Making Memories with Magic Friends


New Member
That stinks. (I love that phrase now :lol:)

I guess the question is how much does running mean to you.

i'm still very determined to do the half marathon in january...

i don't think i've ever in my life put myself so out there with a goal and worked as hard as i have toward this... financially i'm deep in it too... but i don't even care about that... i just want more than anything in the world to cross the finish line, i can't explain what it would mean to me if you really knew me on January 10th of 2008 and to be able January 10th of 2009 to run 13 miles at a solid pace... I mean... every single person I told right off the bat either laughed at me (all my friends...) or was like "yeah okay joe :rolleyes:" figuring I had zero chance of doing it...

I HAVE to run in january... i have to...

i can't even begin to tell you how crushed I'll be if i do the surgery and the recovery is so long I have to scratch... but if i don't do the surgery, there's a 0% chance of me running 13 miles...


i think it's what I have to do...


New Member
Sure! Here's a few: (this was the former front-runner) (I think this is what they have in mind, but might be a bit much w/ 2 of them) (if you scroll over the colors, it would be the bottom row, 4th from the left "Steele Blue") This is one of my current faves.
(this is my other current fave. Love the back of it, the bows match my shoes :king:)
(also super cute)


For where? :lookaroun
Steph, I like the first one and the one. Though, without knowing what your bridesmaid dresses and your dress looks like, it's hard to say. I know your colors, just not what the actual dresses look like.

They're all beautiful though. I don't think you can go wrong.


orthopedic surgeon visit this morning went.... as expected...

it wasn't decided today... but... i'm 99.9999% certain (and i believe he is too, he just wanted me to try a few things first...)

I'm gonna be getting surgery on both legs...
Oh no Joe... :( I'm sorry. Hopefully they'll be able to do what they have to do so that you'll still be able to run in January though.'s all over. It went well, thank goodness. They addressed all the same issues we had concerns about and explained what they would be doing for Joel next school year. Also met his first grade teacher next year - he got the exact person I was hoping for :sohappy:, she has had other autistic children in her classroom and knows exactly how to set things up for them. Their goal is to have him in the regular classroom about 80% of the time, and the remaining amount of time will be at resources (gym, music, art) and speech and OT. They believe he will exceed all expectations next year and are very excited to see where he will go. His first grade teacher has invited me down to her classroom, so I can see for myself how things will be set and wants Joel to come in prior to next school year to see things also.
I'm relieved, I'm also drained, all the tension is ebbing. They weren't trying to buck my suggestions, but considered them....we are leaving OT as is, with a re-evaluation this November to determine if he needs more one-on-one.
Thank you EVERYONE for your encouragement and means a great deal to me. :kiss:
That is WONDERFUL news Jenny! :sohappy::sohappy:


We are looking into holding my youngest back in the 4th grade. :cry: I really don't think she would make it in the 5th right now.
Oh no. Why is that Suse?


Well-Known Member
i'm still very determined to do the half marathon in january...

i don't think i've ever in my life put myself so out there with a goal and worked as hard as i have toward this... financially i'm deep in it too... but i don't even care about that... i just want more than anything in the world to cross the finish line, i can't explain what it would mean to me if you really knew me on January 10th of 2008 and to be able January 10th of 2009 to run 13 miles at a solid pace... I mean... every single person I told right off the bat either laughed at me (all my friends...) or was like "yeah okay joe :rolleyes:" figuring I had zero chance of doing it...

I HAVE to run in january... i have to...

i can't even begin to tell you how crushed I'll be if i do the surgery and the recovery is so long I have to scratch... but if i don't do the surgery, there's a 0% chance of me running 13 miles...


i think it's what I have to do...
Joe, sorry to hear that you are going through this. Speak from one runner to the next and I have run some marathons before, being in the military you learn to run and you learn to like running. I was in the best shape of my life when it all came crashing down. I was running in Physical Training (PT) one morning when I felt a "pop" in my knee and when crashing to the ground. Fearful of being in serious pain, I gently stood back up and had no pain. It was like nothing happened. I continued to run on my knee to finish up that morning and felt great the rest of the day. I awoke the next day with my knee the size of a grape fruit. My running career was over in my mind. I became very depressed, put on some weight and then gained some more weight. It was nearly two years after that incedent when I had surgery on my knee to correct the problem. Unfortunately it has never been the same. And now Seven years after that surgery I was dealing with another surgery. But I learned that I can survive from this. I might not be able to run a marathon again, but that doesn't mean I can't try. And if I don't, I'll find other things that I am good at.
I don't want to scare you or make you thing that you wont be able to do the things that you like, it is important that you take your time and recover properly.
Please keep us informed and you'll be in my prayers. If you have questions, just drop me a line anytime.


