that! And then I'd spend minutes correcting the statements.

(DL's Halloween decorations? Yeah they look great, but how long have they had them? WDW has been doing a Halloween party for how long? Where's your unrighteous indignation at the fact that DL cancelled its Halloween party years ago, and only now decided to bring it back since their attendance is way up? And isn't easier to decorate a park that is half the size?)

I am not positive what this has to do with anything being discussed, but ok, fine. Disneyland got their halloween decotrions from Tokyo Disneyland. Tokyo Disneyland and Disneyland Paris were the two parks that were heavy into Halloween until this year, and I think it's a fantastic move to bring it to The Disneyland Resort as well.

You are absolutely correct in saying the Magic Kingdom has done the Halloween event for yours. Congratulations, you've earned a cookie. But what you leave out is that they virtually do no decorating. Most of the event 's mood is set using geled lights and gobos. During the day save a few jack-o-lanters in a few windows, the park looks no different. If this is your defense against Disneyland who picked up the ball and is now starting to go all out with it ... well then I'm not sure how you've proven anything there. It's saying "Disneyland just started it this year, so you can't say Magic Kingdom is bad for still not doing it!"

but, you know what? It's Sunday, and I really want to go to the Magic Kingdom, and watch tens of thousands of people enjoy a park which you seem dissatisfied with.... Just one more thing before I go... ever stopped to think that it may not be the park... but you?

Wowie. You sure showed me. YOU CAN GO TO MAGIC KINGDOM WHENEVER YOU WANT!!!! Did you miss that I too live in Orlando?

Tell me sometime, and be honest. How many times have you been to each of the other Disney Resorts around the world? That's the real tell-tale answer here that I'm waiting for.


New Member
Uh huh. Source?:rolleyes:

Are you joking?

This isn't top secret information, it's freakin' ground in the theme park. It's not a theory that it was redone, and it's not a "new known fact"....

So good try, but you don't say "source" when someone points out fact that's been there for years, you say "source" when someone claims Magic Kingdom is getting E-Ticket X in 200X.


New Member
the update of Fantasyland back in the early 80s which got rid of their tent-style facades (which we still have)

Actually just one small correction here-

Yes, absolutely, the circus tent-esque fantastyland was transformed into the swiss villiage setting in 1983, though the ground redo with the gorgous cobblestone actually took place later, in the late 1990s - actually very close in time to the New Tomorrowland, which as you pointed out and no one will contest, was a failure.


New Member
Actually, most MK/WDW fans have been saying for the past year or so... "Wow, look at all the cool things that we got for the Happiest Celebration on Earth... Soarin' is awesome, Expedition:Everest is rockin', and Lights, Motors, Action! is a good show that works well in the atmosphere for Disney-MGM Studios. Now, the Year of a Million Dreams shows me that Disney is going back to rewarding me, the Disney Guest, just for being a Disney Guest. I love the random awards, and, though I don't expect to win something, wouldn't it be great if I did? It would be like a dream come true?"

As opposed to negative, spend-too-much-time-on-the-internet reading louts like Al Lutz, Kevin Yee and Jim Hill... the people who say, "Darnit, I hate Walt Disney World, I do not feel that they give me my moneys worth, but I will continue to pay them my money so I can go on the internet and complain, because I want the attention, and this seems to be my only outlet for it. No matter what cool things Disney does, I will not be satisfied, because I am not in charge of every decision Disney makes, even though I know that if I was, I would run Disney into bankruptcy, and make the parks into my own personal playground, alienating the majority of the guests. And, after I achieve my goal of closing the parks, well... then my dreams will come true!"

Don't ever think that you know more than the people making the decisions. The guy who runs the Magic Kingdom has been working in the Disney Company for 35 years, being one of the first cast members to work Haunted Mansion at WDW... You think you know more about the guests who go to WDW than he does? You think you CARE more about the Magic Kingdom than he does? I used to work for the Disney Company, left on good terms to make more money elsewhere, got an annual pass and visit just about every day... and I have yet to see anything that would negatively affect my visits to Walt Disney World... You think you care more about Walt Disney World than I do? Foolishness, absolute foolishness. The Magic Kingdom is the most visited theme park in the world, you think they aren't doing something right? When over 15 million people visit in a year, you think they don't know what they are doing? Hogwash... I could spend an hour typing out a response to each and every single one of your criticism, showing you how wrong you are (DL's Halloween decorations? Yeah they look great, but how long have they had them? WDW has been doing a Halloween party for how long? Where's your unrighteous indignation at the fact that DL cancelled its Halloween party years ago, and only now decided to bring it back since their attendance is way up? And isn't easier to decorate a park that is half the size?) but, you know what? It's Sunday, and I really want to go to the Magic Kingdom, and watch tens of thousands of people enjoy a park which you seem dissatisfied with.... Just one more thing before I go... ever stopped to think that it may not be the park... but you?

Okay, I beleive my original statement, and given the amount of posts I have here would lead you to beleive that I am one of these trolls who is constantly only seeing the negativity in WDW/MK...But just like you mentioned that you were once a Disney employee, I can state that I am currently still a Walt Disney Company employee, and beleive me when i say they day i got hired in this company it was probably one of the happiest days of my life, it has been my childhood dream to work for this company (as an animator/producer kind a thing) but i ended getting the job at disney in my hometown of miami, so in a way it felt like i was achieving a stepping stone in my bigger dream. I am currently still employed and hope to apply to the burbank internship in 3years. I am completely and utterly devoted to Disney. Just like you say "Foolishness" to the amount of love I share for it, i say "Foolishness" right on back. I dont need you telling me how much i care for the company that i devote so much of time,expenses,heart and imagination to.

