"Mean" Cast Members


Active Member
I have definitely seen a decline in CM quality/attitudes in the last couple of years. Just got back from WDW and had more nasty attitudes than ever. I could not care less how bad some guests act, they have paid money to be there and while they may be out of line - it does not qualify rude behavior from the employee that is there and getting paid to be courteous! Don't misunderstand me, if a guest needs to be corrected, correct them, but it is all in how it is done. Saturday at EPCOT my wife goes to buy the AP food and wine pin and a few other pins. As she gets out her money she realizes that her AP is with me getting Soarin' fast passes. She simply states that her husband has her pass and starts to say she would get the AP pin later, but the cm (whose name I do have but will leave off here)does not let her finish and rudely says " Well I can't sell it to you without the pass!" takes that pin drops in the drawer and very snippily (sp?) tells her the total of the other pins. All she had to say was, "just come back later and we should have plenty or drop back by when you get your pass back." I was livid when she told me so I went to the cm and informed her I would be going to guest relations for her rude behavior. She acted like she was clueless. Then called for me to come back - which I did not as I was far too angry and it would have just gotten worse. I have emailed WDW and spoken with guest relations about this type of thing. I have watched the quality decline for too long and it is time to get it fixed.

Sorry for the rant but I was about to search for this topic when it had bumped up so I jumped in. :mad:


Active Member
robynchic said:
Actually, we appreciate the nicer guests. They help us keep our smile. Our indifference is with the guests who seem to be as frazzled as we are, with their little brats running around.

brats - a funny name for the people PAYING YOUR SALARY.


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
robynchic said:
Actually, we appreciate the nicer guests. They help us keep our smile. Our indifference is with the guests who seem to be as frazzled as we are, with their little brats running around.

the company is big enough for two opinions to remain equally valid.


New Member
Merlin said:
I didn't "stop attacking you" because I never started attacking you. The fact that you perceive my responses as an attack are another sign, however, that you probably take guest situations way to personally and you probably perceive the guests as "attacking" you too.

When a guest attacks me, oh believe me, they're attacking me. SOME CMs here know what I do. And I think you'd sympathize with me if you found out what I do. And I don't take things personally when they attack me. I laugh at them and debate "is it worth calling security?"
Oh, and unless I really do feel pain, I'll finish what I'm doing, then complain afterwards.

Yeah, I might seem like one of the nasty CMs. But honestly, I've had managers praise me on what I deal with.


Well-Known Member
Oh, this is pricless...

Children that run around (which is what a child does, by the way...good luck in all your parenting endeavors...LOL) are now "brats".

Please, will a CM with some God given sense speak up over the ones that think kids just being kids are "brats" and the only guests that are liked are the ones that give them "goodies" :mad: .


New Member
Timmay said:
Oh, this is pricless...

Children that run around (which is what a child does, by the way...good luck in all your parenting endeavors...LOL) are now "brats".

Please, will a CM with some God given sense speak up over the ones that think kids just being kids are "brats" and the only guests that are liked are the ones that give them "goodies" :mad: .
Your interpretation of brats and my interpretation of brats may be different. When a child runs around me, it's hazardous to both their health AND mine. And I don't mean emotionally, nor do I mean that I am liable to purposely injure them.


Well-Known Member
mousermerf said:
As for CM's not losing their cool - everyone burns out eventually. New Hires either run away in fear (this is actually noted in training manuals) or they stick it out and become a "lifer." Lifers still get burnt out. All the lifers I ever worked with hated Guests more than anyone but were oh-so-Wonderful to their faces.

People learn what they can get away with, like the lollipop. CMs learn what crap they can pull and some get very good at it.

I'd really hate to think that after every nice experience I have had with a CM that they were thinking nasty thoughts about me as I walked away. :cry: :(


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
A child that is running around causing a potential hazard to both their wellbeing and that of others while the parents do nothing about is a brat.

Parents need to control their children... otherwise the state can and sometimes will.


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Well, to be completely honest, I don't think it's a good idea to take any one Cast Member's view on how the majority of Cast Members feel toward the guests. If you believe one CM, then every CM hates EVERY guest no matter what. Believe another and every CM LOVES every guest no matter what. I think it's safe to say that, as is true of the human race, every CM is different and EVERY CM has his or her own unique attitude toward guests, naughty and nice. Therefore, we shouldnt be so obliged to lump them into a huge demographic as a select few on this forum have been doing either way. Because, even if you're partially right about CM attitudes there are always be a few that are bound to dissent from such a narrowminded take on human interaction.


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TchaikovskyVCID said:
While I do find it fairly believable that every person has the capacity to be nice all the time, it is a very trying feet to accomplish. I think what Pluto was trying to point out is that (I believe you dont get me wrong) you're human. Humans make mistakes and are fallable. If you have the willpower to never EVER take frustration out on someone who doesnt deserve it (because God knows I do it sometimes) then i wholeheartedly congratulate you. However, at the same time, I wouldnt be disappointed if you admitted that once in a however long while, you have let your temper get the best of you.