New Member
Joe, sorry to hear that you are going through this. Speak from one runner to the next and I have run some marathons before, being in the military you learn to run and you learn to like running. I was in the best shape of my life when it all came crashing down. I was running in Physical Training (PT) one morning when I felt a "pop" in my knee and when crashing to the ground. Fearful of being in serious pain, I gently stood back up and had no pain. It was like nothing happened. I continued to run on my knee to finish up that morning and felt great the rest of the day. I awoke the next day with my knee the size of a grape fruit. My running career was over in my mind. I became very depressed, put on some weight and then gained some more weight. It was nearly two years after that incedent when I had surgery on my knee to correct the problem. Unfortunately it has never been the same. And now Seven years after that surgery I was dealing with another surgery. But I learned that I can survive from this. I might not be able to run a marathon again, but that doesn't mean I can't try. And if I don't, I'll find other things that I am good at.
I don't want to scare you or make you thing that you wont be able to do the things that you like, it is important that you take your time and recover properly.
Please keep us informed and you'll be in my prayers. If you have questions, just drop me a line anytime.

Well thank you very much...

You're absolutely 100% correct... I mean, the best thing would be if I get the surgery... not rush the recovery and it's better to scratch this year because it's too soon and be able to do it future years then to rush recovery, do it this year... but never be able to do it again...

Thank you, and thanks to everyone else with their kind words and wishes...

I know it will all be okay, and it could be 10000x worse for me... so I really shouldn't complain...

I'm just frustrated ya know... I used to be one HECK of an athlete, and I just want to get back to that, I've worked so hard it's frustrating to constantly feel like there's things in my way... but... it wouldn't be hard work if there wasn't obstacles in the way... and... it could be a whole lot worse so... hopefully I can just get it taken care of now and not have to worry about it anymore...


Well-Known Member
Doing good! Looks like we'll just miss you in Sept... we should be arriving around the 24th...:(

You sure you don't want to stay another week and have a meetup?:D
Hey, getting George to dress up and go the MNSSHP was a feat, getting him to stay longer would be like asking him to get a brazillian bikini wax. :lol: (P.S. he's hairy too)


Active Member
Original Poster
Hey, getting George to dress up and go the MNSSHP was a feat, getting him to stay longer would be like asking him to get a brazillian bikini wax. :lol: (P.S. he's hairy too)

I could NEVER get Marc to dress up... He told me once that he would dress up for the RenFest ONLY if he had a full suit of armor and a replica sword... Needless to say he never has.

What's he dressing up as?


Well-Known Member
I could NEVER get Marc to dress up... He told me once that he would dress up for the RenFest ONLY if he had a full suit of armor and a replica sword... Needless to say he never has.

What's he dressing up as?
It's a stretch for him, he is wearing his fireman's gear, sans the mask and tank. Just his basic turn out gear.
Similar to this. I think he'll be warm wearing that, but who knows.


Well-Known Member
Neat!! Will he have the hat too?
Yes, but he has a nicer emblam on the front of the halmet. He has a fire wildland suit (imagine the Elvis jump suit only in yellow) that is designed for hot areas. I'll have him pack that since it is not as restrict and warm.

Now I need to come up with a costume. :confused:


Active Member
Original Poster
Yes, but he has a nicer emblam on the front of the halmet. He has a fire wildland suit (imagine the Elvis jump suit only in yellow) that is designed for hot areas. I'll have him pack that since it is not as restrict and warm.

Now I need to come up with a costume. :confused:

Maybe you could go as the fire :lol:


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