Making Memories with Magic Friends


Well-Known Member
Eh - end of the year stuff -lots of fun!

Happy Birthday George!

Thanks...I'll pass that along. :kiss:
Did your mom decide what she's going to do?


I am, too!
It could have been very bad.
A few years ago, during this same project, the entire ceiling of the chem room caught on fire. :lookaroun
Yes, the fire alarm went off that time. :lol:

Oh dear.
Maybe that particular project should be done outdoors next time. :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
Thanks...I'll pass that along. :kiss:
Did your mom decide what she's going to do?

She's been quite confused since she got up here, so I'm not sure what's going on. She's staying at my brother's for now, and I guess he's really got his hands full with her. :(


i'm still very determined to do the half marathon in january...

i don't think i've ever in my life put myself so out there with a goal and worked as hard as i have toward this... financially i'm deep in it too... but i don't even care about that... i just want more than anything in the world to cross the finish line, i can't explain what it would mean to me if you really knew me on January 10th of 2008 and to be able January 10th of 2009 to run 13 miles at a solid pace... I mean... every single person I told right off the bat either laughed at me (all my friends...) or was like "yeah okay joe :rolleyes:" figuring I had zero chance of doing it...

I HAVE to run in january... i have to...

i can't even begin to tell you how crushed I'll be if i do the surgery and the recovery is so long I have to scratch... but if i don't do the surgery, there's a 0% chance of me running 13 miles...


i think it's what I have to do...
Better to do it right. If you have the right attitude then recovery should be shorter also.

Oh no. Why is that Suse?
Her grades and attutide in school are really bad. I think she needs to relearn some things and also mature up some.


Well-Known Member
I had to make a hot air balloon for Chem.
And today, while my teacher was trying to make it kind of caught on fire. :lookaroun
We did that in chem!
We had a contest to see who's could go the highest.
My group's balloon went the highest. :king:
Figures, the group of girls who don't pay attention won. :lookaroun


Active Member
We did that in chem!
We had a contest to see who's could go the highest.
My group's balloon went the highest. :king:
Figures, the group of girls who don't pay attention won. :lookaroun
:lol: :lol:

I was quite ticked at my partner...he did not even SEE the balloon until today -- it was due today.
My dad and I made it together.
And it didn't even hold any weight.
Or go to the ceiling.
And we followed the directions from the Internet!
And other groups used the same plans, and they're balloons worked just fine.


Well-Known Member
:lol: :lol:

I was quite ticked at my partner...he did not even SEE the balloon until today -- it was due today.
My dad and I made it together.
And it didn't even hold any weight.
Or go to the ceiling.
And we followed the directions from the Internet!
And other groups used the same plans, and they're balloons worked just fine.
What did you make it out of?
We made ours right there.
My group just put a bunch of sticks together, added the bag (I think), and there you have it! Our balloon! :lol:

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