"Mean" Cast Members


Well-Known Member
First, I like to say that in all of our many trips to the World, we have never had anything but positive experiences with CMs. :)

Secondly, last evening, in preparation for our upcoming trip, my dh and I watched our previous trip videos. While watching them, I paid special attention to the CMs as they went about their business, in particular the performers. I searched their faces for any sign of boredom or restlessness. Not once did I find anything even close. Every CM made every performance seem fresh and new. Every CM that we encountered - in the shops, on the attractions, anywhere and everywhere - every one was always at the top of their game! In a place that deals with such a level of public interaction, this is no small feat. To us, this is a large part of what makes WDW magical. We can always count on it! Way to go guys! :dazzle:
captcanada said:
I can't really think of a time that I encountered a "bad CM".
And that, in itself, amazes me.

I have, however, encountered many bad guests, in the past.

So, I will take the opprotunity now, to say "thank you", to any and all CM's who read this. You guys/gals do "front line" the magic, and make sure it gets to where it has to be. Well done, and thank you.

I totally agree. Bad guests make bad CMs. We just make fun of the rude guests so they can hear us--- :p


New Member
I live by the rule:

Treat others as you expect to be treated. :) If you are nice, chances are the person you are talking to will be nice if not nicer back.


New Member
This thread has become a little convoluted. I think we're all in agreement that the majority of the cast members are wonderful and helpful and still remain perky in the face of rude guests. And, unlike others on this thread, I believe they love their jobs and helping people and being a part of the magic.

But there are some people on here who seem to think that a CM should never, ever be rude to a guest, which is ridiculous. Last week I saw many guests completely ignore safety rules, which put them in true, legitimate danger. If it's a choice between a CM staying friendly or potentionally saving a guest's life by being rude, then by all means allow them to be rude.


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
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joeyjoe92979 said:
Not much will happen...trust me.

if one of the self entitled guests that Speck described in his first post hadn't made a false accusation regarding me, I would still be working for Disney. So yes, something WILL happen. Trust me.


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
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mousermerf said:
I still stand by my statement: most Guests are jerks.

As much as you and I tend to disagree, I will stand by you 100% on this statement.

Having worked for both Disney and Universal, working in Hotels in every position imaginable, both management and hourly, I can safely say, I am happy not to be working in any part of the tourist/lodging industry anymore.

I'd rather put up with my computer giving me attitude than Mr. "I just paid $400 for 4 cents of Disney, so you're gonna put me in the front of the effing ride!"

But then again, I did on more than one occasion have a guest removed from the park for being rude to me :D


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
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mousermerf said:
You missed the point Merlin - the people working at WDW wont recommend their friends and family and get paid $50 for it because they don't want to.

When I worked there, I wouldn't event recommend the ones that ASKED me for referrals, much less anyone that didn't ask for a referral. Disney is honestly the worst employer I ever worked for, and I never intend to dedicating my life again to working for the best mismanagement team on earth.


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
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robynchic said:
Why do I remain at my job? Because I get paid to goof off. It makes me sound like I'm one of the bad CMs. But if you knew what I do, I get paid to play. I really do. I may not be paid well. I may not get great hours. But I enjoy it.

I enjoyed playing around too, but I also enjoy my job now. And the number of people in my office that used to be paid to play around with friends is high enough to reassure me that being paid to play is not enough for most.


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
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mousermerf said:
All the lifers I ever worked with hated Guests more than anyone but were oh-so-Wonderful to their faces.

I can't believe I am agreeing with you so much today....



When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
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joeyjoe92979 said:
Rob I still think you got the raw end of the deal, but from my experience with CM complaints they are most of the time just brushed off. I believe this has a lot to do with the low hire rate.

Now I am not saying this is a good thing...God knows there are many CM's that should not be working for us, but when Disney cant hire enough people to work I guess we have to put up with the bad eggs.

wanna hear something funny? I pondered for a while to return to Disney as a CM on the weekends... but I can't stand to lose any more hair.


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
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mousermerf said:
I hate buy-idiots-off policies. It breeds more idiots.


I remember bluntly telling a guest they were not getting a comped room at my last hotel, even though they had a very valid reason, simply because they've pulled this before on several occasions. I'd rather lose an idiots business than have an idiot steal from me.


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
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ConstanceIrene said:
Wow! I never realized how many CMs abhor the guests. This is an enlightening thread.

Cast members are like strippers. To your face they'll be nice to you and love you. But once you're gone, they'd rather spit in your face and think you're a jerk.


