Men, dont you hate when......


Active Member
public restroom thread, sorta. cool.
I hate when you walk in a public restroom and everything is wet...everything. What are these people doing-hooking up a water hose to the sink and going to work?! Do people do this in their own homes? crazy stuff.
I know! Especially the one near Splash Mountain.. if number 1 isn't enough on the floor there's some ride water too!:lol:

The flush thing has happened to me too when it just flushes while your sitting there, there's also the scenario when you are done and think that it will flush by getting up but you have to fake get up like three times before it actually goes. I guess you can't really win with those tricky toilets!:lol:


I try my hardest to keep that "act" to the restroom in my hotel and restrooms in table service restaurants. It's too hard, time consuming, and frankly disgusting to find an acceptable public restroom in any theme park, although Disney is better than most.

Definitely agreed.



Original Poster
Im glad you guys are enjoying my thread:wave:

My problem is that when the center of the toilet cover is ripped along with the sides it droops into the water making it a victim of an unwanted flush before I sit down. Thanks to one of the suggestions I will not totally remove the center when dropping the kids off and limit my movement.


Well-Known Member
You really have to go to the "bathroom", you find your hidden/favorite bathroom. You pull down then up on your toilet cover overhead and place it on the seat. Your now sweating and ready to go and boom, the sensor reads a motion and FLUSHhhhhhHHH there goes your toilet cover before you sit down:ROFLOL::lol:

happends everytime when will I learn:hammer:

its just giving the person next to you a courtesy flush :drevil:


Well-Known Member
I agree, this definitely goes in the "funniest thread" contest!!

I just have to throw in there how much I love the family/companion restrooms. They are private and have plenty of room for you and kids, whoever. I hate trying to squeeze my toddler into a stall restroom with me. He touches everything and always wants to hang out next to the flusher. Talk about flushing problems! Try having a toddler flush the toilet 10 times while you are trying to use it(#1 or #2, doesn't matter!)

Anyway, so I recommend those family restrooms. If you really need privacy, check them out! However, if I am in line with my kids and you are in there with no kids, you may end up with a beatdown.

the family restrooms are great for an afternoon delite :goodnevil:ROFLOL:


don't worry about post-its, a little TP, some spit and that sucker sticks over the sensor. works like a charm. I have my own "quiet" places in the parks which i'm not going to tell. When i start "percolating" i just tell wifey that we need to find a quiet spot...:D


Well-Known Member
I'm surprised no one has complained about the TP dispensers. Most of the time you can't reach (I've almost had to stand on my head white sitting down just to find the end to pull) then when I do manage to get it to unroll, byt the time I get a length ripped off, it has stratched itself into a tissue rope - I'm left with a hand full of toilet paper yarn that really doesn't do the job properly.......


New Member
its like a symphony in the Albert Hall

As I've thought about it today, I can think of several symphonies which mirror some of my bathroom experiences -

Mozart no. 41 - the Jupiter
Beethoven no. 3 - the Eroica
Schubert no. 8 - the Unfinished
Schubert no. 9 - the Great
Dvorak no. 9 - the New World
Tchaikovsky no. 1 - Winter Day Dreams
Tchaikovsky no. 2 - the Little Russian
Tchaikovsky no. 6 - the Pathetique
Mahler no. 1 - the Titan
Mahler no. 6 - the Tragic

Yep, I've experienced all of the above!


I know! Especially the one near Splash Mountain.. if number 1 isn't enough on the floor there's some ride water too!:lol:

The flush thing has happened to me too when it just flushes while your sitting there, there's also the scenario when you are done and think that it will flush by getting up but you have to fake get up like three times before it actually goes. I guess you can't really win with those tricky toilets!:lol:

Agreed on the Splash Mountain restrooms. Worst one's in all of WDW in my opinion. But sometimes after those long waits and floating on a log in water* for ten minutes, the worst has got to do.

*word play intended


Well-Known Member

Is this bathroom in the studios somewhere?


Well-Known Member
I've never cared for automatic flushers anyway. I mean, everytime I move it goes FWOOOSHH! Think of all the water I'm wasting :lookaroun (As a child who grew up on Captain Planet, this sort of thing really upsets me ^^; ) and yet when I get up and expect them to flush, THEY DON'T!!!


Well-Known Member
When my older DD was about 4 yo or so, she went through this phase, where if just the two of us were out somewhere, shopping or whatever, she would NOT let me take her to a stall in the men's room no matter what. She was a big girl and could handle everything now. But if the ladies' room had those automatic flushers, maybe because of her diminutive size or whatever, they'd go off every half-minute or so, and she was really fussy about that, and she'd let out a blood-curdling scream.

Now, I knew pretty much what was going on, but people would be asking me if that was my daughter, and was she OK, etc., and I'd just say yeah, yeah she's just fussy about the auto flush thingy, but I'd still get the dirty looks and the "are you sure" responses, etc., sometimes drawing a small crowd, with everyone saying "are you OK, honey" when she came out, which mortified her to no end.

Looking back now, it's really funny, but at the time I was afraid one day someone was going to call NJ DYFS, or something. Sheesh!


The worst was the pre 9/11 scratchy soap. It felt like you were sandpapering your skin off to get it clean. To this day I've only seen it at Disney World.

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