McDonald's leaving the parks?

Tim G

Well-Known Member
From everyone's favorite, Al Lutz:

He only mentions Disneyland, but could this also apply to WDW? I'd be happy to see McD's leave the parks, but they have a bigger presence at WDW, especially Dinoland.

In that case something really great would be happening... a Disney Park without McDonalds... sounds too good to be true...


Active Member
Wasn't the McD's at the parks part of the Original Disney / McD's like 10 years ago?

Just in case that was the deal that Disney was going to have promotions in the Happy Meals, and McD's was going to sell some food at the parks and other joint promotions.

As far as i remember that deal expired in december 31, 2007 and both companies making announcements about going separate ways like in June (and McD's going to Dreamworks...)


Well-Known Member
Wasn't the McD's at the parks part of the Original Disney / McD's like 10 years ago?

Just in case that was the deal that Disney was going to have promotions in the Happy Meals, and McD's was going to sell some food at the parks and other joint promotions.

As far as i remember that deal expired in december 31, 2007 and both companies making announcements about going separate ways like in June (and McD's going to Dreamworks...)

When they "parted ways" all they did was end the exclusivity contract...and they did that before December 31, 2007. They still partner on projects, including those in the park, and the upcoming YoaMD Happy Meal toys.

McDonald's may currently have a bad rep , but it is still an incredibly popular company that has made giant strides to right its image (if only partially). I can understand those who don't want to see McDonald's at WDW for escapist reasons--that's fine. Otherwise, I think 'burning their bridge' with McDonald's would be an incredibly unwise move from Disney's part. There is no other fast food company that has the typical of global exposure and can offer the same type of promotional visibility (no, not even BK).


Well-Known Member
Anyway...some people like to have the fries, some people don't. I myself have found McDonald's fries to be better than the genereic ones they serve in the parks counter service places, but again that is just me.

Another thread turning into people that think they know what is best for everyone else.:rolleyes:


New Member
This is almost too good to be true...I was glad to see them around the parks but now things will seem a bit more isolated and give me more of that wonderful feeling of being inside that Disney Bubble...and now for certain i know what my extra money will be going towards whenever i am hungry walking around the Magic Kingdom...and that is Mike Scoppa's Miracle Elixir!!!! Otherwise known as the Dole Whip!!!


Well-Known Member
From everyone's favorite, Al Lutz:

He only mentions Disneyland, but could this also apply to WDW? I'd be happy to see McD's leave the parks, but they have a bigger presence at WDW, especially Dinoland.

Why? I don't understand the bias against McDs... They have pretty good burgers, and I love the Chicken Selects. It's not McDs that makes people fat, it's people that make themselves fat. If McDs leaves Disney Parks, I'll be upset.


I would love to see McDonald's vacate Disney. Hopefully a new and exciting option would go into the Refreshment Port in World Showcase.

I'd rather Disney just do its own food.

Ditto! I can eat in McDonalds anytime and almost any where, I don't need to to eat in one while I'm on vacation. Seeing a McDonalds anywhere on Disney property is just helping to spoil the magic, reminds me of being back home, which is something I don't want to think about while on vacation.


New Member
First the strips and mac and cheese then McDonalds what's next Mickey Bars:eek:. I don't have a problem with healthy foods being avaliable I'm actually for it I just want them to keep the other options there too.


Active Member
I hope this means that Mickey D's will be out of Disney parks all together. It still saddens me to see people at Epcot lining up to get fries when there are dozens of places to get an incredible snack.


Well-Known Member
When did the big push of McDonald's into the parks happen? And where did it start? I'm kinda thinking it happened with Restaurantosaurus at the opening of Animal Kingdom, but perhaps it was before then with the fry cart in the Magic Kingdom.

If McDonald's in the parks started with Restaurantosaurus, then that means it's coming up on 10 years. Seems like a nice round number for a contract deal, don't you think? Maybe it's ending and one or the other of the two parties isn't renewing?

As for *my* most un-favorite part of the Disney/McDonald's partnership? It's not the fries in the parks. It's "Time Rover tours brought to you by a generous grant from McDonald's Corporation". ARGH!!!!!



McDonald's fries are literally coated with sugar; that's why they're so appealing (to some). Good frigging riddance, I say.


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
I hope McDonalds goes away! I cannot stand that putrid smell of their fry stands.

I would rather hang out by Indy Speedway and huff those awful exhaust emissions... than walk by a McD's fry stand.


Boy, I sure hope McDonalds leaves the parks. I hate seeing them, I hate smelling that specific McDonalds smell. WHY? Because it takes me right out of the DISNEY experience and puts me right back into my regular life. I can eat McDonalds ANY time. I wish Disney would put more effort into creating more DISNEY food that we could only get at Disney! Like those CHICKEN STRIPS that everyone was so upset about in the other thread. People were so passionate about them. And apparently, you can only get this particular chicken strip at Disney! And while I don't get the fuss, at least it's DISNEY food. And it doesn't take me out of the magic.

Now, I LOVE McDonalds. I do. :slurp:But not when I'm at Disney.

And how about we knock off the rude chatter about overweight folks? This is a thread about McDonalds leaving the parks. People aren't going to suddenly get heavier because McDonalds is there, and they certainly won't start losing weight because they leave. There will be plenty of food thats just as bad for you, along with a whole bunch of healthy choices. And we all arrive in whatever shape we were in before we even got to the park. So there's no cause to make comments about how many overweight people you see and how much it bothers you. It doesn't have anything to do with McDonalds leaving Disney.


Account Suspended
Boy, I sure hope McDonalds leaves the parks. I hate seeing them, I hate smelling that specific McDonalds smell. WHY? Because it takes me right out of the DISNEY experience and puts me right back into my regular life. I can eat McDonalds ANY time. I wish Disney would put more effort into creating more DISNEY food that we could only get at Disney! Like those CHICKEN STRIPS that everyone was so upset about in the other thread. People were so passionate about them. And apparently, you can only get this particular chicken strip at Disney! And while I don't get the fuss, at least it's DISNEY food. And it doesn't take me out of the magic.

Now, I LOVE McDonalds. I do. :slurp:But not when I'm at Disney.

And how about we knock off the rude chatter about overweight folks? This is a thread about McDonalds leaving the parks. People aren't going to suddenly get heavier because McDonalds is there, and they certainly won't start losing weight because they leave. There will be plenty of food thats just as bad for you, along with a whole bunch of healthy choices. And we all arrive in whatever shape we were in before we even got to the park. So there's no cause to make comments about how many overweight people you see and how much it bothers you. It doesn't have anything to do with McDonalds leaving Disney.
Dittos and fair enough also.

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