"Mean" Cast Members


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Woody13 said:
On the other hand, you don't touch someone from behind! That is clearly not right Merlin. Don't you understand that concept? Tapping a person on the shoulder is rude at the least. In the law, it is a battery upon another person. You're lucky he didn't defend himself because he had every right under the law to take a swing at you.

...You don't really believe that, I hope.


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CHAPPS said:
So in Florida, it's legal to beat the crap of some guy in retaliation for him tapping you on the shoulder from behind?? Wow! Now THERE's some information that could have come in handy!! :brick:


I think Woody's just trying to rile me up so he can say, "See? You lose your temper too!"

In all seriousness, and as much as I dread admitting it, he is essentially right. I'm not sure about the legal part of it, but just from the standpoint of common decency (or as he put it, "common manners") unwanted touching is not a good practice. And sorry Woody, I meant to say a "no UNWANTED touching" policy.

So there you have it. I'm capable of admitting when I'm wrong (even for something that was 3+ years ago). :wave:


Your collective thanks is well appreciated!

I think the worst instance of guest misbehavior I've ever seen is on the parking lot trams. The poor announcer in back usually has to say "please stop boarding the tram" or something to that effect 10 times or more, and people just don't listen to the point of lunacy. Oh well - let's hope things get better!

- Brian


ConstanceIrene said:
Wow! I never realized how many CMs abhor the guests. This is an enlightening thread.

I doubt they hate all, or even the majority of the guests.
As a guest, I have seen other guests act in a way that made me dislike them.
I suspect it is THOSE same guests, or type of guest that they hate.

And....I can't really blame em one bit.


New Member
TchaikovskyVCID said:
...You don't really believe that, I hope.
Yes, read the law. It's very simple. You have no right to touch me at any time unless I agree to be touched. Understand that and you will be well served.


New Member
CHAPPS said:
So in Florida, it's legal to beat the crap of some guy in retaliation for him tapping you on the shoulder from behind?? Wow! Now THERE's some information that could have come in handy!! :brick:
It's not just Florida law. It's a common law concept and while various jurisdictions have different laws, they are still much the same. You have no right to touch me. If you touch me and it is "unwanted" on my part, I may take action to stop you. Now, under Florida law, if I perceive a threat from you, that includes lethal force. :wave:


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Woody13 said:
Yes, read the law. It's very simple. You have no right to touch me at any time unless I agree to be touched. Understand that and you will be well served.

I don't think you have to worry about anyone wanting to touch you. :lol:

Seriously, I think you are taking that law waaaayyyy to literally. I can't imagine being on a jury and finding someone guilty of battery just for tapping someone on the shoulder. And if the other guy took a swing at him, I think the law would side with the guy who did the tapping.


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Woody13 said:
Yes, read the law. It's very simple. You have no right to touch me at any time unless I agree to be touched. Understand that and you will be well served.

Is this only in Florida? Because, I live in New Jersey, and if someone took me to court for tapping them on the shoulder here, the presiding judge would laugh them out of the courtroom.


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TchaikovskyVCID said:
Is this only in Florida? Because, I live in New Jersey, and if someone took me to court for tapping them on the shoulder here, the presiding judge would laugh them out of the courtroom.

My boyfriend used to be a policeman in Florida. I just asked him and he said that's BS. He said it's most likely one of those wacky laws that was never taken off the books. He said if the person did try and press charges, he'd have to prove that the "tapping" caused physical harm or that he seriously felt threatened by the guy who did the tapping. If he used "lethal force" or even took a swing at the guy, my boyfriend says he would have much bigger problems to worry about than being tapped on the shoulder.


New Member
Misty said:
My boyfriend used to be a policeman in Florida. I just asked him and he said that's BS. He said it's most likely one of those wacky laws that was never taken off the books. He said if the person did try and press charges, he'd have to prove that the "tapping" caused physical harm or that he seriously felt threatened by the guy who did the tapping. If he used "lethal force" or even took a swing at the guy, my boyfriend says he would have much bigger problems to worry about than being tapped on the shoulder.
Your boyfriend is right, to a point. Who are you to say the level of threat? Here is the law so you can understand;

Please notice that bodily harm is an "or" not an "and" in this law. Do you understand the law now?


