I saw Spider-Man 3 once, at a midnight opening night showing, and I refuse to ever watch it again. Spidey being my favorite coic book character, it was like a slap in the face what they did.
I just go by what everyone I know says, and most people really enjoyed IH.
From what I understand, the reason there hasn't been a sequel is because Edward Norton isn't interested in doing another.:shrug:
I completely agree, and I read somewhere that that's what will indeed happen.
I would never choose to watch Spidey 3 again.
By the time I saw it (I believe it was opening weekend but I could be wrong) I had heard the bad word of mouth and my expectations were lowered. During the first fight, the CG really bugged me. After that, I started wondering why people hated it so much.
Then Peter Parker started "dancing". And it was all downhill from there. I don't consider Spidey 3 to be as bad as Batman and Robin. But I put it in the same category as Hulk, Daredevil, Ghost Rider, Incredible Hulk and Superman Returns as movies that just aren't worth watching a second time.
I feel the same way about Batman and Robin as you probably do about Spidey 3. But really, what's worse than the Bat Credit Card?
Most people I know were lukewarm on Incredible Hulk. I liked it better than Hulk, which is to say I didn't hate it. But it was less ambitious and less well-crafted than the original Hulk. So I kind of consider them a wash. One is a bad but moderately entertaining movie and the other is an ambitious experiment that didn't work.
One never knows with Edward Norton. He's one of those guys who has a prickly reputation. And it's well documented that he clashed with Marvel over IH. However, he has talked about possibly appearing in Avengers. So I don't think he's completely opposed to reprising the role.
My understanding is that while IH did okay, it needed to significantly outgross the original. And since it did about the same as the original, no one wanted to take a chance on another movie that would almost certainly cost more and earn less.
If IH had burned up the box office Iron Man style and Norton opted out, they still would have pushed ahead with another Hulk movie and recast the role. That's not happening because IH succeeded as a movie but failed as a franchise reboot.
I'm cautiously optimistic about the new Spider-man. At first, I couldn't understand why Sony would pull the plug on a franchise that was working. But the more I think about it, the more their decision makes sense. Spidey 4 would have been much more costly.
And it was still a risk. Especially since no one could agree on a villain. Best case scenerio is they get one more hit out of the franchise. Worst case scenerio is they kill the franchise before their planned reboot.
The reboot will be relatively inexpensive. And if it stand a good chance of pulling in the younger audience they are going for. The risks are pretty low (as these things go) because a Spider-man movie is pretty close to a sure thing.