I used to. But it's been a very long time. I believe that it is a learned thing. You mentioned that we're all human, and it is true that humans (like all animals actually) are naturally inclined to respond that way in situations where they feel threatened, angry, etc. It is instinct, programmed in all of us for survival. Nowadays, though, we don't have velociraptors* chasing us, so the things we come unglued about are things like other drivers cutting us off and people yelling at us. Physiologically, it's the same response as when the velociraptors would chase us....we're protecting ourselves. The thing that separates humans from the rest of the animal kindgom though, is that we have the mental capacity to override the instinct (well, MOST of us do at least). So yes, it is VERY possible to NEVER take your frustrations out on someone who doesn't deserve it. It is also just as possible to never take your frustrations out on someone who DOES deserve it. In a professional environment, truly skilled providers of service understand that concept and are able to follow it. When this thread first started, my impression was that it was just a rare, occasional thing, but that the people doing it still felt their behavior towards the guests was justified. It is never justified to be rude to a guest. I understand people slip up and don't mean to do it, but I would think they would feel bad about it afterward. I don't get the impression that any of the CMs posting on this thread ever have felt bad for snapping at a guest. Instead, they vehemently defend their actions and make it sound as though they do it often. That is extremely sad to me.

*Footnote regarding the velociraptor example: Just in case there are any paleontologists posting on this thread, I realize velociraptors and humans didn't live at the same time. I used that purely for example. :)


Account Suspended
Timmay said:
Oh, this is pricless...

Children that run around (which is what a child does, by the way...good luck in all your parenting endeavors...LOL) are now "brats".

Please, will a CM with some God given sense speak up over the ones that think kids just being kids are "brats" and the only guests that are liked are the ones that give them "goodies" :mad: .

I will say that children will be children and we shouldnt begrudge them their oppurtunity to be one. Holding a 5 year old to a twenty-some-odd year old's standard of politeness in behavior is in a word, ludicrous.


New Member
robynchic said:
When a guest attacks me, oh believe me, they're attacking me.
So every discussion with a guest where you don't have the same opinion is an attack?

The rude people at the park aren't attacking you, they could care less that you even exist as a discrete individual! To them you are merely the personification of everything at WDW that they see as wrong, and are preventing them from attaining whatever little joy they can squeeze out of their visit.

So, don't take it personally, even when they want the name of your badge to report you, you are just a proxy for their real target.

If you can't deal with that, and must take things personally for every exchange, you really need to consider either a change in career, or at least getting a position that is less likely to involve confrontation guests.


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Merlin said:
I used to. But it's been a very long time. I believe that it is a learned thing. You mentioned that we're all human, and it is true that humans (like all animals actually) are naturally inclined to respond that way in situations where they feel threatened, angry, etc. It is instinct, programmed in all of us for survival. Nowadays, though, we don't have velociraptors* chasing us, so the things we come unglued about are things like other drivers cutting us off and people yelling at us. Physiologically, it's the same response as when the velociraptors would chase us....we're protecting ourselves. The thing that separates humans from the rest of the animal kindgom though, is that we have the mental capacity to override the instinct (well, MOST of us do at least). So yes, it is VERY possible to NEVER take your frustrations out on someone who doesn't deserve it. It is also just as possible to never take your frustrations out on someone who DOES deserve it. In a professional environment, truly skilled providers of service understand that concept and are able to follow it. When this thread first started, my impression was that it was just a rare, occasional thing, but that the people doing it still felt their behavior towards the guests was justified. It is never justified to be rude to a guest. I understand people slip up and don't mean to do it, but I would think they would feel bad about it afterward. I don't get the impression that any of the CMs posting on this thread ever have felt bad for snapping at a guest. Instead, they vehemently defend their actions and make it sound as though they do it often. That is extremely sad to me.

*Footnote regarding the velociraptor example: Just in case there are any paleontologists posting on this thread, I realize velociraptors and humans didn't live at the same time. I used that purely for example. :)

Then we are in agreement. I feel that not only is it a CMs responsibility to be polite toward guests, but it is a guests responsibility to maintain themselves and set a good example for children who will someday bring their children there. At the same time however, having someone be rude to you is a time to "turn the other cheek", it does not justify rudeness back. If the eye-for-an-eye rule were valid where would that leave humanity.
Now now now, I think it's reasonable to assume that the "brats" that some people are mentioning are the ones that run around and cause chaos, while the parents simply look away indifferently because their child is "perfect."

Here's an example, I work almost weekly as guest control for a show at Disneyland. We know our proper procedures, because there are only a few of us who are approved and specially trained to be there. procedures meaning setting up the meet and greet after the show, keeping people out of the aisleways, and keeping the children's seating area in the front of the theater children only. Now trust me, I can say with the sweetest smile "I'm sorry, sir/ma'am, but we do have to keep our walkways clear due to safety reasons." and be the kindest person, and have the guest SNAP at me. I can take that every once in a while, but when it happens three or more times in a day, it tends to do a little work on your ego and your psyche.