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Woody13 said:
Your boyfriend is right, to a point. Who are you to say the level of threat? Here is the law so you can understand;

Please notice that bodily harm is an "or" not an "and" in this law. Do you understand the law now?

You're a very rude person.

Also, it doesn't say in here anywhere that the "victim" has a right to use "lethal force".


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Woody13 said:
Your boyfriend is right, to a point. Who are you to say the level of threat? Here is the law so you can understand;

Please notice that bodily harm is an "or" not an "and" in this law. Do you understand the law now?

Thats stupid. That means i could give my friend in Florida a hug and if he didnt want it he could press charges. All without my knowing it was unwanted. What a terribly worded law.


New Member
Misty said:
You're a very rude person.

Also, it doesn't say in here anywhere that the "victim" has a right to use "lethal force".
Well, I'm not "Mr. Popularity" by any stretch. Matter of fact, some people don't like me. Matter of fact, I think sometimes that more people here dislike me than those that like me. I don't try to be mean, but I guess I come off that way.

I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. You are a new member and I want to welcome you to this forum! :wave: I am sorry that we got off on the wrong foot.

The lethal force deal was in reference to a law passed in the state of Florida last Saturday. In Florida we have the right now to kill people that we think maybe a threat. I posted the law on another thread.

I have no intention of killing anyone. Perhaps I'm just getting too old to post much information.
You know, I remember an incident that happened when I was working there. I was visiting animal kingdom and some jaack a$$ wanted to get on Primeval Whirl his toddler!! The cm told him why she couldn't let her on but he wasn't understanding the concept at all. Then you wonder why we have moody days. He started insulting her and telling her she shouldn't be working here because she's taking the magic away. Okay okay, taking the magic away? What an idiot!!


Well-Known Member
I had my first "run in" with a guest as a CM on Saturday night. While working Monitors at CoP a guest comes rushing out the doors just as CoP is about to rotate telling me that her daughter needs a restroom. Well first off my instinct was to get both mother and daughter on the other side of the yellow line that all guests should be on and letting her know that when she comes back, she wouln't be able to join her party on the attraction as it will cause an E-stop. Next I point in the direction of the restrooms and in the middle of my sentance telling her where they can be found she gives me some attitude saying: "That way? That is all you can tell me where a bathroom is???" Then she storms off, leaving me with my jaw on the ground wondering "what the heck just happened??" As she is still on the wrong side of the yellow lines and chains, she removes a chain that separates the unload and load "queue" areas and literally throws the chain, almost hitting another guest in the eye with it. When she came back to wait at the unload queue area, she gave me some dirty looks. I just kept smiling at her showing her that attitude won't get you much these days with me!!! I can understand it has been a long day, and you are tired, but give some of the CMs some credit for putting up with some of the crap some guests give us and at least let us try and help you out before you assume we aren't keeping up with the Disney magic!!! Things like this just make me cringe at what a really PO'd guest is gonna do!!! :eek:


Well-Known Member
I dont think people are taking Disney for granted. I think people in general have gotten worse. Everyone has lost respect for one another.


Well-Known Member
mousermerf said:
You cannot control other people but you can control yourself.

Aaaaaaaaaah!! Exactly what I'm trying to teach my 10 year old. :brick: :brick: :lol:

I worked a year waiting tables... wouldn't really want to do it again. I never understood how people could get so bitchy over food. (which, 90% of the time, your server is going to have no control over)

But, unlike some sentiments I've heard... it was the good ones who stand out, not the jackasses. The ones who would take time to get to know me, make conversation and have some laughs... who would leave a $10 tip for a $10 bill. :lookaroun Good times there. :)

Maybe the CMs can learn to make their memory selective, as I have. :lol: :lookaroun

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