Okay, so I guess I am really confused. Tom Staggs is obviously not an unintelligent person, and no doubt Disney has people that do nothing but monitor the on-line forums, so he MUST know of the bad show at WDW, so how can he, in good consience, not FIRE the one person that seems to be damaging the Disney brand and excellence (Meg Crofton), more than any other single person?!?!?!?! What the heck is he thinking? She is an HR person, and doesn't seem to know anything about what a quality Disney show is.
While I am no fan of Meg at all, she is absolutely not the cause of all that is wrong with Disney Parks or even WDW. She was largely a figurehead in her position until Al Weiss fell from grace (largely due to personal issues that didn't have much to do with WDW Co.) ... Meg isn't an evil person out to destroy Walt's legacy. She is just largely a clueless exec that has been in the right place at the right time and played the political game well enough to position herself for the title.
She has largely done what Al, Jay, Tom and Bob asked her to. Homogenize the product. Develop more hotels and timeshares. Cut costs (quality). And every once in a while get out in public, read a script the Celebration Place Gang wrote for her and get inside quickly.
That's really Meg.
Even if she wanted to do things the old ways, she wouldn't be allowed to because that's not how Iger wants to run Disney or Rasulo and Staggs want to run P&R.
And Disney is one company that never wants its managers and execs (or front line CMs) to point out things that are wrong or need fixing/improving. Everything is always MAGICal ... even when it isn't.
BTW, anyone who thinks I am an evil Spirit doesn't know the restraint I have exhibited in NOT commenting on a thread here lamenting the fact that someone took a trip to WDW and wasn't barraged by CMs saying 'HAVE A MAGICAL DAY!!! HAVE A MAGICAL DAY!!!! HAVE A MAGICAL DAY!!!'
I think one simple way to generate more funds for maintenace is to look at Apple. They just released their latest quarterly results, and said NO stockholder dividend now, or anytime soon in the future, since we are putting the money back into the company. Seems like Disney could do this as well, letting the shareholders know that SHOW is more important than money.
I don't really want to compare Disney to Apple while we're still deifying Steve Jobs (a visionary in his business, perhaps, but a very complex individual that had warts like everyone else) ... and I'd rather see the execs have legit salaries and compensation packages. I fail to see why Bob Iger is worth $28 million while firefighters and teachers are sent home and then told they're lazy because they can't find replacement jobs ... but that's another subject.
I have been going to WDW since 1978, and the parks have never looked worse than in the last 10 years. We will be finally making our first DL trip next May. :sohappy: We will eventually see them all. Oh, and we are DVC members that are in the vocal minority it seems. Every trip, we fill out surveys about how the regular maintenance doesn't seem to happen. Light bulbs burned out for a week, paint chipped everywhere, AAs not working, etc. We put it all into the comments, so we hope that someday, our home resort will get the attention it so much deserves!
What took you so long?!?!
I often see folks who will list their WDW trips and you see they've been to WDW 36 times since 1992, but haven't been to DL (or any foreign resorts) and I always wonder why. Like are they afraid of LA? Are they just comfortable eating chocolate ice cream and don't want to try another flavor? Do they truly feel they are protected by a curtain/dome of pixie dust on Walt's hallowed Florida Property?
BTW, the above isn't aimed at you individually, but folks in general who claim to be 'Disney fans' yet only visit WDW ... and do so ad nauseum. As I told another forum member privately recently, I'd take a year off from WDW for four days at TDR in a heartbeat. Actually, I think I'd take two years off!