Here's a more specific tale. I was watching the show from my position one morning, and I witnessed a small child who kept walking around the children's seating area. I went ove rto him, asked him to sit down, and he did. A few moments later, he was walking around again, and I aked him to sit again. He kept walking (which soon becomes a distraction not only to the performers and the other guests enjoying the show, but also a safety issue as he was starting to walk through some of th stage space).

I then led him to his parents (who were sitting in the front row) and asked them to hold on to him as he couldn't be walking all over the venue during hte performance. This happened at least 3 more times as the parents refused to hold on to him, and long story short, the father began YELLING at me in the middle of the show. Did I ask for this reaction? No. Did I do anything to provoke it? No. Could I have had him kicked out of the show before it began? Yes, but I chose not to because he might actually redeem himself by showing that he could take care of his child during a show that over 200 other guests were trying to enjoy, but now about half of their attention was focused on his yelling at me. He later grabbed his son and wife to leave the show when the other guest control girl went to sit with his child in the children's section to keep him in one place, but that was apparently too much for them to handle. They also claimed that they were going to guest relation to complain to my managers about me, and I hope he did as the first thing our stage manager did was get my statement and send it right over to city hall to back me up 100%.

If that's not a bad guest story, I don't know what is. Oh, and if you think I may have been rude to him in any way, no, I wasn't. I was actually congratulated on my handling of the situation by a few guests as they were leaving the venue. My blood was boiling, and I was completely ready to explode at him, but somewhere I found the patience to keep my cool.

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
I was working parade once during my CP and these two little boys were sitting in an off-limits area. I walked up to them, asked them to move and got no response. After telling them they couldn't sit there a couple times, I got a little frustrated. I wasn't particularly mean, but I dropped the smile and spoke a little more forcefully. Then their mom came over and told me they didn't speak English and moved them out of the way. I didn't feel too proud of myself right then. Taught me a little something about patience, even with people who seem to be trying to test it--not just at Disney, but in general.


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mkt said:

have you ever worked for Disney?

No, I'm 16... EEEK! I'm 17! (my birthday just passed and i keep forgetting)

What i was pointing out is that people reading this forum shouldnt draw conclusions about CMs from it. It is, after all, the view of a few select people and doesn't represent the opinion of the collective cast.
Wilt Dasney said:
I was working parade once during my CP and these two little boys were sitting in an off-limits area. I walked up to them, asked them to move and got no response. After telling them they couldn't sit there a couple times, I got a little frustrated. I wasn't particularly mean, but I dropped the smile and spoke a little more forcefully. Then their mom came over and told me they didn't speak English and moved them out of the way.

I've found that LARGE ARM MOVEMENTS tend to get anyone's attention, english speaking or not.


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TchaikovskyVCID said:
Then we are in agreement. I feel that not only is it a CMs responsibility to be polite toward guests, but it is a guests responsibility to maintain themselves and set a good example for children who will someday bring their children there. At the same time however, having someone be rude to you is a time to "turn the other cheek", it does not justify rudeness back. If the eye-for-an-eye rule were valid where would that leave humanity.

We are in partial agreement. I agree with everything you've stated above except the part about the guest's responsibility. As sad and unfair as it may seem, the guest's only responsibility is to pay for admission and obey rules that are there for their safety. I think this is where a lot of CMs get bent out of shape. They believe guests should be held to the same standards of politeness as CMs. Out in society, where we are nothing more than equal members of that society, then certain implied rules of behavior do exist. As I stated earlier in this thread, however, this is a customer/employee (aka guest/CM) relationship. The same rules of society don't apply. Don't get me wrong, it would be more pleasant if they did. And for my part, I'm polite to every CM I encounter because I do believe they are human beings with feelings (although now I have more insight into what they are thinking behind my back). But it is inaccurate to say that behavior is the guest's "responsibility". Like it or not, it is the CM's job to continue being friendly even when the guest is being unreasonable. CMs who don't understand that concept and who think they are interacting like they would an equal member of society are just setting themselves up for frustration. The sooner you embrace this concept, the happier you'll be in your job...even when that rude guest is in your face, trust me. If you're unable to embrace the concept, you're in the wrong job. Simple as that.


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robynchic said:
When a guest attacks me, oh believe me, they're attacking me. SOME CMs here know what I do. And I think you'd sympathize with me if you found out what I do. And I don't take things personally when they attack me. I laugh at them and debate "is it worth calling security?"
Oh, and unless I really do feel pain, I'll finish what I'm doing, then complain afterwards.

Yeah, I might seem like one of the nasty CMs. But honestly, I've had managers praise me on what I deal with.

If it's a personal attack, as you so steadfastly claim it is, then there must be something that you are personally doing to bring the behavior on. You may want to do some soul searching on that. I know that every time I personally had angry guests, I was able to realize that it was the company they were mad at, not me. You have made it clear that you KNOW they are attacking you personally. Do you not see the problem here with that mentality?

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