I too am one of those people whom for the past year has LOVED Lights Motor
Action!, LOVED The decorations, LOVED Soarin...I was very happy and enjoyed the HCOE, but after coming from my past trip (a week ago. I had lots of fun, and enjoyed it very much) i started realizing that Magic Kingdom has stunted it's growth, anyone who's a bit about it, can see that disney has allowed it to become dare i say "boring". It saddens me personally because i love WDW, i love the MK it's where so many of those dreams grew for me, and to see it be partially ignored, not be as amazing as it can be...saddens me.

It is one of my personal opinions, if you dont agree with it. Im sorry. I just know i speak to many of my other friends who are disney-philes and we all see that MK is getting ignored artistically.

anyways i dont want to continue this, i was just merely replying to let you know, just because i love disney, doesnt mean i cant see thier faults.


Well-Known Member
Going on and on about how much cooler Disneyland and Tokyo Disneyland are, when compared to Walt Disney World

I really think you would be happier living in Anaheim, because you obviously have the mentality of a Disneyland annual passholder... and that is a very important distinction to make. Both Disneyland and TDL rely upon their annual passholders, to the tune of 80 - 90% of their visitor visit multiple times a year. Which is a VERY important distinction to make. If a visitor to Disneyland misses an attraction due to refurbishment, or because a land is spontaneously undergoing a rehab, then, well, its not a big deal. Because 90% of those folks will just come back the month that it is done. Those parks appeal primarily to the folks who live within 20 miles of their park, and thus must keep everything fresh and new to attract the same annual passholders year after year. And, because both of those parks are smaller than WDW, things are easily kept in great repair.. I don't knock Tokyo Disneyland, having only visited once I have to tell you I was very impressed. The whole look of the park showed me it was one the best maintained, and best themed parks in the world. But the people there looked almost bored... Not like "sitting in school" bored, but there was a palatable feeling of been there, done that(not for me of course, as I was in awe), for everyone around me... People had visited the parks many times, and though they were always introducing new shows, and new attractions, after a month it would be old hat. At Disneyland it is relatively the same thing, the Annual Passholders run that place... To the tune of when they say "Jump!" Disney has to say, "How High?" because they are the lifeblood of that park. I have been to Disneyland many times, and am going there again this month, and I expect I will see the same people there that I saw 6 months ago... and a year ago.... and the year before that.

Walt Disney World is a completely different animal... The Magic Kingdom, while having to appeal as much as possible to its annual passholders, enjoys a much healthier rate of new folks visiting... Its enjoys that people may save up a bit every year to visit Walt Disney World, because of its positive word of mouth. People travel from all around the world, at a much higher rate than any other theme park) to visit WDW. Now, how would that family feel is they visited the Magic Kingdom and Space Mountain was down for two years? Or, they never had a hope of riding Pirates of the Caribbean, or Haunted Mansion wasn't the classic attraction they enjoyed as a child, and were hoping to show their kids on their one vacation, but instead some Nightmare attraction having to do with Christmas, or worse yet, closed to put that Nightmare attraction in? Disneyland, and TDL have the ability to close down rides and attractions, to do special projects, or more-than-routine maintanence, or touch up painting. Walt Disney World does it overnight. With spotlights... If Disneyland closes the Matterhorn once a year (which they are on my next visit, I am supremely depressed), then no one really complains... But when Small World was closed for the better part of the year, people complained ferociously, and there were even dozens of people in tears, saying they drove all the way from Canada to have their daughters first ride on Small World (true story). You don't see that at Disneyland, and I am fairly certain you don't see it at TDL (because of my admitted limited experience).
My visits to WDW center of this phenomenon, the magical first visit to WDW... I go almost every day, but I hardly ever ride rides...I find a place near Mickey Mouse, or Cinderella castle, and I watch as families see both of those for the first time, and use that to restore alot of my Pixie Dust, and makes me love WDW all over again... Makes me want to spend my $335 for an annual pass again. Because every day can be the first day... and its right in front of you, which is something you have to try very hard to find at Walt Disney World....

and yes, I do care about it more than you.

Montu said:
Tell me sometime, and be honest. How many times have you been to each of the other Disney Resorts around the world? That's the real tell-tale answer here that I'm waiting for.

Not that it matters, for reasons stated above.... but
Disneyland - lots
TDL- Once
Paris - none
Hong Kong - none


Enderikari, I see your point.....kinda.

On one level, sure, it's a bummer for a family to travel a long way, or save a long time, only to get to WDW and find a popular ride closed. Sure.
A high percentage of gueses are first time or infrequent visitors who may not notice if the park is not moving forward. True.

However, I don't think it is a good enough excuse not to plus the park on a regular basis. There is no excuse for that. Not now...not ever.

Family travels a long way only to find Pirates closed....oops...too bad. Mansion isn't the exact same it was in 1975? Tough.

MK CAN use those excuses...but they shouldn't.

Advertise ride closures, inform guests when they book what's going to be closed, and let the chips fall where they may. No excuse is good enough to make up for the fact that the park hasn't had a good plussing in 10+ years.

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