Making Memories with Magic Friends


Well-Known Member
Oh good! You're still here! I'm great. Things going well for you and George?
Oh yeah, things are going good. I just wish I could get back to work, I am going stir crazy with nothing to do. And can't afford to not do nothing. We just booked for MNSSHP and now I am trying to come up with a costume. Looking for suggestions? :animwink:


New Member
Oh yeah, things are going good. I just wish I could get back to work, I am going stir crazy with nothing to do. And can't afford to not do nothing. We just booked for MNSSHP and now I am trying to come up with a costume. Looking for suggestions? :animwink:
Hmmm... you could be a cat...? (I'm ALWAYS a cat for Halloween :lookaroun)Firemen are always getting cats out of trees or burning buildings, right? But I read back and kinda like the fireball idea too!


Well-Known Member
Hmmm... you could be a cat...? (I'm ALWAYS a cat for Halloween :lookaroun)Firemen are always getting cats out of trees or burning buildings, right? But I read back and kinda like the fireball idea too!
Hmmmmm, I could dress up as a Dalmatian. That way I go disney and fireman side kick. :lol:

Well, I am no major rush in finding a costume. I won't even be leaving until September.


New Member
I have a question for you Dan... I need a guy's opinion on this...

I was thinking of planning a mini-trip for DH for his birthday. I would completely surprise him on a Thursday and tell him I'm taking a half-day to celebrate his birthday early (his birthday would be on the following Sunday) I tell him where we're going is a surprise, and I'd drive. He'd probably think we're going to downtown Nashville, but I'd keep driving four more hours until we get to where we're going. We'd check into a hotel. I'd take him to dinner and then a concert I know he really wants to go to. The next morning would be 9-holes of golf (I'd probably just tag along), a really nice lunch and either an art museum or the zoo (he LOVES zoos) Everything would already be planned and come as a surprise just before it happens.

The only thing is, I had hoped to span this mini-trip from Thursday to Saturday, being able to come home on Sunday and relax after church. Well, then I realized his birthday falls on Labor Day Weekend this year. :brick: Which is also the national softball tournament his team will be playing in... SO.... this is how the weekend would look:

Drive 5 hours to Indy
Dinner and Concert

Zoo or Art museum or visit my alma matter
Drive 2 hours to Cincy

All-day softball tournament

Visit local church

All-day softball tournament
Drive 5 hours home
(who knows when we'll get home)

Think this would be more of a hassle than a fun time?

EDIT: We would go to Indy not only because of the concert, but also because it is where we met and had our first date, kiss, etc. We have been talking recently about going back there. So it would be kind of romantic... at least I think it would be--revisiting all the places where we first fell in love.


Well-Known Member
First, how is he at not having some sort of control? I know that George and I both have control issues. So, the thought is nice to leave a special time to someone else, but it may be more of a hassle to release total control.

If he is one that needs a little bit of control you can do it like a scavanger hunt, only when you get to the next destination he has to open up a sealed envelope to guess the clues to the next stop.

It sounds like you have a lot of things planned and I like your idea of making a great weekend about him for his birthday. I would save the "romantic" stuff for an anniversary. It is nice to relive those areas that are special to you, but this is his birthday. Unless of course you get there and he wants to go to those areas.

Those are my thoughts and opinions, but ask others too, they may have better suggestions.


New Member
First, how is he at not having some sort of control? I know that George and I both have control issues. So, the thought is nice to leave a special time to someone else, but it may be more of a hassle to release total control.

If he is one that needs a little bit of control you can do it like a scavanger hunt, only when you get to the next destination he has to open up a sealed envelope to guess the clues to the next stop.

It sounds like you have a lot of things planned and I like your idea of making a great weekend about him for his birthday. I would save the "romantic" stuff for an anniversary. It is nice to relive those areas that are special to you, but this is his birthday. Unless of course you get there and he wants to go to those areas.

Those are my thoughts and opinions, but ask others too, they may have better suggestions.
Well.. he does like control, but when it comes to deciding where we are going to go for a date or go to eat or anything like that, he hates making the decisions. So I think he'd really like this. And knowing him , the fact that I would have thought this all out and put a lot of effort into planning it would mean a lot to him.

I LOVE the scavenger hunt idea! :sohappy:

I didn't mean we'd DO anything really romantic. I just meant, being in the city where we met would be kinda romantic. I was really just saying that so people wouldn't be like, "WHY go to INDIANAPOLIS, of all places." :lol:

So, a concert, golfing, and a softball tournament wouldn't be too much in one long weekend?


Well-Known Member
I LOVE the scavenger hunt idea! :sohappy:

So, a concert, golfing, and a softball tournament wouldn't be too much in one long weekend?
You know getting the tickets to the concert is a done deal, unless you have to make reservations for the golf that can be listed but only if you are up to it, then the softball tournament is relaxing when you just need to sit there and enjoy it, eat a few dogs, can't get better than that. I don't think it is too much. Unlike having to perform in the concert, play golf, then play in the tournament would really be too much for anyone.

Now I want to do something fun. :sohappy:


New Member
You know getting the tickets to the concert is a done deal, unless you have to make reservations for the golf that can be listed but only if you are up to it, then the softball tournament is relaxing when you just need to sit there and enjoy it, eat a few dogs, can't get better than that. I don't think it is too much. Unlike having to perform in the concert, play golf, then play in the tournament would really be too much for anyone.

Now I want to do something fun. :sohappy:
Well... it's a men's church softball tournament... so he WOULD be playing....:lookaroun...*bites nails* (I'D be relaxing though! :lookaroun)

Though he can't carry a tune, so he's definitely not performing in the concert! :lol:


Active Member

Loooong day.

FINALLY done with the hot air balloon.

It went up in flames.



After school I had to take the entrance test for AP English.

Then I went to Dunkin' Donuts with my mom and ran into a friend, so we stayed and chatted for a while.

Now I'm going to do homework.

Then, since my mom and I are on our own for dinner (my dad's not gunna be home till late), we might go out to our favorite restaurant to celebrate Mother's Day (a few days late. :lol:)

Anyways...just wanted to say hi. :wave:


New Member

Loooong day.

FINALLY done with the hot air balloon.

It went up in flames.



After school I had to take the entrance test for AP English.

Then I went to Dunkin' Donuts with my mom and ran into a friend, so we stayed and chatted for a while.

Now I'm going to do homework.

Then, since my mom and I are on our own for dinner (my dad's not gunna be home till late), we might go out to our favorite restaurant to celebrate Mother's Day (a few days late. :lol:)

Anyways...just wanted to say hi. :wave:
Sounds like a great day except for the exploding hot air balloon!
What kind of restaurant?


Active Member
Sounds like a great day except for the exploding hot air balloon!
What kind of restaurant?
Yeah, it was pretty scary. Well, now it's funny...but at the time it was very scary. :lol:
My teacher was holding the Bunsen burner under it, trying to make it float, and then all of a sudden, the flame licked the side, and the whole thing went up in flames. :lol:
Even more scary....the fire alarm did not go off. :lookaroun

It's an Italian place that I just looooove. :slurp:


New Member
Yeah, it was pretty scary. Well, now it's funny...but at the time it was very scary. :lol:
My teacher was holding the Bunsen burner under it, trying to make it float, and then all of a sudden, the flame licked the side, and the whole thing went up in flames. :lol:
Even more scary....the fire alarm did not go off. :lookaroun

It's an Italian place that I just looooove. :slurp:
Good point! Yikes!

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