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
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Merlin said:
Well I was initially impressed that you remembered the story "so vividly". However, you've forgotten some of the details. Not that I blame you, it was what, three years or so ago??? Anyway, what happened was that the CM was rude to us and another guest. The other guest suggested that someone complain about him so I said I would do it. But I wanted to get his name so I would be able to give it to his supervisor. He had his back to me and because it was loud (it was at the loading area of Space Mountain), he didn't hear me when I tried to get his attention (either that or he was just ignoring me). So I tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around and when I asked him his name he said, "Don't grab me". This struck me as a particularly strange thing to say, considering I hadn't "grabbed" him. Regardless, I got his name and I didn't touch him again (largely out of fear that maybe he'd take a swing at me or something....he didn't seem stable).

As a footnote to this story, I remember thinking Woody was nuts when he made it out to seem like such a big deal (actually I still think that he made it out to be more than it was). But truthfully, I do think a "no touching" policy is a good one to have, even if it is just a tap on the shoulder. In retrospect, I would have handled that situation much differently. But I do still consider him the rudest CM I've ever encountered.

The worst CM I ever encountered was the doorgirl at 8trax. I was trying to exit, and a flock of drunks pushed me aside as I was trying to exit, so I ended up in the entrance walkway. I was turning around to go back to the exit, and the CM grabs me by my shoulder (Rather forcefully too) and tells me "YOU CAN'T GO THIS WAY, THE EXIT IS THERE." I attempted to apologize, and she starts trying to walk me out of the door. I pulled my hand away and told her to never touch me again. I then went to GR with her name, and have never seen her since.


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
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TchaikovskyVCID said:
...You don't really believe that, I hope.

probably not, but if it means someone will get their feathers ruffled, then yes, he does believe it.


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
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joeyjoe92979 said:
No one wants to work for Disney

I wouldn't go THAT far, but I know Disney tends to shoot themselves in the foot by overzealous termination at some points and then not being able to staff themselves when they need the help.

example, 2003-2004.... Disney cleaned the house, terminating people for things that should have at least warranted an investigation. Now they're beyond short staffed, and many former CM's who would be willing to come back to work can't return due to no rehire status in the company.

But this is Disney's problem, not mine. They can deal with it.


Original Poster
Disney is not treating the college program kids that great either. I'm still trying to figure out why a part time 16 year old is making more than me, who is a 20 year old whose had 4 years of work experience. If we were getting some added benifets like free housing or free classes I would understand, but they take everything out our paychecks.


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
welcome to Disney's Union Contract. Part timers are represented, you're not.


Naturally Grumpy
MouseMadness said:
Aaaaaaaaaah!! Exactly what I'm trying to teach my 10 year old. :brick: :brick: :lol:

I worked a year waiting tables... wouldn't really want to do it again. I never understood how people could get so bitchy over food. (which, 90% of the time, your server is going to have no control over)

But, unlike some sentiments I've heard... it was the good ones who stand out, not the jackasses. The ones who would take time to get to know me, make conversation and have some laughs... who would leave a $10 tip for a $10 bill. :lookaroun Good times there. :)

Maybe the CMs can learn to make their memory selective, as I have. :lol: :lookaroun

Short of spending a mandatory year or two in the military, if everyone were required to spend a year working in hospitality/food service, we would all be in a much better place!


Naturally Grumpy
mousermerf said:
So Merlin - you train people for a living?

That means you don't actually work with guests/customers on a regular basis?


As with most consultants, they have to present themselves as the resident expert, and their ideas also have to be flawless and guaranteed to succeed (if executed properly).

ahhh....just think of all those infomertials and get rich without working schemes...

Communism and Socialism (and Democracy) are perfectly acceptable methods of social management...the only problem comes when humans try to implement these theories...

Look at Baldridge award winning companies (supposedly the best of the best), many of which are no longer in existance, or rarely stay at that level.

Merlin, I would like to hear your examples of who meets the lofty criteria of yours? I am having a hard time finding candidates.


Well-Known Member
ClemsonTigger said:
As with most consultants, they have to present themselves as the resident expert, and their ideas also have to be flawless and guaranteed to succeed (if executed properly).


You nailed that one perfectly. A good consultant is always an expert at showing people how they failed to implement their plans. They will always say that the plan WILL work but ONLY if implemented correctly. The likelihood of that happening, about zero. Then they get to get another fat contract to show them how they failed. The cycle never ends. :lol:

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