"Mean" Cast Members


Well-Known Member
robynchic said:
Here's a question for other CMs...

Have you ever noticed that some of the best behaved guests tend to eventually say, "Oh, my husband/wife/mother/father/daughter/son/sister/brother/[extended family of some kind] works here."
Yes, or it's the type of people, like most people on this board, who take all their vacations to WDW and truely enjoy being there.

People pay a lot of money to go to WDW, they should enjoy themselves, not complain about every single little thing.


New Member
dizpins14 said:
Disney is not treating the college program kids that great either. I'm still trying to figure out why a part time 16 year old is making more than me, who is a 20 year old whose had 4 years of work experience. If we were getting some added benifets like free housing or free classes I would understand, but they take everything out our paychecks.
First, you have to be at least 18 years old to be on the college program. Second, how much do you think we get paid? I can tell you how much I get paid. I can tell you how much quick service food and beverage get paid (which is better than what I get paid) and I can tell you how much CPs in different positions than me get paid (which is less than I get paid).
Believe me- none of us get paid well. And if we get paid more than you do in WDW, you have to consider that we have rent taken out of our paychecks every week.


Well-Known Member
On the other hand, you don't touch someone from behind! That is clearly not right Merlin. Don't you understand that concept? Tapping a person on the shoulder is rude at the least. In the law, it is a battery upon another person.

Wow...twenty plus years of law enforcement down the drain just like that...no wonder I never rose above the rank of CAPTAIN!!! Must not have arrested enough of those people that tapped someone else on the shoulder.

For all you CM's out there that really get annoyed and snappy at guests that did not contribute to your bad day...please e mail me your work schedule so I can avoid you on my next trip.


Account Suspended
mkt said:
When I worked there, I wouldn't event recommend the ones that ASKED me for referrals, much less anyone that didn't ask for a referral. Disney is honestly the worst employer I ever worked for, and I never intend to dedicating my life again to working for the best mismanagement team on earth.

Methinks thou doth protesteth too much


New Member
And on a completely random note...I love how Merlin stopped attacking me once I cited an example where I could have had a guest removed from the park. Instead, I grit my teeth, didn't cry, went up to one of the people I was working with, and whispered "I need to go backstage. I can't stand." Once a manager saw that I had those three telltale marks on my knee that I'd just had arthroscopic surgery, and yet, I was working...I got a cast excellence card.
And, Merlin, if you'd like to challenge me with that one bad guest=two good guest stories, I'd be happy to do it.
I really don't think you understand with the kind of antics we put up with. I think CMs should just start posting their "bad guest" stories, to give some perspective on what we deal with. Oh, and if we're posting our bad guest stories, we should mention how long we've worked there. Who wants to start?


Account Suspended
pluto77 said:

Somehow I find that hard to believe.

Well, where I come from, we call that a cynic. It's sad that you find it so hard to believe. That only shows you are incapable of doing it. Maybe you need to read some books or take some classes (or counseling) on how to redirect your anger and frustration. Lots of people are able to do it just fine. And as I've stated many times already on this thread, clearly if the guests are really as horrible as everyone's making them out to be, then MOST CMs must be good at it too. Unfortunately, none of those CMs seem to be posting on this thread.


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Merlin said:
Well, where I come from, we call that a cynic. It's sad that you find it so hard to believe. That only shows you are incapable of doing it. Maybe you need to read some books or take some classes (or counseling) on how to redirect your anger and frustration. Lots of people are able to do it just fine. And as I've stated many times already on this thread, clearly if the guests are really as horrible as everyone's making them out to be, then MOST CMs must be good at it too. Unfortunately, none of those CMs seem to be posting on this thread.

While I do find it fairly believable that every person has the capacity to be nice all the time, it is a very trying feet to accomplish. I think what Pluto was trying to point out is that (I believe you dont get me wrong) you're human. Humans make mistakes and are fallable. If you have the willpower to never EVER take frustration out on someone who doesnt deserve it (because God knows I do it sometimes) then i wholeheartedly congratulate you. However, at the same time, I wouldnt be disappointed if you admitted that once in a however long while, you have let your temper get the best of you.


Well-Known Member
pluto77 said:
People pay a lot of money to go to WDW, they should enjoy themselves, not complain about every single little thing.

