I looked at the contract and while you are correct that it doesn't start exclusively comic book characters, it does state this in section 29
"Whenever Marvel has “reasonable” rights for rejection of approval hereunder, the basic criteria to be used by Marvel may include inconsistency with (i) basic story line, (ii) the powers, (iii) basic personality traits, (iv) physical appearance (including clothing or costume), and/or (v) living habitat or environment relating to such character as portrayed in Marvel’s exploitation of such character in comic books or other products
for the particular time period being depicted by MCA."
From what I can infer from this, time period may be something as unchangeable as the families of characters Universal does and doesn't own the rights to. if you look at the Hulk construction walls, you can see that it is classic comic artwork and not Avengers movie screenshots
. Also, if "Just visiting the park disproves this false concept" is referring to the statues in the gift shops, that is in and of itself a false concept since Disney is still able to sell Avengers merchandise in their parks regardless. Just check out Merchant of Venus next time you visit the Magic Kingdom. If anything, the statues prove a desire by Universal to move towards the movie versions. My whole point about Universal is that if they can do it, they would've done it already. As far as IPs go, there aren't many bigger than Marvel right now, not even Universal's own Minions.