No, I won't go, and I really hope that they will refund me for the months they were closed and the months they require masks for my annual pass. I struggle in the heat to begin with, I couldn't imagine wearing a mask.
Also, you have to remember that all the people in here saying they would wear masks are adults. Can you imagine trying to get a child to wear a mask all day in Florida summer weather, or honestly, all day period? I know there are some kids who have that as their reality already, but I have a feeling they don't take trips to Disney in the height of summer.
Also the mask is pretty useless when you are constantly taking it off and on to drink and stay hydrated. I am constantly drinking water when I am there. My hands would be raw the first day from washing them every time I remove my mask to drink and again to put it back on. I can imagine the numbers of people being dehydrated and having medical issues from that and the heat would increase a lot. It would be a safety hazard in that respect. How many people saying they will wear a mask to get in can say 100% that they won't end up ill from the heat/dehydration? How many of you have been in that situation already and know for sure your body can handle it?
I can also say I would constantly be adjusting the mask or moving it because I would be hot, sweaty, and just uncomfortable.
It's not practical. Yes it is being done in China, but they are used to masks all the time. The majority grow up with it. Their bodies are used to it. They are just popping one on for a week of vacation in a hot, humid climate that they likely aren't used to to begin with. Being from NY our weather is drastically different, even our heat and humidity does not feel the same as the heat and humidity in Florida.
Also I know a lot are saying "oh look it would work because half the people on this board say they would wear one", but this board does not make up the majority of travelers and there are far more "die hards" here than there are in reality. So...I am thinking Disney still will be taking a huge financial hit by requiring it.
I can say I could handle it, but then I am likely an outlier. I don't get dehydrated. Back when I was distance running a lot, if I was running 6 miles or less, I would not drink water - I just didn't need it, even in August in NJ.
However, for those that need to drink more frequently, you can go ahead and touch your mask. you don't need to wash your hands afterward (but you should before, and before eating or drinking so if you are drinking you are washing your hands anyway)
There seems to be a load of confusion around masks, gloves, and washing your hands.
The masks you would wear to WDW and not N95 type masks. They are face covering type masks. They do little to stop you from getting sick. What they do is help greatly in other people not getting sick, if you already are sick. With this virus, people can be contagious for days or weeks before they show symptoms. That's why masks for all are useful, and temperature checks and "Stay home if you feel sick" rules are not so useful. It is also why many people get upset when others refuse to use a mask, because the act of not wearing a mask is detrimental to OTHERS, not yourself.
Touching your mask. Your mask is pretty much full of whatever is coming out of your mouth and nose. It is not doing much to stop anything from getting in, so if it has a virus load in it that is not from you, chances are you already caught it.
Your hands however may have virus on them from contact with a surface. If you touch your face, eye, mask, mouth, etc then you have a chance of transmitting that virus. So you wash your hands BEFORE you touch your face, or eat/drink - regardless of if you are wearing a mask or not. IF you want to be nice to others and perhaps not transfer any of your germs to a surface you may touch, then you wash your hands AFTER you touch your face or eat/drink.
As for gloves, unless you have a break in your skin, the virus is not getting in though your hands. Wearing gloves is no different from bare hands. Once you touch something those gloves are potentially contaminated. The only way they are useful if you cannot wash your hands, and you take off the gloves before touching your face or eating/drinking (and you take them off correctly - there is a correct way to remove gloves to prevent contaminating yourself with whatever is on them). Plus you need to be near a recpticle to dispose of them in (cause your not going to throw them on the ground are you)