Isn't it weird that you hear so much of the opposite, though... "I paid good money to be here, blah blah blah" :lol:

mkt said:
Cast members are like strippers. To your face they'll be nice to you and love you. But once you're gone, they'd rather spit in your face and think you're a jerk.

Well, I've always gone out of my way to be nice to CM's... kinda disheartening to hear what they're thinking behind the smile. :lookaroun


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Merlin said:
Well, where I come from, we call that a cynic. It's sad that you find it so hard to believe. That only shows you are incapable of doing it. Maybe you need to read some books or take some classes (or counseling) on how to redirect your anger and frustration. Lots of people are able to do it just fine. And as I've stated many times already on this thread, clearly if the guests are really as horrible as everyone's making them out to be, then MOST CMs must be good at it too. Unfortunately, none of those CMs seem to be posting on this thread.

I think Des Cartes (the author of "I think, therefore I am") also said that inquisitiveness and cynicism are the first signs of intelligence.


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
MouseMadness said:
Well, I've always gone out of my way to be nice to CM's... kinda disheartening to hear what they're thinking behind the smile. :lookaroun

Then you'd be the one that the CM's would remain indifferent about. Better than being despised :lol:


Naturally Grumpy
And add to that that we are talking about a large number of 18 to 24 year old folks here. While I don't disagree what Merlin presents (in an ideal sense), I also recognize his message as presented to a mature, experienced audience.

It is a challenge to cope with this type of stress and pressure with years of experience and professional consultation and training...it is another thing altogether when we are dealing with those in their first work experience.


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joeyjoe92979 said:
I think Merlin needs to spend a good 6 months dealing with the guest and then let’s hear what he has to say. The "magic", if that’s what you want to call it, only goes so far my friend.

Well, for starters, I've worked my fair share of guest service situations and have dealt with some very difficult guests. This, of course, is a no-win arguement, however, because no matter what I say I did, odds are at least one person will post and claim that it couldn't have been as bad as what you deal with at WDW. I personally don't think that would be accurate. However, assuming for the sake of argument that it IS accurate, then WDW must be the most horrible, awful place to work and the guests must be absolute monsters almost all of the time. If that is NOT true, then I win. I've worked at places that were like that. If, however, it IS true then why put yourself through that? If you despise the guests that much, quit your job. There's plenty of other jobs (for people who have the skills to perform them) where you're not hit with a constant barrage of rude guests all the time (as it's been described by many on this thread).


Well-Known Member
mkt said:
Then you'd be the one that the CM's would remain indifferent about. Better than being despised :lol:

Man, the CM's just keep looking worse and worse as this goes along.

So being nice just gets you "indifference"...what does being indifferent myself get me, a slap in the face?

I should just relax, though. I do realize we are just talking about the actions of kids here.


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
Timmay said:
Man, the CM's just keep looking worse and worse as this goes along.

So being nice just gets you "indifference"...what does being indifferent myself get me, a slap in the face?

indefference will get you ignored


Account Suspended
robynchic said:
And on a completely random note...I love how Merlin stopped attacking me once I cited an example where I could have had a guest removed from the park. Instead, I grit my teeth, didn't cry, went up to one of the people I was working with, and whispered "I need to go backstage. I can't stand." Once a manager saw that I had those three telltale marks on my knee that I'd just had arthroscopic surgery, and yet, I was working...I got a cast excellence card.
And, Merlin, if you'd like to challenge me with that one bad guest=two good guest stories, I'd be happy to do it.
I really don't think you understand with the kind of antics we put up with. I think CMs should just start posting their "bad guest" stories, to give some perspective on what we deal with. Oh, and if we're posting our bad guest stories, we should mention how long we've worked there. Who wants to start?

I didn't "stop attacking you" because I never started attacking you. The fact that you perceive my responses as an attack are another sign, however, that you probably take guest situations way to personally and you probably perceive the guests as "attacking" you too.


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
However... the nice lady that gave the entire cast goodie bags xmas eve 2002, she rocked. We did talk about her afterwards in a good light. She gave us goodie bags, xmas cards, and thanked each one of us for working xmas eve night.

That's the one we hold in a good light.


New Member
mkt said:
Then you'd be the one that the CM's would remain indifferent about. Better than being despised :lol:

Actually, we appreciate the nicer guests. They help us keep our smile. Our indifference is with the guests who seem to be as frazzled as we are, with their little brats running around.

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